Raito Bezarius
This way, we can autogenerate records for storage and builders nodes by reading directly the configuration. This makes evaluation of `nix run .#tf` slower, but this makes things more safer and easier, so it's good. Signed-off-by: Raito Bezarius <masterancpp@gmail.com>
304 lines
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304 lines
11 KiB
description = "Bagel cooking infrastructure";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
terranix.url = "github:terranix/terranix";
terranix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
agenix.url = "github:ryantm/agenix";
agenix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
colmena.url = "github:zhaofengli/colmena";
colmena.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
hydra.url = "git+https://git.lix.systems/lix-project/hydra.git";
hydra.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
nix-gerrit.url = "git+https://git.lix.systems/the-distro/nix-gerrit.git?ref=refs/heads/bump-minor-3_10";
nix-gerrit.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
nix-forgejo.url = "git+https://git.lix.systems/the-distro/nix-forgejo.git";
nix-forgejo.flake = false;
ofborg.url = "git+https://git.lix.systems/the-distro/ofborg.git?ref=refs/heads/vcs-generalization";
ofborg.flake = false;
gerrit-dashboard.url = "git+https://git.lix.systems/the-distro/gerrit-monitoring.git";
gerrit-dashboard.flake = false;
buildbot-nix.url = "git+https://git.lix.systems/lix-project/buildbot-nix.git?ref=refs/heads/forkos";
buildbot-nix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
channel-scripts.url = "git+https://git.lix.systems/the-distro/channel-scripts.git";
channel-scripts.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
stateless-uptime-kuma.url = "git+https://git.dgnum.eu/DGNum/stateless-uptime-kuma.git";
stateless-uptime-kuma.flake = false;
lix.follows = "hydra/lix";
grapevine = {
type = "gitlab";
host = "gitlab.computer.surgery";
owner = "matrix";
repo = "grapevine-fork";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, terranix, colmena, ofborg, ... } @ inputs:
supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ];
forEachSystem = f: builtins.listToAttrs (map (system: {
name = system;
value = f system;
}) supportedSystems);
systemBits = forEachSystem (system: rec {
inherit system;
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
localSystem = system;
overlays = [
(import inputs.ofborg {
pkgs = import nixpkgs { localSystem = system; };
(import "${inputs.stateless-uptime-kuma}/overlay.nix")
terraform = pkgs.opentofu;
terraformCfg = terranix.lib.terranixConfiguration {
inherit system;
extraArgs = {
inherit (self) nixosConfigurations;
modules = [
bagel.dnsimple.enable = true;
bagel.hydra.enable = true;
forEachSystem' = f: forEachSystem (system: (f systemBits.${system}));
inherit (nixpkgs) lib;
# ForkOS' library functions.
flib = import ./lib { inherit (nixpkgs) lib; };
inherit (flib) singleton;
apps = forEachSystem' ({ system, pkgs, terraformCfg, terraform, ... }: {
tf = {
type = "app";
program = toString (pkgs.writers.writeBash "tf" ''
set -eo pipefail
ln -snf ${terraformCfg} config.tf.json
exec ${lib.getExe terraform} "$@"
default = self.apps.${system}.tf;
devShells = forEachSystem' ({ system, pkgs, ... }: {
default = pkgs.mkShell {
packages = [
(pkgs.callPackage ./lib/colmena-wrapper.nix { })
nixosConfigurations = (colmena.lib.makeHive self.outputs.colmena).nodes;
colmena = let
commonModules = [
floralInfraModules = commonModules ++ [
({ config, lib, ... }: {
# This means that anyone with @floral-infra permissions
# can ssh on root of every machines handled here.
bagel.admins.allowedGroups = [
# Tag all machines which have local boot as local bootables.
deployment.tags = lib.mkMerge [
[ "floral" ]
# All nodes that can be local booted, including baremetal nodes.
(lib.mkIf (config.bagel.baremetal.enable -> !config.bagel.baremetal.netboot)
[ "localboot" ]
# Only baremetal nodes that can be local booted.
(lib.mkIf (config.bagel.baremetal.enable && !config.bagel.baremetal.netboot)
[ "bm-localboot" ]
bagel.monitoring.grafana-agent.tenant = "floral";
bagel.secrets.tenant = "floral";
bagel.builders.extra-build-capacity.provider.tenant = "floral";
bagel.services.buildbot.tenant = "floral";
# These are Floral baremetal builders.
makeColoBaremetal = i:
enableNetboot = i >= 6;
# bm for baremetal.
lib.nameValuePair "bm-${toString i}" {
imports = floralInfraModules;
bagel.baremetal = { enable = true; num = i; netboot = enableNetboot; };
# Given the data of:
# - a selector function to filter NixOS nodes
# - a module factory function to extend a NixOS configuration
# this will return a function that will take a set of nodes and project it to the filtered
# nodes augmented with the module factory function.
# Composing twice the projector should have no effect.
# `mkSystem :: { renumberedIndex: int, node: NixOS configuration } → NixOS configuration`
mkProjector = { selector, mkSystem }: nodes:
# Select all the nodes using the selector.
selectedNodes = lib.filterAttrs (_: node: selector node.bagel.baremetal.num) nodes;
# Re-map selected nodes and renumber them in some iteration order
# and apply the module extension function.
# Indexing function
(node: node.bagel.baremetal.num)
# Renumbering function
(renumberedIndex: node: mkSystem { inherit renumberedIndex node; })
# Current map:
# builders: [4, 10].
# storage: [5]
# build-coord: [11].
# Set of projectors that will take a generic baremetal node
# and reconfigure it for a specific role.
projectors = {
storage = {
# Selectors are just fancy functions that can filter based on the index information.
# It is possible to construct a range filter to express a collection of intervals,
# e.g. select 0→4 & 6→8 & 12→15.
# For now, we will only use pointwise as we have very few machines.
selector = flib.mkPointwiseFilter [ 5 ];
mkSystem = { renumberedIndex, node }:
imports = [ node ];
bagel.baremetal.storage = {
enable = true;
num = renumberedIndex;
builders = {
selector = flib.mkPointwiseFilter [ 4 10 ];
mkSystem = { renumberedIndex, node }: {
imports = [ node ];
bagel.baremetal.builders = {
enable = true;
num = renumberedIndex;
project = role: mkProjector projectors.${role};
lixInfraModules = commonModules ++ [
# This means that anyone with @lix-infra permissions
# can ssh on root of every machines handled here.
bagel.admins.allowedGroups = [
# Tag all machines which have local boot as local bootables.
# Lix has no netbootable machine.
deployment.tags = [ "localboot" "lix" ];
bagel.monitoring.grafana-agent.tenant = "lix";
bagel.secrets.tenant = "lix";
bagel.builders.extra-build-capacity.provider = {
tenant = "lix";
buildfarmPublicKeys = [
# buildbot.lix.systems SSH key
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDu4cEqZzAI/1vZjSQkTJ4ijIg9nuloOuSKUrnkJIOFn"
bagel.services.buildbot.tenant = "lix";
baremetalNodes =
# We consider all possible baremetal systems and we filter out a subset that is activated.
# To configure the set of used machines, configure the `setXYZ` role setter selectors.
allNodes = lib.listToAttrs (lib.genList makeColoBaremetal 11);
perRoles = {
# Project in the sense of linear algebra projectors.
# We are projecting allNodes on the set of storage nodes.
# (remember, a projector is a linear function such that p^2 = p).
storageNodes = project "storage" allNodes;
builderNodes = project "builders" allNodes;
# buildCoordinatorNodes = setBuildCoordinators allNodes;
# TODO: compute what are the offender nodes and their simultaneous roles.
assert (lib.assertMsg (flib.isValidPartition perRoles) "A baremetal node is simultaneously storage, builder and build coordinator, please review the ranges.");
# Merge all roles together into one big attribute set of nodes.
flib.chainAttrs perRoles;
in {
meta.nixpkgs = systemBits.x86_64-linux.pkgs;
# Add any non-x86_64 native systems here.
# Cross compilation is not supported yet.
meta.nodeNixpkgs =
aarch64-systems = systems: lib.genAttrs systems (system: systemBits.aarch64-linux.pkgs);
aarch64-systems [
meta.specialArgs.inputs = inputs;
bagel-box.imports = floralInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/bagel-box ];
meta01.imports = floralInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/meta01 ];
gerrit01.imports = floralInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/gerrit01 ];
fodwatch.imports = floralInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/fodwatch ];
git.imports = floralInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/git ];
wob-vpn-gw.imports = floralInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/wob-vpn-gw ];
buildbot.imports = floralInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/buildbot ];
public01.imports = floralInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/public01 ];
build-coord.imports = floralInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/build-coord ];
build01-aarch64-lix.imports = lixInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/build01-aarch64-lix ];
buildbot-lix.imports = lixInfraModules ++ [ ./hosts/buildbot-lix ];
} // baremetalNodes;
hydraJobs = builtins.mapAttrs (n: v: v.config.system.build.netbootDir or v.config.system.build.toplevel) self.nixosConfigurations;
buildbotJobs = builtins.mapAttrs (_: v: v.config.system.build.toplevel) self.nixosConfigurations;