2024-04-26 22:49:34 -06:00

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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Fixed: properties-order: "alphabetical" now puts shorthands before their longhand forms even if that isn't alphabetical to avoid broken CSS. E. g. border-color will be before border-bottom-color.


  • Dropped Node.js 6 support. Node.js 8.7.0 or greater is now required.


  • Added: Experimental support for HTML style tag and attribute (when used with postcss-html syntax).
  • Added: Experimental support for CSS-in-JS (when used with postcss-jsx syntax).


  • Fixed: Incorrect sorting in Node.js 11, due recent change to Array.sort() in V8.
  • Fixed: Logic for at-variables keyword for order now follows postcss-less@3 parser.


  • Breaking change: Dropped Node.js 4 support. Node.js 6.14.3 is the minimum supported version.
  • Could be a breaking change: Plugin won't sort inside some at-rule (mostly Sass specific directives). Read more about ignored at-rules.
  • Added: at-variables keyword for order.


  • Added: throw-validate-errors option.


  • Changed: Show more helpful error messages for invalid config.


  • Fixed: Inconsistent sorting for the same name properties in properties-order.


This is a cleanup release. Removed everything not related to ordering stylesheets. I recommend to use combination stylelint 7.11+ with --fix option and stylelint-order 0.5+ plugin instead of this plugin. Using combination above you'll receive linting and autofixing using only one tool!

  • Removed options:
    • at-rule-nested-empty-line-before
    • clean-empty-lines
    • comment-empty-line-before
    • custom-property-empty-line-before
    • declaration-empty-line-before
    • dollar-variable-empty-line-before
    • rule-nested-empty-line-before
  • Changes to properties-order:
    • Removed emptyLineBefore option.
    • Removed objects support in configuration. Use plain arrays instead.
  • Updated to PostCSS 6.


  • Added: order supports new rule extended object, which has new selector option. Rules in order can be specified by their selector.
  • Fixed: Inconsistency with shared line comments.
  • Fixed: Incorrect behaviour if hasBlock was set to false in extended at-rule object in order.


  • Accept null for all options.


This release completely incompatible with the previous API. There is a lot new options. Please read the documentation.

A migration guide is available.


  • sort-order split into order and properties-order.
  • Alphabetical order.
  • At-rules can be checked if they have a block. E.g., @include icon; has no block.
  • Custom properties and $-variables can be grouped separately.
  • Empty lines for different node types:
    • rule-nested-empty-line-before
    • at-rule-nested-empty-line-before
    • declaration-empty-line-before
    • custom-property-empty-line-before
    • dollar-variable-empty-line-before
    • comment-empty-line-before
  • clean-empty-lines: Remove all empty lines.


  • By default all options are disabled, and the plugin does nothing.
  • Empty lines don't delete anymore if only “order” options are enabled.
  • Dropped support for Node <4.


  • Predefined configs.
  • Command comments /* postcss-sorting: on/off */
  • preserve-empty-lines-between-children-rules
  • empty-lines-between-children-rules
  • empty-lines-between-media-rules
  • empty-lines-before-comment
  • empty-lines-after-comment


  • Added smacss and alphabetical predefined configs.
  • Under the hood refactoring.


  • Fixed a regression in 1.6.0. Sort order with item like @include media didn't found rules like @include media(">=desk") {}.


  • Add special comments to disable processing for some part in style sheet
  • Support custom properties as $variable #27
  • Fix an issue when there is a lot of comments in the end of a rule #24
  • At-rule parameter now supports parentheses. For example, @include mwp(1). (thanks, @Redknife) #29


  • Add empty-lines-before-comment and empty-lines-after-comment, which add empty lines before and after a comment or a group of comments.


  • Fix issue with a rule content starting with a comment and follow by a rule. Error happens if config has any option except sort-order. #21


  • Added preserve-empty-lines-between-children-rules, which preserve empty lines between children rules and preserve empty lines for comments between children rules. #20


  • Fix adding additional empty line if both empty-lines-between-children-rules and empty-lines-between-media-rules are not 0. #19


  • Added empty-lines-between-media-rules option which set a number of empty lines between nested media rules. #16


  • Fixed removing last comments in the rule.
  • Fixed adding empty lines between children rules if there are comments between them.


  • Fixed removing comments in rule if they are only children.
  • Fixed removing of the first comment in the rule if it's not on separate line.


  • Fixed comments wrong ordering and added better tests for it.


  • Added empty-lines-between-children-rules option which set a number of empty lines between nested children rules. (thanks, @scalder27) #9



  • Change .npmignore to not deliver unneeded files.


  • Initial release.