# fast-equals CHANGELOG ## 3.0.3 - Fix [#77](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/issues/73) - better circular object validation ## 3.0.2 - Fix [#73](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/issues/73) - support comparison of primitive wrappers - [#76](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/pull/76) - improve speed and accuracy of `RegExp` comparison in modern environments ## 3.0.1 - Fix [#71](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/pull/71) - use generic types for better type flow-through ## 3.0.0 ### Breaking changes When creating a custom equality comparator via `createCustomEqual`, the equality method has an expanded contract: ```ts // Before type EqualityComparator = (objectA: any, objectB: any, meta: any) => boolean; // After type InternalEqualityComparator = ( objectA: any, objectB: any, indexOrKeyA: any, indexOrKeyB: any, parentA: any, parentB: any, meta: any, ) => boolean; ``` If you have a custom equality comparator, you can ignore the differences by just passing additional `undefined` parameters, or you can use the parameters to further improve / clarify the logic. - Add [#57](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/pull/57) - support additional metadata for custom equality comparators ## 2.0.4 - Fix [#58](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/issues/58) - duplicate entries in `Map` / `Set` can create false equality success - [#60](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/issues/60) - Add documentation for key equality of `Map` being a part of `deepEqual` ## 2.0.3 - Fix [#50](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/pull/50) - copy-pasta in cacheable check ## 2.0.2 - Optimize iterables comparisons to not double-iterate - Optimize loop-based comparisons for speed - Improve cache handling in circular handlers - Improve stability of memory by reducing variable instantiation ## 2.0.1 - Fix [#41](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/pull/41) - prevent `.rpt2_cache` directory from being published for better CI environment support (thanks [@herberttn](https://github.com/herberttn)) ## 2.0.0 ### Breaking changes - There are longer `fast-equals/es`, `fast-equals/lib`, `fast-equals/mjs` locations - Instead, there are 3 builds in `dist` for different consumption types: - `fast-equals.js` (UMD / `browser`) - `fast-equals.esm.js` (ESM / `module`) - `fast-equals.cjs.js` (CommonJS / `main`) - There is no default export anymore, only the previously-existing named exports - To get all into a namespace, use `import * as fe from 'fast-equals` ### Updates - Rewritten completely in TypeScript - Improve speed of `Map` / `Set` comparisons - Improve speed of React element comparisons ### Fixes - Consider pure objects (`Object.create(null)`) to be plain objects - Fix typings for `createCustomEqual` ## 1.6.3 - Check the size of the iterable before converting to arrays ## 1.6.2 - Fix [#23](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/issues/23) - false positives for map - Replace `uglify` with `terser` - Use `rollup` to build all the distributables (`main`, `module`, and `browser`) - Maintain `lib` and `es` transpilations in case consumers were deep-linking ## 1.6.1 - Upgrade to `babel@7` - Add `"sideEffects": false` to `package.json` for better tree-shaking in `webpack` ## 1.6.0 - Add ESM support for NodeJS with separate [`.mjs` extension](https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html) exports ## 1.5.3 - Fix `Map` / `Set` comparison to not require order to match to be equal ## 1.5.2 - Improve speed of object comparison through custom `hasKey` method ## 1.5.1 - Fix lack of support for `unicode` and `sticky` RegExp flag checks ## 1.5.0 - Add [`circularDeepEqual`](README.md#circulardeepequal) and [`circularShallowEqual`](README.md#circularshallowequal) methods - Add `meta` third parameter to `comparator` calls, for use with `createCustomEqual` method ## 1.4.1 - Fix issue where `lastIndex` was not being tested on `RegExp` objects ## 1.4.0 - Add support for comparing promise-like objects (strict equality only) ## 1.3.1 - Make `react` comparison more accurate, and a touch faster ## 1.3.0 - Add support for deep-equal comparisons between `react` elements - Add comparison with `react-fast-compare` - Use `rollup` for `dist` file builds ## 1.2.1 - Fix errors from TypeScript typings in strict mode (thanks [@HitoriSensei](https://github.com/HitoriSensei)) ## 1.2.0 - Surface `isSameValueZero` as [`sameValueZeroEqual`](#samevaluezeroequal) option ## 1.1.0 - Add TypeScript typings (thanks [@josh-sachs](https://github.com/josh-sachs)) ## 1.0.6 - Support invalid date equality via `isSameValueZero` ## 1.0.5 - Replace `isStrictlyEqual` with `isSameValueZero` to ensure that `shallowEqual` accounts for `NaN` equality ## 1.0.4 - Only check values when comparing `Set` objects (improves performance of `Set` check by ~12%) ## 1.0.3 - Make `Map` and `Set` comparisons more explicit ## 1.0.2 - Fix symmetrical comparison of iterables - Reduce footprint ## 1.0.1 - Prevent babel transpilation of `typeof` into helper for faster runtime ## 1.0.0 - Initial release ``` ```