begin transaction; create domain NixPath as bytea check (length(value) = 20); create domain SHA256Hash as bytea check (length(value) = 16); create domain Ed25519Public as bytea check (length(value) = 32); create domain SignatureBytes as bytea check (length(value) = 64); create table PathName ( hash NixPath not null primary key, -- Split off into a separate PathName table since a reference only requires -- a PathName exists but not necessarily a full NarInfo name text not null ); -- Yoinked from create type Compression as enum ( 'none', 'bzip2', 'zstd', 'xz', 'lzip', 'lz4', 'br' ); -- There are no non sha256 CA hashes in the wild and we can honestly just tell anyone sending us one to go away create type CAType as enum ( 'textsha256', 'fixedrecsha256', 'fixedflatsha256' ); create table NarInfo ( -- URL not needed (derivable from file_hash and compression) file_size bigint not null, nar_size bigint not null, hash NixPath primary key not null references PathName(hash), file_hash SHA256Hash not null, nar_hash SHA256Hash not null, ca_hash SHA256Hash, compression Compression not null, ca_type CAType ); create table Reference ( target NixPath not null references PathName(hash), by_narinfo NixPath not null references NarInfo(hash), primary key (target, by_narinfo) ); create index reference_by_target on Reference using hash (target); create index reference_by_referencer on Reference using hash (by_narinfo); create table KeyName ( id serial primary key, name text not null ); comment on table KeyName is 'The Nix name for a key, which is often, but not strictly, related to the domain name'; -- FIXME: partitioning the system for security? e.g. can we make it so that the app *cannot* mess with public key validity periods? create table BuilderPublicKey ( id integer primary key references KeyName(id), public_key Ed25519Public not null, comment text, valid_from timestamptz, valid_until timestamptz ); comment on table BuilderPublicKey is 'Public keys which iron-seal is willing to re-sign paths signed with'; comment on column BuilderPublicKey.valid_from is 'Signature time when the public key is first trusted for new signatures. If null, from a time in the indefinite past.'; comment on column BuilderPublicKey.valid_until is 'Signature time when the public key is last trusted for new signatures. If null, to a time in the indefinite future.'; create table OwnPublicKey ( id integer primary key references KeyName(id), public_key Ed25519Public not null, comment text, valid_from timestamptz, valid_until timestamptz ); comment on table OwnPublicKey is 'Public keys which iron-seal will sign paths with during their validity period'; comment on column OwnPublicKey.valid_from is 'Signature time when the public key will first be used for new signatures. If null, from a time in the indefinite past.'; comment on column OwnPublicKey.valid_until is 'Signature time when the public key will last be used for new signatures. If null, to a time in the indefinite future.'; create table Signature ( path NixPath references NarInfo(hash), id serial primary key, signer integer not null references KeyName(id), sig_bytes SignatureBytes not null, signed_at timestamptz not null ); comment on column Signature.signed_at is 'When the path was signed. For s3-sourced paths we have a reliable idea of it if we take the narinfo date as the signature date (and can assume there is no backdating by trusting s3)'; create unique index signature_path_only_signed_once on Signature (signer, path); -- Definitely want to be able to look up signatures by store path create index signature_by_path on Signature using hash (path); -- Definitely want to be able to look up paths signed by a key create index signature_by_signer on Signature (signer); rollback;