forked from lix-project/lix-website
486 lines
13 KiB
486 lines
13 KiB
const dateFormat = require('date-format');
const os = require('os');
const util = require('util');
const path = require('path');
const url = require('url');
const debug = require('debug')('log4js:layouts');
const styles = {
// styles
bold: [1, 22],
italic: [3, 23],
underline: [4, 24],
inverse: [7, 27],
// grayscale
white: [37, 39],
grey: [90, 39],
black: [90, 39],
// colors
blue: [34, 39],
cyan: [36, 39],
green: [32, 39],
magenta: [35, 39],
red: [91, 39],
yellow: [33, 39],
function colorizeStart(style) {
return style ? `\x1B[${styles[style][0]}m` : '';
function colorizeEnd(style) {
return style ? `\x1B[${styles[style][1]}m` : '';
* Taken from masylum's fork (
function colorize(str, style) {
return colorizeStart(style) + str + colorizeEnd(style);
function timestampLevelAndCategory(loggingEvent, colour) {
return colorize(
'[%s] [%s] %s - ',
* BasicLayout is a simple layout for storing the logs. The logs are stored
* in following format:
* <pre>
* [startTime] [logLevel] categoryName - message\n
* </pre>
* @author Stephan Strittmatter
function basicLayout(loggingEvent) {
return (
timestampLevelAndCategory(loggingEvent) + util.format(
* colouredLayout - taken from masylum's fork.
* same as basicLayout, but with colours.
function colouredLayout(loggingEvent) {
return (
timestampLevelAndCategory(loggingEvent, loggingEvent.level.colour) +
function messagePassThroughLayout(loggingEvent) {
return util.format(;
function dummyLayout(loggingEvent) {
* PatternLayout
* Format for specifiers is %[padding].[truncation][field]{[format]}
* e.g. %5.10p - left pad the log level by 5 characters, up to a max of 10
* both padding and truncation can be negative.
* Negative truncation = trunc from end of string
* Positive truncation = trunc from start of string
* Negative padding = pad right
* Positive padding = pad left
* Fields can be any of:
* - %r time in toLocaleTimeString format
* - %p log level
* - %c log category
* - %h hostname
* - %m log data
* - %m{l} where l is an integer, log data.slice(l)
* - %m{l,u} where l and u are integers, log data.slice(l, u)
* - %d date in constious formats
* - %% %
* - %n newline
* - %z pid
* - %f filename
* - %l line number
* - %o column postion
* - %s call stack
* - %C class name [#1316](
* - %M method or function name [#1316](
* - %A method or function alias [#1316](
* - %F fully qualified caller name [#1316](
* - %x{<tokenname>} add dynamic tokens to your log. Tokens are specified in the tokens parameter
* - %X{<tokenname>} add dynamic tokens to your log. Tokens are specified in logger context
* You can use %[ and %] to define a colored block.
* Tokens are specified as simple key:value objects.
* The key represents the token name whereas the value can be a string or function
* which is called to extract the value to put in the log message. If token is not
* found, it doesn't replace the field.
* A sample token would be: { 'pid' : function() { return; } }
* Takes a pattern string, array of tokens and returns a layout function.
* @return {Function}
* @param pattern
* @param tokens
* @param timezoneOffset
* @authors ['Stephan Strittmatter', 'Jan Schmidle']
function patternLayout(pattern, tokens) {
const TTCC_CONVERSION_PATTERN = '%r %p %c - %m%n';
const regex =
pattern = pattern || TTCC_CONVERSION_PATTERN;
function categoryName(loggingEvent, specifier) {
let loggerName = loggingEvent.categoryName;
if (specifier) {
const precision = parseInt(specifier, 10);
const loggerNameBits = loggerName.split('.');
if (precision < loggerNameBits.length) {
loggerName = loggerNameBits
.slice(loggerNameBits.length - precision)
return loggerName;
function formatAsDate(loggingEvent, specifier) {
let format = dateFormat.ISO8601_FORMAT;
if (specifier) {
format = specifier;
// Pick up special cases
switch (format) {
case 'ISO8601':
case 'ISO8601_FORMAT':
format = dateFormat.ISO8601_FORMAT;
case 'ISO8601_WITH_TZ_OFFSET':
format = dateFormat.ISO8601_WITH_TZ_OFFSET_FORMAT;
case 'ABSOLUTE':
'Pattern %d{ABSOLUTE} is deprecated in favor of %d{ABSOLUTETIME}. ' +
'Please use %d{ABSOLUTETIME} instead.',
'DEPRECATION: Pattern %d{ABSOLUTE} is deprecated and replaced by %d{ABSOLUTETIME}.'
// falls through
format = dateFormat.ABSOLUTETIME_FORMAT;
case 'DATE':
'Pattern %d{DATE} is deprecated due to the confusion it causes when used. ' +
'Please use %d{DATETIME} instead.',
'DEPRECATION: Pattern %d{DATE} is deprecated and replaced by %d{DATETIME}.'
// falls through
case 'DATETIME':
format = dateFormat.DATETIME_FORMAT;
// no default
// Format the date
return dateFormat.asString(format, loggingEvent.startTime);
function hostname() {
return os.hostname().toString();
function formatMessage(loggingEvent, specifier) {
let dataSlice =;
if (specifier) {
const [lowerBound, upperBound] = specifier.split(',');
dataSlice = dataSlice.slice(lowerBound, upperBound);
return util.format(...dataSlice);
function endOfLine() {
return os.EOL;
function logLevel(loggingEvent) {
return loggingEvent.level.toString();
function startTime(loggingEvent) {
return dateFormat.asString('hh:mm:ss', loggingEvent.startTime);
function startColour(loggingEvent) {
return colorizeStart(loggingEvent.level.colour);
function endColour(loggingEvent) {
return colorizeEnd(loggingEvent.level.colour);
function percent() {
return '%';
function pid(loggingEvent) {
return loggingEvent &&
function clusterInfo() {
// this used to try to return the master and worker pids,
// but it would never have worked because master pid is not available to workers
// leaving this here to maintain compatibility for patterns
return pid();
function userDefined(loggingEvent, specifier) {
if (typeof tokens[specifier] !== 'undefined') {
return typeof tokens[specifier] === 'function'
? tokens[specifier](loggingEvent)
: tokens[specifier];
return null;
function contextDefined(loggingEvent, specifier) {
const resolver = loggingEvent.context[specifier];
if (typeof resolver !== 'undefined') {
return typeof resolver === 'function' ? resolver(loggingEvent) : resolver;
return null;
function fileName(loggingEvent, specifier) {
let filename = loggingEvent.fileName || '';
// support for ESM as it uses url instead of path for file
/* istanbul ignore next: unsure how to simulate ESM for test coverage */
const convertFileURLToPath = function (filepath) {
const urlPrefix = 'file://';
if (filepath.startsWith(urlPrefix)) {
if (typeof url.fileURLToPath === 'function') {
filepath = url.fileURLToPath(filepath);
// backward-compatible for nodejs pre-10.12.0 (without url.fileURLToPath method)
else {
// posix: file:///hello/world/foo.txt -> /hello/world/foo.txt -> /hello/world/foo.txt
// win32: file:///C:/path/foo.txt -> /C:/path/foo.txt -> \C:\path\foo.txt -> C:\path\foo.txt
// win32: file://nas/foo.txt -> //nas/foo.txt -> nas\foo.txt -> \\nas\foo.txt
filepath = path.normalize(
filepath.replace(new RegExp(`^${urlPrefix}`), '')
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
if (filepath.startsWith('\\')) {
filepath = filepath.slice(1);
} else {
filepath = path.sep + path.sep + filepath;
return filepath;
filename = convertFileURLToPath(filename);
if (specifier) {
const fileDepth = parseInt(specifier, 10);
const fileList = filename.split(path.sep);
if (fileList.length > fileDepth) {
filename = fileList.slice(-fileDepth).join(path.sep);
return filename;
function lineNumber(loggingEvent) {
return loggingEvent.lineNumber ? `${loggingEvent.lineNumber}` : '';
function columnNumber(loggingEvent) {
return loggingEvent.columnNumber ? `${loggingEvent.columnNumber}` : '';
function callStack(loggingEvent) {
return loggingEvent.callStack || '';
function className(loggingEvent) {
return loggingEvent.className || '';
function functionName(loggingEvent) {
return loggingEvent.functionName || '';
function functionAlias(loggingEvent) {
return loggingEvent.functionAlias || '';
function callerName(loggingEvent) {
return loggingEvent.callerName || '';
const replacers = {
c: categoryName,
d: formatAsDate,
h: hostname,
m: formatMessage,
n: endOfLine,
p: logLevel,
r: startTime,
'[': startColour,
']': endColour,
y: clusterInfo,
z: pid,
'%': percent,
x: userDefined,
X: contextDefined,
f: fileName,
l: lineNumber,
o: columnNumber,
s: callStack,
C: className,
M: functionName,
A: functionAlias,
F: callerName,
function replaceToken(conversionCharacter, loggingEvent, specifier) {
return replacers[conversionCharacter](loggingEvent, specifier);
function truncate(truncation, toTruncate) {
let len;
if (truncation) {
len = parseInt(truncation.slice(1), 10);
// negative truncate length means truncate from end of string
return len > 0 ? toTruncate.slice(0, len) : toTruncate.slice(len);
return toTruncate;
function pad(padding, toPad) {
let len;
if (padding) {
if (padding.charAt(0) === '-') {
len = parseInt(padding.slice(1), 10);
// Right pad with spaces
while (toPad.length < len) {
toPad += ' ';
} else {
len = parseInt(padding, 10);
// Left pad with spaces
while (toPad.length < len) {
toPad = ` ${toPad}`;
return toPad;
function truncateAndPad(toTruncAndPad, truncation, padding) {
let replacement = toTruncAndPad;
replacement = truncate(truncation, replacement);
replacement = pad(padding, replacement);
return replacement;
return function (loggingEvent) {
let formattedString = '';
let result;
let searchString = pattern;
while ((result = regex.exec(searchString)) !== null) {
// const matchedString = result[0];
const padding = result[1];
const truncation = result[2];
const conversionCharacter = result[3];
const specifier = result[5];
const text = result[6];
// Check if the pattern matched was just normal text
if (text) {
formattedString += text.toString();
} else {
// Create a raw replacement string based on the conversion
// character and specifier
const replacement = replaceToken(
formattedString += truncateAndPad(replacement, truncation, padding);
searchString = searchString.slice(result.index + result[0].length);
return formattedString;
const layoutMakers = {
messagePassThrough() {
return messagePassThroughLayout;
basic() {
return basicLayout;
colored() {
return colouredLayout;
coloured() {
return colouredLayout;
pattern(config) {
return patternLayout(config && config.pattern, config && config.tokens);
dummy() {
return dummyLayout;
module.exports = {
coloredLayout: colouredLayout,
addLayout(name, serializerGenerator) {
layoutMakers[name] = serializerGenerator;
layout(name, config) {
return layoutMakers[name] && layoutMakers[name](config);