* Recreating the schema bindings: $ make -C src/sql update-dbix * Running the test server: $ DBIC_TRACE=1 ./script/hydra_server.pl * Setting the maximum number of concurrent builds per system type: $ psql -d hydra <<< "insert into SystemTypes(system, maxConcurrent) values('i686-linux', 3);" * Creating a user: $ hydra-create-user root --email-address 'e.dolstra@tudelft.nl' \ --password-prompt (Replace "foobar" with the desired password.) To make the user an admin: $ hydra-create-user root --role admin To enable a non-admin user to create projects: $ hydra-create-user root --role create-projects * Changing the priority of a scheduled build: update buildschedulinginfo set priority = 200 where id = <ID>; * Changing the priority of all builds for a jobset: update buildschedulinginfo set priority = 20 where id in (select id from builds where finished = 0 and project = 'nixpkgs' and jobset = 'trunk'); * Steps to install: - Install the Hydra closure. - Set HYDRA_DATA to /somewhere. - Run hydra_init.pl - Start hydra_server - Visit http://localhost:3000/ - Create a user (see above) - Create a project, jobset etc. - Start hydra_evaluator and hydra_queue_runner * Job selection: php-sat:build [system = "i686-linux"] php-sat:build [same system] tarball [same patchelfSrc] --if system i686-linux --arg build {...} * Restart all aborted builds in a given evaluation (e.g. 820909): > update builds set finished = 0 where id in (select id from builds where finished = 1 and buildstatus = 3 and exists (select 1 from jobsetevalmembers where eval = 820909 and build = id)); * Restart all builds in a given evaluation that had a build step time out: > update builds set finished = 0 where id in (select id from builds where finished = 1 and buildstatus != 0 and exists (select 1 from jobsetevalmembers where eval = 926992 and build = id) and exists (select 1 from buildsteps where build = id and status = 7)); * select * from (select project, jobset, job, system, max(timestamp) timestamp from builds where finished = 1 group by project, jobset, job, system) x join builds y on x.timestamp = y.timestamp and x.project = y.project and x.jobset = y.jobset and x.job = y.job and x.system = y.system; select * from (select project, jobset, job, system, max(timestamp) timestamp from builds where finished = 1 group by project, jobset, job, system) natural join builds; * Delete all scheduled builds that are not already building: delete from builds where finished = 0 and not exists (select 1 from buildschedulinginfo s where s.id = builds.id and busy != 0); * select x.project, x.jobset, x.job, x.system, x.id, x.timestamp, r.buildstatus, b.id, b.timestamp from (select project, jobset, job, system, max(id) as id from Builds where finished = 1 group by project, jobset, job, system) as a_ natural join Builds x natural join BuildResultInfo r left join Builds b on b.id = (select max(id) from builds c natural join buildresultinfo r2 where x.project = c.project and x.jobset = c.jobset and x.job = c.job and x.system = c.system and x.id > c.id and r.buildstatus != r2.buildstatus); * Using PostgreSQL (version 9.2 or newer is required): $ HYDRA_DBI="dbi:Pg:dbname=hydra;" hydra-server * Find the builds with the highest number of build steps: select id, (select count(*) from buildsteps where build = x.id) as n from builds x order by n desc; * Evaluating the NixOS Hydra jobs: $ ./hydra_eval_jobs ~/Dev/nixos-wc/release.nix --arg nixpkgs '{outPath = /home/eelco/Dev/nixpkgs-wc;}' --arg nixosSrc '{outPath = /home/eelco/Dev/nixos-wc; rev = 1234;}' --arg services '{outhPath = /home/eelco/services-wc;}' --argstr system i686-linux --argstr system x86_64-linux --arg officialRelease false * Show all the failing jobs/systems in the nixpkgs:stdenv jobset that succeed in the nixpkgs:trunk jobset: select job, system from builds b natural join buildresultinfo where project = 'nixpkgs' and jobset = 'stdenv' and iscurrent = 1 and finished = 1 and buildstatus != 0 and exists (select 1 from builds natural join buildresultinfo where project = 'nixpkgs' and jobset = 'trunk' and job = b.job and system = b.system and iscurrent = 1 and finished = 1 and buildstatus = 0) order by job, system; * Get all Nixpkgs jobs that have never built succesfully: select project, jobset, job from builds b1 where project = 'nixpkgs' and jobset = 'trunk' and iscurrent = 1 group by project, jobset, job having not exists (select 1 from builds b2 where b1.project = b2.project and b1.jobset = b2.jobset and b1.job = b2.job and finished = 1 and buildstatus = 0) order by project, jobset, job;