forked from lix-project/lix
Prior to this, there was an ad-hoc whitelist in ``. Now, every command states its stability. In a future PR, we will adjust the manual to take advantage of this new information in the JSON. (It will be easier to do that once we have some experimental feature docs to link too; see #5930 and #7798.)
432 lines
13 KiB
432 lines
13 KiB
#include "args.hh"
#include "hash.hh"
#include <glob.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
namespace nix {
void Args::addFlag(Flag && flag_)
auto flag = std::make_shared<Flag>(std::move(flag_));
if (flag->handler.arity != ArityAny)
assert(flag->handler.arity == flag->labels.size());
assert(flag->longName != "");
longFlags[flag->longName] = flag;
for (auto & alias : flag->aliases)
longFlags[alias] = flag;
if (flag->shortName) shortFlags[flag->shortName] = flag;
void Args::removeFlag(const std::string & longName)
auto flag = longFlags.find(longName);
assert(flag != longFlags.end());
if (flag->second->shortName) shortFlags.erase(flag->second->shortName);
void Completions::add(std::string completion, std::string description)
description = trim(description);
// ellipsize overflowing content on the back of the description
auto end_index = description.find_first_of(".\n");
if (end_index != std::string::npos) {
auto needs_ellipsis = end_index != description.size() - 1;
if (needs_ellipsis)
description.append(" [...]");
insert(Completion {
.completion = completion,
.description = description
bool Completion::operator<(const Completion & other) const
{ return completion < other.completion || (completion == other.completion && description < other.description); }
CompletionType completionType = ctNormal;
std::shared_ptr<Completions> completions;
std::string completionMarker = "___COMPLETE___";
static std::optional<std::string> needsCompletion(std::string_view s)
if (!completions) return {};
auto i = s.find(completionMarker);
if (i != std::string::npos)
return std::string(s.begin(), i);
return {};
void Args::parseCmdline(const Strings & _cmdline)
Strings pendingArgs;
bool dashDash = false;
Strings cmdline(_cmdline);
if (auto s = getEnv("NIX_GET_COMPLETIONS")) {
size_t n = std::stoi(*s);
assert(n > 0 && n <= cmdline.size());
*std::next(cmdline.begin(), n - 1) += completionMarker;
completions = std::make_shared<decltype(completions)::element_type>();
verbosity = lvlError;
bool argsSeen = false;
for (auto pos = cmdline.begin(); pos != cmdline.end(); ) {
auto arg = *pos;
/* Expand compound dash options (i.e., `-qlf' -> `-q -l -f',
`-j3` -> `-j 3`). */
if (!dashDash && arg.length() > 2 && arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] != '-' && isalpha(arg[1])) {
*pos = (std::string) "-" + arg[1];
auto next = pos; ++next;
for (unsigned int j = 2; j < arg.length(); j++)
if (isalpha(arg[j]))
cmdline.insert(next, (std::string) "-" + arg[j]);
else {
cmdline.insert(next, std::string(arg, j));
arg = *pos;
if (!dashDash && arg == "--") {
dashDash = true;
else if (!dashDash && std::string(arg, 0, 1) == "-") {
if (!processFlag(pos, cmdline.end()))
throw UsageError("unrecognised flag '%1%'", arg);
else {
if (!argsSeen) {
argsSeen = true;
pos = rewriteArgs(cmdline, pos);
if (processArgs(pendingArgs, false))
processArgs(pendingArgs, true);
if (!argsSeen)
/* Now that we are done parsing, make sure that any experimental
* feature required by the flags is enabled */
for (auto & f : flagExperimentalFeatures)
bool Args::processFlag(Strings::iterator & pos, Strings::iterator end)
assert(pos != end);
auto process = [&](const std::string & name, const Flag & flag) -> bool {
if (auto & f = flag.experimentalFeature)
std::vector<std::string> args;
bool anyCompleted = false;
for (size_t n = 0 ; n < flag.handler.arity; ++n) {
if (pos == end) {
if (flag.handler.arity == ArityAny || anyCompleted) break;
throw UsageError(
"flag '%s' requires %d argument(s), but only %d were given",
name, flag.handler.arity, n);
if (auto prefix = needsCompletion(*pos)) {
anyCompleted = true;
if (flag.completer)
flag.completer(n, *prefix);
if (!anyCompleted)
return true;
if (std::string(*pos, 0, 2) == "--") {
if (auto prefix = needsCompletion(*pos)) {
for (auto & [name, flag] : longFlags) {
if (!hiddenCategories.count(flag->category)
&& hasPrefix(name, std::string(*prefix, 2)))
if (auto & f = flag->experimentalFeature)
completions->add("--" + name, flag->description);
return false;
auto i = longFlags.find(std::string(*pos, 2));
if (i == longFlags.end()) return false;
return process("--" + i->first, *i->second);
if (std::string(*pos, 0, 1) == "-" && pos->size() == 2) {
auto c = (*pos)[1];
auto i = shortFlags.find(c);
if (i == shortFlags.end()) return false;
return process(std::string("-") + c, *i->second);
if (auto prefix = needsCompletion(*pos)) {
if (prefix == "-") {
for (auto & [flagName, flag] : shortFlags)
if (experimentalFeatureSettings.isEnabled(flag->experimentalFeature))
completions->add(std::string("-") + flagName, flag->description);
return false;
bool Args::processArgs(const Strings & args, bool finish)
if (expectedArgs.empty()) {
if (!args.empty())
throw UsageError("unexpected argument '%1%'", args.front());
return true;
auto & exp = expectedArgs.front();
bool res = false;
if ((exp.handler.arity == ArityAny && finish) ||
(exp.handler.arity != ArityAny && args.size() == exp.handler.arity))
std::vector<std::string> ss;
for (const auto &[n, s] : enumerate(args)) {
if (auto prefix = needsCompletion(s)) {
if (exp.completer)
exp.completer(n, *prefix);
} else
res = true;
if (finish && !expectedArgs.empty() && !expectedArgs.front().optional)
throw UsageError("more arguments are required");
return res;
nlohmann::json Args::toJSON()
auto flags = nlohmann::json::object();
for (auto & [name, flag] : longFlags) {
auto j = nlohmann::json::object();
if (flag->aliases.count(name)) continue;
if (flag->shortName)
j["shortName"] = std::string(1, flag->shortName);
if (flag->description != "")
j["description"] = trim(flag->description);
j["category"] = flag->category;
if (flag->handler.arity != ArityAny)
j["arity"] = flag->handler.arity;
if (!flag->labels.empty())
j["labels"] = flag->labels;
// TODO With C++23 use `std::optional::tranform`
if (auto & xp = flag->experimentalFeature)
j["experimental-feature"] = showExperimentalFeature(*xp);
j["experimental-feature"] = nullptr;
flags[name] = std::move(j);
auto args = nlohmann::json::array();
for (auto & arg : expectedArgs) {
auto j = nlohmann::json::object();
j["label"] = arg.label;
j["optional"] = arg.optional;
if (arg.handler.arity != ArityAny)
j["arity"] = arg.handler.arity;
auto res = nlohmann::json::object();
res["description"] = trim(description());
res["flags"] = std::move(flags);
res["args"] = std::move(args);
auto s = doc();
if (s != "") res.emplace("doc", stripIndentation(s));
return res;
static void hashTypeCompleter(size_t index, std::string_view prefix)
for (auto & type : hashTypes)
if (hasPrefix(type, prefix))
Args::Flag Args::Flag::mkHashTypeFlag(std::string && longName, HashType * ht)
return Flag {
.longName = std::move(longName),
.description = "hash algorithm ('md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', or 'sha512')",
.labels = {"hash-algo"},
.handler = {[ht](std::string s) {
*ht = parseHashType(s);
.completer = hashTypeCompleter
Args::Flag Args::Flag::mkHashTypeOptFlag(std::string && longName, std::optional<HashType> * oht)
return Flag {
.longName = std::move(longName),
.description = "hash algorithm ('md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', or 'sha512'). Optional as can also be gotten from SRI hash itself.",
.labels = {"hash-algo"},
.handler = {[oht](std::string s) {
*oht = std::optional<HashType> { parseHashType(s) };
.completer = hashTypeCompleter
static void _completePath(std::string_view prefix, bool onlyDirs)
completionType = ctFilenames;
glob_t globbuf;
int flags = GLOB_NOESCAPE;
if (onlyDirs)
flags |= GLOB_ONLYDIR;
// using expandTilde here instead of GLOB_TILDE(_CHECK) so that ~<Tab> expands to /home/user/
if (glob((expandTilde(prefix) + "*").c_str(), flags, nullptr, &globbuf) == 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < globbuf.gl_pathc; ++i) {
if (onlyDirs) {
auto st = stat(globbuf.gl_pathv[i]);
if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) continue;
void completePath(size_t, std::string_view prefix)
_completePath(prefix, false);
void completeDir(size_t, std::string_view prefix)
_completePath(prefix, true);
Strings argvToStrings(int argc, char * * argv)
Strings args;
argc--; argv++;
while (argc--) args.push_back(*argv++);
return args;
std::optional<ExperimentalFeature> Command::experimentalFeature ()
return { Xp::NixCommand };
MultiCommand::MultiCommand(const Commands & commands_)
: commands(commands_)
.label = "subcommand",
.optional = true,
.handler = {[=,this](std::string s) {
auto i = commands.find(s);
if (i == commands.end()) {
std::set<std::string> commandNames;
for (auto & [name, _] : commands)
auto suggestions = Suggestions::bestMatches(commandNames, s);
throw UsageError(suggestions, "'%s' is not a recognised command", s);
command = {s, i->second()};
command->second->parent = this;
.completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) {
for (auto & [name, command] : commands)
if (hasPrefix(name, prefix))
categories[Command::catDefault] = "Available commands";
bool MultiCommand::processFlag(Strings::iterator & pos, Strings::iterator end)
if (Args::processFlag(pos, end)) return true;
if (command && command->second->processFlag(pos, end)) return true;
return false;
bool MultiCommand::processArgs(const Strings & args, bool finish)
if (command)
return command->second->processArgs(args, finish);
return Args::processArgs(args, finish);
void MultiCommand::completionHook()
if (command)
return command->second->completionHook();
return Args::completionHook();
nlohmann::json MultiCommand::toJSON()
auto cmds = nlohmann::json::object();
for (auto & [name, commandFun] : commands) {
auto command = commandFun();
auto j = command->toJSON();
auto cat = nlohmann::json::object();
cat["id"] = command->category();
cat["description"] = trim(categories[command->category()]);
j["category"] = std::move(cat);
// TODO With C++23 use `std::optional::tranform`
if (auto xp = command->experimentalFeature())
cat["experimental-feature"] = showExperimentalFeature(*xp);
cat["experimental-feature"] = nullptr;
cmds[name] = std::move(j);
auto res = Args::toJSON();
res["commands"] = std::move(cmds);
return res;