Alex Jackson ajaxbits · he/him
ajaxbits closed issue lix-project/lix#375 2024-06-05 15:31:54 +00:00
lix-module: can't switch after following documentation
ajaxbits commented on issue lix-project/lix#375 2024-06-05 15:31:54 +00:00
lix-module: can't switch after following documentation

I think it's the specialArgs.pkgs

This was it. Removing the pkgs specialArg was sufficient to solve this issue.

Thank you very much for the response, and for the code review! That was…

ajaxbits created pull request lix-project/lix-website#27 2024-06-05 01:57:24 +00:00
chore: change example nix --version outputs to 2.90-beta.1
ajaxbits created branch beta.1-typo in ajaxbits/lix-website 2024-06-05 01:54:57 +00:00
ajaxbits pushed to beta.1-typo at ajaxbits/lix-website 2024-06-05 01:54:57 +00:00
51f93203b8 chore: change example nix --version outputs to 2.90-beta.1
ajaxbits commented on issue lix-project/lix#375 2024-06-05 01:52:37 +00:00
lix-module: can't switch after following documentation

@jade yes!

❯ which nix
ajaxbits created repository ajaxbits/lix-website 2024-06-05 01:48:32 +00:00
ajaxbits opened issue lix-project/lix#375 2024-06-05 01:46:58 +00:00
lix-module: can't switch after following documentation