/*! * Tmp * * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 KARASZI Istvan * * MIT Licensed */ /* * Module dependencies. */ const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const _c = { fs: fs.constants, os: os.constants }; /* * The working inner variables. */ const // the random characters to choose from RANDOM_CHARS = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', TEMPLATE_PATTERN = /XXXXXX/, DEFAULT_TRIES = 3, CREATE_FLAGS = (_c.O_CREAT || _c.fs.O_CREAT) | (_c.O_EXCL || _c.fs.O_EXCL) | (_c.O_RDWR || _c.fs.O_RDWR), // constants are off on the windows platform and will not match the actual errno codes IS_WIN32 = os.platform() === 'win32', EBADF = _c.EBADF || _c.os.errno.EBADF, ENOENT = _c.ENOENT || _c.os.errno.ENOENT, DIR_MODE = 0o700 /* 448 */, FILE_MODE = 0o600 /* 384 */, EXIT = 'exit', // this will hold the objects need to be removed on exit _removeObjects = [], // API change in fs.rmdirSync leads to error when passing in a second parameter, e.g. the callback FN_RMDIR_SYNC = fs.rmdirSync.bind(fs); let _gracefulCleanup = false; /** * Recursively remove a directory and its contents. * * @param {string} dirPath path of directory to remove * @param {Function} callback * @private */ function rimraf(dirPath, callback) { return fs.rm(dirPath, { recursive: true }, callback); } /** * Recursively remove a directory and its contents, synchronously. * * @param {string} dirPath path of directory to remove * @private */ function FN_RIMRAF_SYNC(dirPath) { return fs.rmSync(dirPath, { recursive: true }); } /** * Gets a temporary file name. * * @param {(Options|tmpNameCallback)} options options or callback * @param {?tmpNameCallback} callback the callback function */ function tmpName(options, callback) { const args = _parseArguments(options, callback), opts = args[0], cb = args[1]; try { _assertAndSanitizeOptions(opts); } catch (err) { return cb(err); } let tries = opts.tries; (function _getUniqueName() { try { const name = _generateTmpName(opts); // check whether the path exists then retry if needed fs.stat(name, function (err) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!err) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (tries-- > 0) return _getUniqueName(); return cb(new Error('Could not get a unique tmp filename, max tries reached ' + name)); } cb(null, name); }); } catch (err) { cb(err); } }()); } /** * Synchronous version of tmpName. * * @param {Object} options * @returns {string} the generated random name * @throws {Error} if the options are invalid or could not generate a filename */ function tmpNameSync(options) { const args = _parseArguments(options), opts = args[0]; _assertAndSanitizeOptions(opts); let tries = opts.tries; do { const name = _generateTmpName(opts); try { fs.statSync(name); } catch (e) { return name; } } while (tries-- > 0); throw new Error('Could not get a unique tmp filename, max tries reached'); } /** * Creates and opens a temporary file. * * @param {(Options|null|undefined|fileCallback)} options the config options or the callback function or null or undefined * @param {?fileCallback} callback */ function file(options, callback) { const args = _parseArguments(options, callback), opts = args[0], cb = args[1]; // gets a temporary filename tmpName(opts, function _tmpNameCreated(err, name) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (err) return cb(err); // create and open the file fs.open(name, CREATE_FLAGS, opts.mode || FILE_MODE, function _fileCreated(err, fd) { /* istanbu ignore else */ if (err) return cb(err); if (opts.discardDescriptor) { return fs.close(fd, function _discardCallback(possibleErr) { // the chance of getting an error on close here is rather low and might occur in the most edgiest cases only return cb(possibleErr, name, undefined, _prepareTmpFileRemoveCallback(name, -1, opts, false)); }); } else { // detachDescriptor passes the descriptor whereas discardDescriptor closes it, either way, we no longer care // about the descriptor const discardOrDetachDescriptor = opts.discardDescriptor || opts.detachDescriptor; cb(null, name, fd, _prepareTmpFileRemoveCallback(name, discardOrDetachDescriptor ? -1 : fd, opts, false)); } }); }); } /** * Synchronous version of file. * * @param {Options} options * @returns {FileSyncObject} object consists of name, fd and removeCallback * @throws {Error} if cannot create a file */ function fileSync(options) { const args = _parseArguments(options), opts = args[0]; const discardOrDetachDescriptor = opts.discardDescriptor || opts.detachDescriptor; const name = tmpNameSync(opts); var fd = fs.openSync(name, CREATE_FLAGS, opts.mode || FILE_MODE); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (opts.discardDescriptor) { fs.closeSync(fd); fd = undefined; } return { name: name, fd: fd, removeCallback: _prepareTmpFileRemoveCallback(name, discardOrDetachDescriptor ? -1 : fd, opts, true) }; } /** * Creates a temporary directory. * * @param {(Options|dirCallback)} options the options or the callback function * @param {?dirCallback} callback */ function dir(options, callback) { const args = _parseArguments(options, callback), opts = args[0], cb = args[1]; // gets a temporary filename tmpName(opts, function _tmpNameCreated(err, name) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (err) return cb(err); // create the directory fs.mkdir(name, opts.mode || DIR_MODE, function _dirCreated(err) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (err) return cb(err); cb(null, name, _prepareTmpDirRemoveCallback(name, opts, false)); }); }); } /** * Synchronous version of dir. * * @param {Options} options * @returns {DirSyncObject} object consists of name and removeCallback * @throws {Error} if it cannot create a directory */ function dirSync(options) { const args = _parseArguments(options), opts = args[0]; const name = tmpNameSync(opts); fs.mkdirSync(name, opts.mode || DIR_MODE); return { name: name, removeCallback: _prepareTmpDirRemoveCallback(name, opts, true) }; } /** * Removes files asynchronously. * * @param {Object} fdPath * @param {Function} next * @private */ function _removeFileAsync(fdPath, next) { const _handler = function (err) { if (err && !_isENOENT(err)) { // reraise any unanticipated error return next(err); } next(); }; if (0 <= fdPath[0]) fs.close(fdPath[0], function () { fs.unlink(fdPath[1], _handler); }); else fs.unlink(fdPath[1], _handler); } /** * Removes files synchronously. * * @param {Object} fdPath * @private */ function _removeFileSync(fdPath) { let rethrownException = null; try { if (0 <= fdPath[0]) fs.closeSync(fdPath[0]); } catch (e) { // reraise any unanticipated error if (!_isEBADF(e) && !_isENOENT(e)) throw e; } finally { try { fs.unlinkSync(fdPath[1]); } catch (e) { // reraise any unanticipated error if (!_isENOENT(e)) rethrownException = e; } } if (rethrownException !== null) { throw rethrownException; } } /** * Prepares the callback for removal of the temporary file. * * Returns either a sync callback or a async callback depending on whether * fileSync or file was called, which is expressed by the sync parameter. * * @param {string} name the path of the file * @param {number} fd file descriptor * @param {Object} opts * @param {boolean} sync * @returns {fileCallback | fileCallbackSync} * @private */ function _prepareTmpFileRemoveCallback(name, fd, opts, sync) { const removeCallbackSync = _prepareRemoveCallback(_removeFileSync, [fd, name], sync); const removeCallback = _prepareRemoveCallback(_removeFileAsync, [fd, name], sync, removeCallbackSync); if (!opts.keep) _removeObjects.unshift(removeCallbackSync); return sync ? removeCallbackSync : removeCallback; } /** * Prepares the callback for removal of the temporary directory. * * Returns either a sync callback or a async callback depending on whether * tmpFileSync or tmpFile was called, which is expressed by the sync parameter. * * @param {string} name * @param {Object} opts * @param {boolean} sync * @returns {Function} the callback * @private */ function _prepareTmpDirRemoveCallback(name, opts, sync) { const removeFunction = opts.unsafeCleanup ? rimraf : fs.rmdir.bind(fs); const removeFunctionSync = opts.unsafeCleanup ? FN_RIMRAF_SYNC : FN_RMDIR_SYNC; const removeCallbackSync = _prepareRemoveCallback(removeFunctionSync, name, sync); const removeCallback = _prepareRemoveCallback(removeFunction, name, sync, removeCallbackSync); if (!opts.keep) _removeObjects.unshift(removeCallbackSync); return sync ? removeCallbackSync : removeCallback; } /** * Creates a guarded function wrapping the removeFunction call. * * The cleanup callback is save to be called multiple times. * Subsequent invocations will be ignored. * * @param {Function} removeFunction * @param {string} fileOrDirName * @param {boolean} sync * @param {cleanupCallbackSync?} cleanupCallbackSync * @returns {cleanupCallback | cleanupCallbackSync} * @private */ function _prepareRemoveCallback(removeFunction, fileOrDirName, sync, cleanupCallbackSync) { let called = false; // if sync is true, the next parameter will be ignored return function _cleanupCallback(next) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!called) { // remove cleanupCallback from cache const toRemove = cleanupCallbackSync || _cleanupCallback; const index = _removeObjects.indexOf(toRemove); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (index >= 0) _removeObjects.splice(index, 1); called = true; if (sync || removeFunction === FN_RMDIR_SYNC || removeFunction === FN_RIMRAF_SYNC) { return removeFunction(fileOrDirName); } else { return removeFunction(fileOrDirName, next || function() {}); } } }; } /** * The garbage collector. * * @private */ function _garbageCollector() { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!_gracefulCleanup) return; // the function being called removes itself from _removeObjects, // loop until _removeObjects is empty while (_removeObjects.length) { try { _removeObjects[0](); } catch (e) { // already removed? } } } /** * Random name generator based on crypto. * Adapted from http://blog.tompawlak.org/how-to-generate-random-values-nodejs-javascript * * @param {number} howMany * @returns {string} the generated random name * @private */ function _randomChars(howMany) { let value = [], rnd = null; // make sure that we do not fail because we ran out of entropy try { rnd = crypto.randomBytes(howMany); } catch (e) { rnd = crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(howMany); } for (var i = 0; i < howMany; i++) { value.push(RANDOM_CHARS[rnd[i] % RANDOM_CHARS.length]); } return value.join(''); } /** * Helper which determines whether a string s is blank, that is undefined, or empty or null. * * @private * @param {string} s * @returns {Boolean} true whether the string s is blank, false otherwise */ function _isBlank(s) { return s === null || _isUndefined(s) || !s.trim(); } /** * Checks whether the `obj` parameter is defined or not. * * @param {Object} obj * @returns {boolean} true if the object is undefined * @private */ function _isUndefined(obj) { return typeof obj === 'undefined'; } /** * Parses the function arguments. * * This function helps to have optional arguments. * * @param {(Options|null|undefined|Function)} options * @param {?Function} callback * @returns {Array} parsed arguments * @private */ function _parseArguments(options, callback) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (typeof options === 'function') { return [{}, options]; } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (_isUndefined(options)) { return [{}, callback]; } // copy options so we do not leak the changes we make internally const actualOptions = {}; for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(options)) { actualOptions[key] = options[key]; } return [actualOptions, callback]; } /** * Generates a new temporary name. * * @param {Object} opts * @returns {string} the new random name according to opts * @private */ function _generateTmpName(opts) { const tmpDir = opts.tmpdir; /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!_isUndefined(opts.name)) return path.join(tmpDir, opts.dir, opts.name); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!_isUndefined(opts.template)) return path.join(tmpDir, opts.dir, opts.template).replace(TEMPLATE_PATTERN, _randomChars(6)); // prefix and postfix const name = [ opts.prefix ? opts.prefix : 'tmp', '-', process.pid, '-', _randomChars(12), opts.postfix ? '-' + opts.postfix : '' ].join(''); return path.join(tmpDir, opts.dir, name); } /** * Asserts whether the specified options are valid, also sanitizes options and provides sane defaults for missing * options. * * @param {Options} options * @private */ function _assertAndSanitizeOptions(options) { options.tmpdir = _getTmpDir(options); const tmpDir = options.tmpdir; /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!_isUndefined(options.name)) _assertIsRelative(options.name, 'name', tmpDir); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!_isUndefined(options.dir)) _assertIsRelative(options.dir, 'dir', tmpDir); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!_isUndefined(options.template)) { _assertIsRelative(options.template, 'template', tmpDir); if (!options.template.match(TEMPLATE_PATTERN)) throw new Error(`Invalid template, found "${options.template}".`); } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!_isUndefined(options.tries) && isNaN(options.tries) || options.tries < 0) throw new Error(`Invalid tries, found "${options.tries}".`); // if a name was specified we will try once options.tries = _isUndefined(options.name) ? options.tries || DEFAULT_TRIES : 1; options.keep = !!options.keep; options.detachDescriptor = !!options.detachDescriptor; options.discardDescriptor = !!options.discardDescriptor; options.unsafeCleanup = !!options.unsafeCleanup; // sanitize dir, also keep (multiple) blanks if the user, purportedly sane, requests us to options.dir = _isUndefined(options.dir) ? '' : path.relative(tmpDir, _resolvePath(options.dir, tmpDir)); options.template = _isUndefined(options.template) ? undefined : path.relative(tmpDir, _resolvePath(options.template, tmpDir)); // sanitize further if template is relative to options.dir options.template = _isBlank(options.template) ? undefined : path.relative(options.dir, options.template); // for completeness' sake only, also keep (multiple) blanks if the user, purportedly sane, requests us to options.name = _isUndefined(options.name) ? undefined : options.name; options.prefix = _isUndefined(options.prefix) ? '' : options.prefix; options.postfix = _isUndefined(options.postfix) ? '' : options.postfix; } /** * Resolve the specified path name in respect to tmpDir. * * The specified name might include relative path components, e.g. ../ * so we need to resolve in order to be sure that is is located inside tmpDir * * @param name * @param tmpDir * @returns {string} * @private */ function _resolvePath(name, tmpDir) { if (name.startsWith(tmpDir)) { return path.resolve(name); } else { return path.resolve(path.join(tmpDir, name)); } } /** * Asserts whether specified name is relative to the specified tmpDir. * * @param {string} name * @param {string} option * @param {string} tmpDir * @throws {Error} * @private */ function _assertIsRelative(name, option, tmpDir) { if (option === 'name') { // assert that name is not absolute and does not contain a path if (path.isAbsolute(name)) throw new Error(`${option} option must not contain an absolute path, found "${name}".`); // must not fail on valid . or .. or similar such constructs let basename = path.basename(name); if (basename === '..' || basename === '.' || basename !== name) throw new Error(`${option} option must not contain a path, found "${name}".`); } else { // if (option === 'dir' || option === 'template') { // assert that dir or template are relative to tmpDir if (path.isAbsolute(name) && !name.startsWith(tmpDir)) { throw new Error(`${option} option must be relative to "${tmpDir}", found "${name}".`); } let resolvedPath = _resolvePath(name, tmpDir); if (!resolvedPath.startsWith(tmpDir)) throw new Error(`${option} option must be relative to "${tmpDir}", found "${resolvedPath}".`); } } /** * Helper for testing against EBADF to compensate changes made to Node 7.x under Windows. * * @private */ function _isEBADF(error) { return _isExpectedError(error, -EBADF, 'EBADF'); } /** * Helper for testing against ENOENT to compensate changes made to Node 7.x under Windows. * * @private */ function _isENOENT(error) { return _isExpectedError(error, -ENOENT, 'ENOENT'); } /** * Helper to determine whether the expected error code matches the actual code and errno, * which will differ between the supported node versions. * * - Node >= 7.0: * error.code {string} * error.errno {number} any numerical value will be negated * * CAVEAT * * On windows, the errno for EBADF is -4083 but os.constants.errno.EBADF is different and we must assume that ENOENT * is no different here. * * @param {SystemError} error * @param {number} errno * @param {string} code * @private */ function _isExpectedError(error, errno, code) { return IS_WIN32 ? error.code === code : error.code === code && error.errno === errno; } /** * Sets the graceful cleanup. * * If graceful cleanup is set, tmp will remove all controlled temporary objects on process exit, otherwise the * temporary objects will remain in place, waiting to be cleaned up on system restart or otherwise scheduled temporary * object removals. */ function setGracefulCleanup() { _gracefulCleanup = true; } /** * Returns the currently configured tmp dir from os.tmpdir(). * * @private * @param {?Options} options * @returns {string} the currently configured tmp dir */ function _getTmpDir(options) { return path.resolve(options && options.tmpdir || os.tmpdir()); } // Install process exit listener process.addListener(EXIT, _garbageCollector); /** * Configuration options. * * @typedef {Object} Options * @property {?boolean} keep the temporary object (file or dir) will not be garbage collected * @property {?number} tries the number of tries before give up the name generation * @property (?int) mode the access mode, defaults are 0o700 for directories and 0o600 for files * @property {?string} template the "mkstemp" like filename template * @property {?string} name fixed name relative to tmpdir or the specified dir option * @property {?string} dir tmp directory relative to the root tmp directory in use * @property {?string} prefix prefix for the generated name * @property {?string} postfix postfix for the generated name * @property {?string} tmpdir the root tmp directory which overrides the os tmpdir * @property {?boolean} unsafeCleanup recursively removes the created temporary directory, even when it's not empty * @property {?boolean} detachDescriptor detaches the file descriptor, caller is responsible for closing the file, tmp will no longer try closing the file during garbage collection * @property {?boolean} discardDescriptor discards the file descriptor (closes file, fd is -1), tmp will no longer try closing the file during garbage collection */ /** * @typedef {Object} FileSyncObject * @property {string} name the name of the file * @property {string} fd the file descriptor or -1 if the fd has been discarded * @property {fileCallback} removeCallback the callback function to remove the file */ /** * @typedef {Object} DirSyncObject * @property {string} name the name of the directory * @property {fileCallback} removeCallback the callback function to remove the directory */ /** * @callback tmpNameCallback * @param {?Error} err the error object if anything goes wrong * @param {string} name the temporary file name */ /** * @callback fileCallback * @param {?Error} err the error object if anything goes wrong * @param {string} name the temporary file name * @param {number} fd the file descriptor or -1 if the fd had been discarded * @param {cleanupCallback} fn the cleanup callback function */ /** * @callback fileCallbackSync * @param {?Error} err the error object if anything goes wrong * @param {string} name the temporary file name * @param {number} fd the file descriptor or -1 if the fd had been discarded * @param {cleanupCallbackSync} fn the cleanup callback function */ /** * @callback dirCallback * @param {?Error} err the error object if anything goes wrong * @param {string} name the temporary file name * @param {cleanupCallback} fn the cleanup callback function */ /** * @callback dirCallbackSync * @param {?Error} err the error object if anything goes wrong * @param {string} name the temporary file name * @param {cleanupCallbackSync} fn the cleanup callback function */ /** * Removes the temporary created file or directory. * * @callback cleanupCallback * @param {simpleCallback} [next] function to call whenever the tmp object needs to be removed */ /** * Removes the temporary created file or directory. * * @callback cleanupCallbackSync */ /** * Callback function for function composition. * @see {@link https://github.com/raszi/node-tmp/issues/57|raszi/node-tmp#57} * * @callback simpleCallback */ // exporting all the needed methods // evaluate _getTmpDir() lazily, mainly for simplifying testing but it also will // allow users to reconfigure the temporary directory Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'tmpdir', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function () { return _getTmpDir(); } }); module.exports.dir = dir; module.exports.dirSync = dirSync; module.exports.file = file; module.exports.fileSync = fileSync; module.exports.tmpName = tmpName; module.exports.tmpNameSync = tmpNameSync; module.exports.setGracefulCleanup = setGracefulCleanup;