use strict; use warnings; use Setup; use Test2::V0; use Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand; my $ctx = test_context(); my $builds = $ctx->makeAndEvaluateJobset( expression => "runcommand-dynamic.nix", build => 1 ); my $build = $builds->{"runCommandHook.example"}; # Enable dynamic runcommand on the project and jobset $build->project->update({enable_dynamic_run_command => 1}); $build->jobset->update({enable_dynamic_run_command => 1}); is($build->job, "runCommandHook.example", "The only job should be runCommandHook.example"); is($build->finished, 1, "Build should be finished."); is($build->buildstatus, 0, "Build should have buildstatus 0."); subtest "fanoutToCommands" => sub { my $config = { runcommand => [ { job => "", command => "foo" }, { job => "*:*:*", command => "bar" }, { job => "tests:basic:nomatch", command => "baz" } ] }; is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::fanoutToCommands( $config, "buildFinished", $build ), [ { matcher => "", command => "foo" }, { matcher => "*:*:*", command => "bar" } ], "fanoutToCommands returns a command per matching job" ); }; subtest "fanoutToCommandsWithDynamicRunCommandSupport" => sub { like( $build->buildoutputs->find({name => "out"})->path, qr/my-build-product$/, "The way we find the out path is reasonable" ); my $config = { dynamicruncommand => { enable => 1 }, runcommand => [ { job => "*:*:*", command => "baz" } ] }; is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::fanoutToCommands( $config, "buildFinished", $build ), [ { matcher => "*:*:*", command => "baz" }, { matcher => "DynamicRunCommand(runCommandHook.example)", command => $build->buildoutputs->find({name => "out"})->path } ], "fanoutToCommands returns a command per matching job" ); }; subtest "isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand" => sub { subtest "Non-matches based on name alone ..." => sub { my $build = $builds->{"foo-bar-baz"}; is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($build), 0, "The job name does not match" ); $build->set_column("job", "runCommandHook"); is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($build), 0, "The job name does not match" ); $build->set_column("job", "runCommandHook."); is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($build), 0, "The job name does not match" ); }; subtest "On outputs ..." => sub { ok(!warns { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{"runCommandHook.example"}), 1, "out is an executable file" ); }, "No warnings for an executable file."); ok(!warns { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{"runCommandHook.symlink"}), 1, "out is a symlink to an executable file" ); }, "No warnings for a symlink to an executable file."); like(warning { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{""}), 0, "No output named out" ); }, qr/rejected: no output named 'out'/, "A relevant warning is provided for a missing output"); like(warning { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{"runCommandHook.out-is-directory"}), 0, "out is a directory" ); }, qr/output is not a regular file or symlink/, "A relevant warning is provided for a directory output"); like(warning { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{"runCommandHook.out-is-not-executable-file"}), 0, "out is a file which is not a regular file or symlink" ); }, qr/output is not executable/, "A relevant warning is provided if the file isn't executable"); like(warning { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{"runCommandHook.symlink-non-executable"}), 0, "out is a symlink to a non-executable file" ); }, qr/output is not executable/, "A relevant warning is provided for symlinks to non-executables"); like(warning { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{"runCommandHook.symlink-directory"}), 0, "out is a symlink to a directory" ); }, qr/output is not a regular file or symlink/, "A relevant warning is provided for symlinks to directories"); }; subtest "On build status ..." => sub { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{"runCommandHook.failed"}), 0, "Failed builds don't get run" ); }; subtest "With dynamic runcommand disabled ..." => sub { subtest "disabled on the project, enabled on the jobset" => sub { $build->project->update({enable_dynamic_run_command => 0}); $build->jobset->update({enable_dynamic_run_command => 1}); like(warning { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{"runCommandHook.example"}), 0, "Builds don't run from a jobset with disabled dynamic runcommand" ); }, qr/project or jobset don't have dynamic runcommand enabled./, "A relevant warning is provided for a disabled runcommand support") }; subtest "enabled on the project, disabled on the jobset" => sub { $build->project->update({enable_dynamic_run_command => 1}); $build->jobset->update({enable_dynamic_run_command => 0}); like(warning { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{"runCommandHook.example"}), 0, "Builds don't run from a jobset with disabled dynamic runcommand" ); }, qr/project or jobset don't have dynamic runcommand enabled./, "A relevant warning is provided for a disabled runcommand support") }; subtest "disabled on the project, disabled on the jobset" => sub { $build->project->update({enable_dynamic_run_command => 0}); $build->jobset->update({enable_dynamic_run_command => 0}); like(warning { is( Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand::isBuildEligibleForDynamicRunCommand($builds->{"runCommandHook.example"}), 0, "Builds don't run from a jobset with disabled dynamic runcommand" ); }, qr/project or jobset don't have dynamic runcommand enabled./, "A relevant warning is provided for a disabled runcommand support") }; }; }; done_testing;