forked from lix-project/hydra
I tried to write the test in such a way to assert the content matched what we expected, but since the ordering of them is not known, it is quite tricky to write.
115 lines
4.9 KiB
115 lines
4.9 KiB
use feature 'unicode_strings';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Setup;
use Test2::V0;
use File::Copy;
use Hydra::PostgresListener;
my $ctx = test_context(
hydra_config => q|
# No caching for PathInput plugin, otherwise we get wrong values
# (as it has a 30s window where no changes to the file are considered).
path_input_cache_validity_seconds = 0
my $dbh = $ctx->db()->storage->dbh;
my $listener = Hydra::PostgresListener->new($dbh);
my $jobsetdir = $ctx->tmpdir . '/jobset';
copy($ctx->jobsdir . '/hydra-eval-notifications.nix', "$jobsetdir/default.nix");
my $builds = $ctx->makeAndEvaluateJobset(
expression => "default.nix",
jobsdir => $jobsetdir,
build => 0
subtest "on the initial evaluation" => sub {
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "eval_started", "every eval starts with a notification");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "build_queued", "expect 1/4 builds being queued");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "build_queued", "expect 2/4 builds being queued");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "build_queued", "expect 3/4 builds being queued");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "build_queued", "expect 4/4 builds being queued");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "eval_added", "the evaluation has completed");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "builds_added", "new builds have been scheduled");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->(), undef, "there are no more messages from the evaluator");
subtest "on a subsequent, totally cached / unchanged evaluation" => sub {
ok(evalSucceeds($builds->{"variable-job"}->jobset), "evaluating for the second time");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "eval_started", "an evaluation has started");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "eval_cached", "the evaluation finished and nothing changed");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->(), undef, "there are no more messages from the evaluator");
subtest "on a fresh evaluation with changed sources" => sub {
open(my $fh, ">>", "${jobsetdir}/default.nix") or die "didn't open?";
say $fh "\n";
close $fh;
ok(runBuild($builds->{"stable-job-passing"}), "building the stable passing job");
ok(runBuild($builds->{"stable-job-failing"}), "building the stable failing job");
ok(evalSucceeds($builds->{"variable-job"}->jobset), "evaluating for the third time");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "eval_started", "the evaluation started");
# The order of builds is randomized when writing to the database,
# so we can't expect the list in any specific order here.
# The `variable-job` build since it is the only one that is
# totally different in this evaluation.
# The next two are `stable-job-passing` and `stable-job-failing`,
# since those are the two we explicitly built above
# Finally, this should be `stable-job-queued` since we never
# built it.
"we get a notice that a build is queued, one is still queued from a previous eval"
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "eval_added", "a new evaluation was added");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "builds_added", "a new build was added");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->(), undef, "there are no more messages from the evaluator");
subtest "on a fresh evaluation with corrupted sources" => sub {
open(my $fh, ">>", "${jobsetdir}/default.nix") or die "didn't open?";
say $fh "this is not valid nix code!\n";
close $fh;
ok(evalFails($builds->{"variable-job"}->jobset), "evaluating the corrupted job");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "eval_started", "the evaluation started");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->()->{"channel"}, "eval_failed", "the evaluation failed");
is($listener->block_for_messages(0)->(), undef, "there are no more messages from the evaluator");