forked from lix-project/hydra
Merge pull request #1073 from DeterminateSystems/runcommand-tests
Runcommand: Expand the test coverage
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,86 +38,118 @@ sub eventMatches {
return 0;
sub fanoutToCommands {
my ($config, $event, $project, $jobset, $job) = @_;
my @commands;
my $cfg = $config->{runcommand};
my @config = defined $cfg ? ref $cfg eq "ARRAY" ? @$cfg : ($cfg) : ();
foreach my $conf (@config) {
my $matcher = $conf->{job} // "*:*:*";
next unless eventMatches($conf, $event);
next unless configSectionMatches(
if (!defined($conf->{command})) {
warn "<runcommand> section for '$matcher' lacks a 'command' option";
push(@commands, {
matcher => $matcher,
command => $conf->{command},
return \@commands;
sub makeJsonPayload {
my ($event, $build) = @_;
my $json = {
event => $event,
build => $build->id,
finished => $build->get_column('finished') ? JSON::true : JSON::false,
timestamp => $build->get_column('timestamp'),
project => $build->get_column('project'),
jobset => $build->get_column('jobset'),
job => $build->get_column('job'),
drvPath => $build->get_column('drvpath'),
startTime => $build->get_column('starttime'),
stopTime => $build->get_column('stoptime'),
buildStatus => $build->get_column('buildstatus'),
nixName => $build->get_column('nixname'),
system => $build->get_column('system'),
homepage => $build->get_column('homepage'),
description => $build->get_column('description'),
license => $build->get_column('license'),
outputs => [],
products => [],
metrics => [],
for my $output ($build->buildoutputs) {
my $j = {
name => $output->name,
path => $output->path,
push @{$json->{outputs}}, $j;
for my $product ($build->buildproducts) {
my $j = {
productNr => $product->productnr,
type => $product->type,
subtype => $product->subtype,
fileSize => $product->filesize,
sha256hash => $product->sha256hash,
path => $product->path,
name => $product->name,
defaultPath => $product->defaultpath,
push @{$json->{products}}, $j;
for my $metric ($build->buildmetrics) {
my $j = {
name => $metric->name,
unit => $metric->unit,
value => 0 + $metric->value,
push @{$json->{metrics}}, $j;
return $json;
sub buildFinished {
my ($self, $build, $dependents) = @_;
my $event = "buildFinished";
my $cfg = $self->{config}->{runcommand};
my @config = defined $cfg ? ref $cfg eq "ARRAY" ? @$cfg : ($cfg) : ();
my $commandsToRun = fanoutToCommands(
my $tmp;
if (@$commandsToRun == 0) {
# No matching jobs, don't bother generating the JSON
foreach my $conf (@config) {
next unless eventMatches($conf, $event);
next unless configSectionMatches(
$conf->{job} // "*:*:*",
my $command = $conf->{command} // die "<runcommand> section lacks a 'command' option";
unless (defined $tmp) {
$tmp = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => '.json');
my $json = {
event => $event,
build => $build->id,
finished => $build->get_column('finished') ? JSON::true : JSON::false,
timestamp => $build->get_column('timestamp'),
project => $build->get_column('project'),
jobset => $build->get_column('jobset'),
job => $build->get_column('job'),
drvPath => $build->get_column('drvpath'),
startTime => $build->get_column('starttime'),
stopTime => $build->get_column('stoptime'),
buildStatus => $build->get_column('buildstatus'),
nixName => $build->get_column('nixname'),
system => $build->get_column('system'),
homepage => $build->get_column('homepage'),
description => $build->get_column('description'),
license => $build->get_column('license'),
outputs => [],
products => [],
metrics => [],
for my $output ($build->buildoutputs) {
my $j = {
name => $output->name,
path => $output->path,
push @{$json->{outputs}}, $j;
for my $product ($build->buildproducts) {
my $j = {
productNr => $product->productnr,
type => $product->type,
subtype => $product->subtype,
fileSize => $product->filesize,
sha256hash => $product->sha256hash,
path => $product->path,
name => $product->name,
defaultPath => $product->defaultpath,
push @{$json->{products}}, $j;
for my $metric ($build->buildmetrics) {
my $j = {
name => $metric->name,
unit => $metric->unit,
value => 0 + $metric->value,
push @{$json->{metrics}}, $j;
print $tmp encode_json($json) or die;
$ENV{"HYDRA_JSON"} = $tmp->filename;
my $tmp = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => '.json');
print $tmp encode_json(makeJsonPayload($event, $build)) or die;
$ENV{"HYDRA_JSON"} = $tmp->filename;
foreach my $commandToRun (@{$commandsToRun}) {
my $command = $commandToRun->{command};
system("$command") == 0
or warn "notification command '$command' failed with exit status $?\n";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
use feature 'unicode_strings';
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Setup;
my %ctx = test_init(
hydra_config => q|
command = cp "$HYDRA_JSON" "$HYDRA_DATA/joboutput.json"
require Hydra::Schema;
require Hydra::Model::DB;
use Test2::V0;
my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new;
my $project = $db->resultset('Projects')->create({name => "tests", displayname => "", owner => "root"});
# Most basic test case, no parameters
my $jobset = createBaseJobset("basic", "runcommand.nix", $ctx{jobsdir});
ok(evalSucceeds($jobset), "Evaluating jobs/runcommand.nix should exit with return code 0");
is(nrQueuedBuildsForJobset($jobset), 1, "Evaluating jobs/runcommand.nix should result in 1 build1");
(my $build) = queuedBuildsForJobset($jobset);
is($build->job, "metrics", "The only job should be metrics");
ok(runBuild($build), "Build should exit with return code 0");
my $newbuild = $db->resultset('Builds')->find($build->id);
is($newbuild->finished, 1, "Build should be finished.");
is($newbuild->buildstatus, 0, "Build should have buildstatus 0.");
ok(sendNotifications(), "Notifications execute successfully.");
my $dat = do {
my $filename = $ENV{'HYDRA_DATA'} . "/joboutput.json";
open(my $json_fh, "<", $filename)
or die("Can't open \"$filename\": $!\n");
local $/;
my $json = JSON->new;
subtest "Validate the file parsed and at least one field matches" => sub {
is($dat->{build}, $newbuild->id, "The build event matches our expected ID.");
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
use feature 'unicode_strings';
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Setup;
my %ctx = test_init(
@ -11,6 +9,9 @@ my %ctx = test_init(
use Test2::V0;
use Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand;
require Hydra::Schema;
require Hydra::Model::DB;
@ -35,19 +36,12 @@ my $newbuild = $db->resultset('Builds')->find($build->id);
is($newbuild->finished, 1, "Build should be finished.");
is($newbuild->buildstatus, 0, "Build should have buildstatus 0.");
ok(sendNotifications(), "Notifications execute successfully.");
$build = $newbuild;
my $dat = do {
my $filename = $ENV{'HYDRA_DATA'} . "/joboutput.json";
open(my $json_fh, "<", $filename)
or die("Can't open \"$filename\": $!\n");
local $/;
my $json = JSON->new;
my $dat = Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::makeJsonPayload("buildFinished", $build);
subtest "Validate the top level fields match" => sub {
is($dat->{build}, $newbuild->id, "The build event matches our expected ID.");
is($dat->{build}, $build->id, "The build event matches our expected ID.");
is($dat->{buildStatus}, 0, "The build status matches.");
is($dat->{event}, "buildFinished", "The build event matches.");
is($dat->{finished}, JSON::true, "The build finished.");
@ -55,22 +49,23 @@ subtest "Validate the top level fields match" => sub {
is($dat->{jobset}, "basic", "The jobset matches.");
is($dat->{job}, "metrics", "The job matches.");
is($dat->{nixName}, "my-build-product", "The nixName matches.");
is($dat->{system}, $newbuild->system, "The system matches.");
is($dat->{drvPath}, $newbuild->drvpath, "The derivation path matches.");
is($dat->{timestamp}, $newbuild->timestamp, "The result has a timestamp field.");
is($dat->{startTime}, $newbuild->starttime, "The result has a startTime field.");
is($dat->{stopTime}, $newbuild->stoptime, "The result has a stopTime field.");
is($dat->{system}, $build->system, "The system matches.");
is($dat->{drvPath}, $build->drvpath, "The derivation path matches.");
is($dat->{timestamp}, $build->timestamp, "The result has a timestamp field.");
is($dat->{startTime}, $build->starttime, "The result has a startTime field.");
is($dat->{stopTime}, $build->stoptime, "The result has a stopTime field.");
is($dat->{homepage}, "", "The homepage is passed.");
is($dat->{description}, "An example meta property.", "The description is passed.");
is($dat->{license}, "GPL", "The license is passed.");
subtest "Validate the outputs match" => sub {
is(scalar(@{$dat->{outputs}}), 2, "There are exactly two outputs");
subtest "output: out" => sub {
my ($output) = grep { $_->{name} eq "out" } @{$dat->{outputs}};
my $expectedoutput = $newbuild->buildoutputs->find({name => "out"});
my $expectedoutput = $build->buildoutputs->find({name => "out"});
is($output->{name}, "out", "Output is named corrrectly");
is($output->{path}, $expectedoutput->path, "The output path matches the database's path.");
@ -78,7 +73,7 @@ subtest "Validate the outputs match" => sub {
subtest "output: bin" => sub {
my ($output) = grep { $_->{name} eq "bin" } @{$dat->{outputs}};
my $expectedoutput = $newbuild->buildoutputs->find({name => "bin"});
my $expectedoutput = $build->buildoutputs->find({name => "bin"});
is($output->{name}, "bin", "Output is named corrrectly");
is($output->{path}, $expectedoutput->path, "The output path matches the database's path.");
@ -109,7 +104,7 @@ subtest "Validate the products match" => sub {
subtest "product: out" => sub {
my ($product) = grep { $_->{name} eq "my-build-product" } @{$dat->{products}};
my $expectedproduct = $newbuild->buildproducts->find({name => "my-build-product"});
my $expectedproduct = $build->buildproducts->find({name => "my-build-product"});
is($product->{name}, "my-build-product", "The build product is named correctly.");
is($product->{subtype}, "", "The subtype is empty.");
@ -122,7 +117,7 @@ subtest "Validate the products match" => sub {
subtest "output: bin" => sub {
my ($product) = grep { $_->{name} eq "my-build-product-bin" } @{$dat->{products}};
my $expectedproduct = $newbuild->buildproducts->find({name => "my-build-product-bin"});
my $expectedproduct = $build->buildproducts->find({name => "my-build-product-bin"});
is($product->{name}, "my-build-product-bin", "The build product is named correctly.");
is($product->{subtype}, "bin", "The subtype matches the output name");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use Setup;
use Test2::V0;
use Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand;
subtest "isEnabled" => sub {
"Disabled by default."
Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isEnabled({ config => {}}),
"Disabled by default."
Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isEnabled({ config => { runcommand => {}}}),
"Enabled if any runcommand blocks exist."
subtest "configSectionMatches" => sub {
subtest "Expected matches" => sub {
my @examples = (
# Exact match
["project:jobset:job", "project", "jobset", "job"],
# One wildcard
["project:jobset:*", "project", "jobset", "job"],
["project:*:job", "project", "jobset", "job"],
["*:jobset:job", "project", "jobset", "job"],
# Two wildcards
["project:*:*", "project", "jobset", "job"],
["*:*:job", "project", "jobset", "job"],
# Three wildcards
["*:*:*", "project", "jobset", "job"],
# Implicit wildcards
["", "project", "jobset", "job"],
["project", "project", "jobset", "job"],
["project:jobset", "project", "jobset", "job"],
for my $example (@examples) {
my ($matcher, $project, $jobset, $job) = @$example;
$matcher, $project, $jobset, $job
"Expecting $matcher to match $project:$jobset:$job"
subtest "Fails to match" => sub {
my @examples = (
# Literal string non-matches
["project:jobset:job", "project", "jobset", "nonmatch"],
["project:jobset:job", "project", "nonmatch", "job"],
["project:jobset:job", "nonmatch", "jobset", "job"],
# Wildcard based non-matches
["*:*:job", "project", "jobset", "nonmatch"],
["*:jobset:*", "project", "nonmatch", "job"],
["project:*:*", "nonmatch", "jobset", "job"],
# These wildcards are NOT regular expressions
["*:*:j.*", "project", "jobset", "job"],
[".*:.*:.*", "project", "nonmatch", "job"],
for my $example (@examples) {
my ($matcher, $project, $jobset, $job) = @$example;
$matcher, $project, $jobset, $job
"Expecting $matcher to not match $project:$jobset:$job"
dies {
"foo:bar:baz:tux", "foo", "bar", "baz"
qr/invalid section name/,
"A matcher must have no more than 3 sections"
subtest "eventMatches" => sub {
# This is probably a misfeature that isn't very useful but let's test
# it anyway. At best this lets you make a RunCommand event not work
# by specifying the "events" key. Note: By testing it I'm not promising
# it'll keep working. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we chose to
# delete this support since RunCommand never runs on any event other
# than buildFinished.
Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::eventMatches({}, "buildFinished"),
"An unspecified events key matches"
Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::eventMatches({ events => ""}, "buildFinished"),
"An empty events key does not match"
Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::eventMatches({ events => "foo bar buildFinished baz"}, "buildFinished"),
"An events key with multiple events does match when buildFinished is present"
Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::eventMatches({ events => "foo bar baz"}, "buildFinished"),
"An events key with multiple events does not match when buildFinished is missing"
subtest "fanoutToCommands" => sub {
my $config = {
runcommand => [
job => "",
command => "foo"
job => "project:*:*",
command => "bar"
job => "project:jobset:nomatch",
command => "baz"
matcher => "",
command => "foo"
matcher => "project:*:*",
command => "bar"
"fanoutToCommands returns a command per matching job"
Reference in a new issue