{ config, pkgs, ... }:

with pkgs.lib;

  cfg = config.services.hydra;

  baseDir = "/var/lib/hydra";

  hydraConf = pkgs.writeScript "hydra.conf"
      using_frontend_proxy 1
      base_uri ${cfg.hydraURL}
      notification_sender ${cfg.notificationSender}
      max_servers 25

  env =
    { NIX_REMOTE = "daemon";
      HYDRA_DBI = cfg.dbi;
      HYDRA_CONFIG = "${baseDir}/data/hydra.conf";
      HYDRA_DATA = "${baseDir}/data";
      HYDRA_PORT = "${toString cfg.port}";
      OPENSSL_X509_CERT_FILE = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";
      GIT_SSL_CAINFO = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";
  serverEnv = env //
    { HYDRA_LOGO = if cfg.logo != null then cfg.logo else "";
      HYDRA_TRACKER = cfg.tracker;

  ###### interface
  options = {
    services.hydra = rec {

      enable = mkOption {
        default = false;
        description = ''
          Whether to run Hydra services.

      dbi = mkOption {
        default = "dbi:Pg:dbname=hydra;host=localhost;user=hydra;";
        example = "dbi:SQLite:/home/hydra/db/hydra.sqlite";
        description = ''
          The DBI string for Hydra database connection.

      hydra = mkOption {
        #default = pkgs.hydra;
        description = ''
          Location of hydra

      hydraURL = mkOption {
        description = ''
          The base URL for the Hydra webserver instance. Used for links in emails.

      port = mkOption {
        default = 3000;
        description = ''
          TCP port the web server should listen to.

      minimumDiskFree = mkOption {
        default = 5;
        description = ''
          Threshold of minimum disk space (G) to determine if queue runner should run or not.

      minimumDiskFreeEvaluator = mkOption {
        default = 2;
        description = ''
          Threshold of minimum disk space (G) to determine if evaluator should run or not.

      notificationSender = mkOption {
        description = ''
          Sender email address used for email notifications.

      tracker = mkOption {
        default = "";
        description = ''
          Piece of HTML that is included on all pages.

      logo = mkOption {
        default = null;
        description = ''
          File name of an alternate logo to be displayed on the web pages.

      useWAL = mkOption {
        default = true;
        description = ''
          Whether to use SQLite's Write-Ahead Logging, which may improve performance.



  ###### implementation

  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
    environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.hydra ];

    users.extraUsers.hydra =
      { description = "Hydra";
        home = baseDir;
        createHome = true;
        useDefaultShell = true;

    nix.extraOptions = ''
      gc-keep-outputs = true
      gc-keep-derivations = true

      # The default (`true') slows Nix down a lot since the build farm
      # has so many GC roots.
      gc-check-reachability = false

      # Hydra needs caching of build failures.
      build-cache-failure = true

      build-poll-interval = 10
      # Online log compression makes it impossible to get the tail of
      # builds that are in progress.
      build-compress-log = false

      use-sqlite-wal = ${if cfg.useWAL then "true" else "false"}

    systemd.services."hydra-init" =
      { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
        environment = env;
        script = ''
          mkdir -p ${baseDir}/data
          chown hydra ${baseDir}/data
          ln -sf ${hydraConf} ${baseDir}/data/hydra.conf
          ${pkgs.shadow}/bin/su hydra -c ${cfg.hydra}/bin/hydra-init
        serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
    systemd.services."hydra-server" =
      { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
        wants = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
        after = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
        environment = serverEnv;
        serviceConfig =
          { ExecStart = "@${cfg.hydra}/bin/hydra-server hydra-server -f -h \* --max_spare_servers 5 --max_servers 25 --max_requests 100";
            User = "hydra";
            Restart = "always";

    systemd.services."hydra-queue-runner" =
      { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
        wants = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
        after = [ "hydra-init.service" "network.target" ];
        path = [ pkgs.nettools pkgs.ssmtp ];
        environment = env;
        serviceConfig =
          { ExecStartPre = "${cfg.hydra}/bin/hydra-queue-runner --unlock";
            ExecStart = "@${cfg.hydra}/bin/hydra-queue-runner hydra-queue-runner";
            User = "hydra";
            Restart = "always";

    systemd.services."hydra-evaluator" =
      { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
        wants = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
        after = [ "hydra-init.service" "network.target" ];
        path = [ pkgs.nettools pkgs.ssmtp ];
        environment = env;
        serviceConfig =
          { ExecStart = "@${cfg.hydra}/bin/hydra-evaluator hydra-evaluator";
            User = "hydra";
            Restart = "always";

    systemd.services."hydra-update-gc-roots" =
      { wants = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
        after = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
        environment = env;
        serviceConfig =
          { ExecStart = "@${cfg.hydra}/bin/hydra-update-gc-roots hydra-update-gc-roots";
            User = "hydra";

    services.cron.systemCronJobs =
        # If there is less than ... GiB of free disk space, stop the queue
        # to prevent builds from failing or aborting.
        checkSpace = pkgs.writeScript "hydra-check-space"
            #! ${pkgs.stdenv.shell}
            if [ $(($(stat -f -c '%a' /nix/store) * $(stat -f -c '%S' /nix/store))) -lt $((${toString cfg.minimumDiskFree} * 1024**3)) ]; then
                systemctl stop hydra-queue-runner
            if [ $(($(stat -f -c '%a' /nix/store) * $(stat -f -c '%S' /nix/store))) -lt $((${toString cfg.minimumDiskFreeEvaluator} * 1024**3)) ]; then
                systemctl stop hydra-evaluator

        compressLogs = pkgs.writeScript "compress-logs" ''
            #! ${pkgs.stdenv.shell} -e
           touch -d 'last month' r
           find /nix/var/log/nix/drvs -type f -a ! -newer r -name '*.drv' | xargs bzip2 -v
        [ "*/5 * * * * root  ${checkSpace} &> ${baseDir}/data/checkspace.log"
          "15 5 * * * root  ${compressLogs} &> ${baseDir}/data/compress.log"
          "15 2 * * * root  ${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl start hydra-update-gc-roots.service"