By moving the tests subdirectory to t, we gain the ability to run `yath
test` with no arguments from inside `nix develop` in the root of the
the repo.
(`nix develop` is necessary in order to set the proper env vars for
`yath` to find our test libraries.)
This adds a `InfluxDBNotification` plugin which is configured as:
url =
db = hydra
which will write a notification for every finished job to the
configured database in InfluxDB looking like:
hydra_build_status,cached=false,job=job,jobset=default,project=sample,repo=default,result=success,status=success,system=x86_64-linux build_id="1",build_status=0i,closure_size=584i,duration=0i,main_build_id="1",queued=0i,size=168i 1564156212