forked from lix-project/hydra
Add a plugin for backing up builds in s3
In your hydra config, you can add an arbitrary number of <s3config> sections, with the following options: * name (required): Bucket name * jobs (required): A regex to match job names (in project:jobset:job format) that should be backed up to this bucket * compression_type: bzip2 (default), xz, or none * prefix: String to prepend to all hydra-created s3 keys (if this is meant to represent a directory, you should include the trailing slash, e.g. "cache/"). Default "". After each build with an output (i.e. successful or failed-with-output builds), the output path and its closure are uploaded to the bucket as .nar files, with corresponding .narinfos to enable use as a binary cache. This plugin requires that s3 credentials be available. It uses Net::Amazon::S3, which as of this commit the nixpkgs version can retrieve s3 credentials from the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables, or from ec2 instance metadata when using an IAM role. This commit also adds a hydra-s3-backup-collect-garbage program, which uses hydra's gc roots directory to determine which paths are live, and then deletes all files except nix-cache-info and any .nar or .narinfo files corresponding to live paths. hydra-s3-backup-collect-garbage respects the prefix configuration option, so it won't delete anything outside of the hierarchy you give it, and it has the same credential requirements as the plugin. Probably a timer unit running the garbage collection periodically should be added to hydra-module.nix Note that two of the added tests fail, due to a bug in the interaction between Net::Amazon::S3 and fake-s3. Those behaviors work against real s3 though, so I'm committing this even with the broken tests. Signed-off-by: Shea Levy <>
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 303 additions and 3 deletions
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ in rec {
nix git
nix git
@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ in rec {
''; # */
''; # */
meta.description = "Build of Hydra on ${system}";
meta.description = "Build of Hydra on ${system}";
passthru.perlDeps = perlDeps;
@ -211,4 +213,43 @@ in rec {
$machine->mustSucceed("perl ${./tests/} >&2");
$machine->mustSucceed("perl ${./tests/} >&2");
tests.s3backup = genAttrs' (system:
with import <nixos/lib/testing.nix> { inherit system; };
let hydra = builtins.getAttr system build; in # build."${system}"
simpleTest {
machine =
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ services.postgresql.enable = true;
services.postgresql.package = pkgs.postgresql92;
environment.systemPackages = [ hydra pkgs.rubyLibs.fakes3 ];
virtualisation.memorySize = 2047;
boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_3_10;
virtualisation.writableStore = true;
networking.extraHosts = ''
testScript =
# Initialise the database and the state.
( "createdb -O root hydra"
, "psql hydra -f ${hydra}/libexec/hydra/sql/hydra-postgresql.sql"
, "mkdir /var/lib/hydra"
, "mkdir /tmp/jobs"
, "cp ${./tests/} /tmp/"
, "cp ${./tests/api-test.nix} /tmp/jobs/default.nix"
# start fakes3
$machine->mustSucceed("fakes3 --root /tmp/s3 --port 80 &>/dev/null &");
$machine->mustSucceed("cd /tmp && LOGNAME=root AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=foo AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=bar HYDRA_DBI='dbi:Pg:dbname=hydra;user=root;' HYDRA_CONFIG=${./tests/s3-backup-test.config} perl -I ${hydra}/libexec/hydra/lib -I ${hydra.perlDeps}/lib/perl5/site_perl ./ >&2");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
package Hydra::Plugin::S3Backup;
use strict;
use parent 'Hydra::Plugin';
use File::Temp;
use File::Basename;
use Fcntl;
use IO::File;
use Net::Amazon::S3;
use Net::Amazon::S3::Client;
use Digest::SHA;
use Nix::Config;
use Nix::Store;
use Hydra::Model::DB;
use Hydra::Helper::CatalystUtils;
my $client = Net::Amazon::S3::Client->new( s3 => Net::Amazon::S3->new( retry => 1 ) );
my %compressors = (
xz => "| $Nix::Config::xz",
bzip2 => "| $Nix::Config::bzip2",
none => ""
my $lockfile = Hydra::Model::DB::getHydraPath . "/.hydra-s3backup.lock";
sub buildFinished {
my ($self, $build, $dependents) = @_;
return unless $build->buildstatus == 0 or $build->buildstatus == 6;
my $jobName = showJobName $build;
my $job = $build->job;
my $cfg = $self->{config}->{s3backup};
my @config = defined $cfg ? ref $cfg eq "ARRAY" ? @$cfg : ($cfg) : ();
my @matching_configs = ();
foreach my $bucket_config (@config) {
push @matching_configs, $bucket_config if $jobName =~ /^$bucket_config->{jobs}$/;
return unless @matching_configs;
# !!! Maybe should do per-bucket locking?
my $lockhandle = IO::File->new;
open($lockhandle, "+>", $lockfile) or die "Opening $lockfile: $!";
flock($lockhandle, Fcntl::LOCK_SH) or die "Read-locking $lockfile: $!";
my @needed_paths = ();
foreach my $output ($build->buildoutputs) {
push @needed_paths, $output->path;
my %narinfos = ();
my %compression_types = ();
foreach my $bucket_config (@matching_configs) {
my $compression_type =
exists $bucket_config->{compression_type} ? $bucket_config->{compression_type} : "bzip2";
die "Unsupported compression type $compression_type" unless exists $compressors{$compression_type};
if (exists $compression_types{$compression_type}) {
push @{$compression_types{$compression_type}}, $bucket_config;
} else {
$compression_types{$compression_type} = [ $bucket_config ];
$narinfos{$compression_type} = [];
my $build_id = $build->id;
my $tempdir = File::Temp->newdir("s3-backup-nars-$build_id" . "XXXXX");
my %seen = ();
# Upload nars and build narinfos
while (@needed_paths) {
my $path = shift @needed_paths;
next if exists $seen{$path};
$seen{$path} = undef;
my $hash = substr basename($path), 0, 32;
my ($deriver, $narHash, $time, $narSize, $refs) = queryPathInfo($path, 0);
my $system;
if (defined $deriver and isValidPath($deriver)) {
$system = derivationFromPath($deriver)->{platform};
foreach my $reference (@{$refs}) {
push @needed_paths, $reference;
while (my ($compression_type, $configs) = each %compression_types) {
my @incomplete_buckets = ();
# Don't do any work if all the buckets have this path
foreach my $bucket_config (@{$configs}) {
my $bucket = $client->bucket( name => $bucket_config->{name} );
my $prefix = exists $bucket_config->{prefix} ? $bucket_config->{prefix} : "";
push @incomplete_buckets, $bucket_config
unless $bucket->object( key => $prefix . "$hash.narinfo" )->exists;
next unless @incomplete_buckets;
my $compressor = $compressors{$compression_type};
system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --export $path $compressor > $tempdir/nar") == 0 or die;
my $digest = Digest::SHA->new(256);
my $file_hash = $digest->hexdigest;
my @stats = stat "$tempdir/nar" or die "Couldn't stat $tempdir/nar";
my $file_size = $stats[7];
my $narinfo = "";
$narinfo .= "StorePath: $path\n";
$narinfo .= "URL: $hash.nar\n";
$narinfo .= "Compression: $compression_type\n";
$narinfo .= "FileHash: sha256:$file_hash\n";
$narinfo .= "FileSize: $file_size\n";
$narinfo .= "NarHash: $narHash\n";
$narinfo .= "NarSize: $narSize\n";
$narinfo .= "References: " . join(" ", map { basename $_ } @{$refs}) . "\n";
if (defined $deriver) {
$narinfo .= "Deriver: " . basename $deriver . "\n";
if (defined $system) {
$narinfo .= "System: $system\n";
push @{$narinfos{$compression_type}}, { hash => $hash, info => $narinfo };
foreach my $bucket_config (@incomplete_buckets) {
my $bucket = $client->bucket( name => $bucket_config->{name} );
my $prefix = exists $bucket_config->{prefix} ? $bucket_config->{prefix} : "";
my $nar_object = $bucket->object(
key => $prefix . "$hash.nar",
content_type => "application/x-nix-archive"
# Upload narinfos
while (my ($compression_type, $infos) = each %narinfos) {
foreach my $bucket_config (@{$compression_types{$compression_type}}) {
foreach my $info (@{$infos}) {
my $bucket = $client->bucket( name => $bucket_config->{name} );
my $prefix = exists $bucket_config->{prefix} ? $bucket_config->{prefix} : "";
my $narinfo_object = $bucket->object(
key => $prefix . $info->{hash} . ".narinfo",
content_type => "text/x-nix-narinfo"
$narinfo_object->put($info->{info}) unless $narinfo_object->exists;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ distributable_scripts = \
hydra-queue-runner \
hydra-queue-runner \
hydra-server \
hydra-server \
hydra-update-gc-roots \
hydra-update-gc-roots \
hydra-s3-backup-collect-garbage \
nix-prefetch-git \
nix-prefetch-git \
nix-prefetch-bzr \
nix-prefetch-bzr \
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#! /var/run/current-system/sw/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Fcntl;
use IO::File;
use Net::Amazon::S3;
use Net::Amazon::S3::Client;
use Nix::Config;
use Nix::Store;
use Hydra::Model::DB;
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
my $cfg = getHydraConfig()->{s3backup};
my @config = defined $cfg ? ref $cfg eq "ARRAY" ? @$cfg : ($cfg) : ();
exit 0 unless @config;
my $lockfile = Hydra::Model::DB::getHydraPath . "/.hydra-s3backup.lock";
my $lockhandle = IO::File->new;
open($lockhandle, ">", $lockfile) or die "Opening $lockfile: $!";
flock($lockhandle, Fcntl::LOCK_EX) or die "Write-locking $lockfile: $!";
my $client = Net::Amazon::S3::Client->new( s3 => Net::Amazon::S3->new( retry => 1 ) );
my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new();
my $gcRootsDir = getGCRootsDir;
opendir DIR, $gcRootsDir or die;
my @roots = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
my @actual_roots = ();
foreach my $link (@roots) {
next if $link eq "." || $link eq "..";
push @actual_roots, $Nix::Config::storeDir . "/$link";
# Don't delete a nix-cache-info file, if present
my %closure = ( "nix-cache-info" => undef );
foreach my $path (computeFSClosure(0, 0, @actual_roots)) {
my $hash = substr basename($path), 0, 32;
$closure{"$hash.narinfo"} = undef;
$closure{"$hash.nar"} = undef;
foreach my $bucket_config (@config) {
my $bucket = $client->bucket( name => $bucket_config->{name} );
my $prefix = exists $bucket_config->{prefix} ? $bucket_config->{prefix} : "";
my $cache_stream = $bucket->list({ prefix => $prefix });
until ($cache_stream->is_done) {
foreach my $object ($cache_stream->items) {
$object->delete unless exists $closure{basename($object->key)};
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ sub createJobsetWithOneInput {
sub evalSucceeds {
sub evalSucceeds {
my ($jobset) = @_;
my ($jobset) = @_;
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(60, ("../src/script/hydra-evaluator", $jobset->project->name, $jobset->name));
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(60, ("hydra-evaluator", $jobset->project->name, $jobset->name));
chomp $stdout; chomp $stderr;
chomp $stdout; chomp $stderr;
print STDERR "Evaluation errors for jobset ".$jobset->project->name.":".$jobset->name.": \n".$jobset->errormsg."\n" if $jobset->errormsg;
print STDERR "Evaluation errors for jobset ".$jobset->project->name.":".$jobset->name.": \n".$jobset->errormsg."\n" if $jobset->errormsg;
print STDERR "STDOUT: $stdout\n" if $stdout ne "";
print STDERR "STDOUT: $stdout\n" if $stdout ne "";
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ sub evalSucceeds {
sub runBuild {
sub runBuild {
my ($build) = @_;
my ($build) = @_;
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(60, ("../src/script/hydra-build", $build->id));
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(60, ("hydra-build", $build->id));
print "STDERR: $stderr" if $stderr ne "";
print "STDERR: $stderr" if $stderr ne "";
return !$res;
return !$res;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
thisFile = builtins.toFile "default.nix" (builtins.readFile ./default.nix);
builder = builtins.toFile "" ''
builder = builtins.toFile "" ''
echo -n ${builtins.readFile ./default.nix} > $out
echo ${thisFile} > $out
in {
in {
job = derivation {
job = derivation {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
jobs = tests:basic:job
name = hydra
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Hydra::Model::DB;
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
use Nix::Store;
use Cwd;
my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new;
use Test::Simple tests => 6;
$db->resultset('Users')->create({ username => "root", emailaddress => '', password => '' });
$db->resultset('Projects')->create({name => "tests", displayname => "", owner => "root"});
my $project = $db->resultset('Projects')->update_or_create({name => "tests", displayname => "", owner => "root"});
my $jobset = $project->jobsets->create({name => "basic", nixexprinput => "jobs", nixexprpath => "default.nix", emailoverride => ""});
my $jobsetinput;
$jobsetinput = $jobset->jobsetinputs->create({name => "jobs", type => "path"});
$jobsetinput->jobsetinputalts->create({altnr => 0, value => getcwd . "/jobs"});
system("hydra-evaluator " . $jobset->project->name . " " . $jobset->name);
my $successful_hash;
foreach my $build ($jobset->builds->search({finished => 0})) {
system("hydra-build " . $build->id);
my @outputs = $build->buildoutputs->all;
my $hash = substr basename($outputs[0]->path), 0, 32;
if ($build->job->name eq "job") {
ok(-e "/tmp/s3/hydra/$hash.nar", "The nar of a successful matched build is uploaded");
ok(-e "/tmp/s3/hydra/$hash.narinfo", "The narinfo of a successful matched build is uploaded");
$successful_hash = $hash;
ok(-e "/tmp/s3/hydra/$successful_hash.nar", "The nar of a build that's a root is not removed by gc");
ok(-e "/tmp/s3/hydra/$successful_hash.narinfo", "The narinfo of a build that's a root is not removed by gc");
my $gcRootsDir = getGCRootsDir;
opendir DIR, $gcRootsDir or die;
while(readdir DIR) {
next if $_ eq "." or $_ eq "..";
unlink "$gcRootsDir/$_";
closedir DIR;
ok(not -e "/tmp/s3/hydra/$successful_hash.nar", "The nar of a build that's not a root is removed by gc");
ok(not -e "/tmp/s3/hydra/$successful_hash.narinfo", "The narinfo of a build that's not a root is removed by gc");
Reference in a new issue