![Eelco Dolstra](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
"local paths" feature from NixManifests.pm. git-svn-id: https://nixos.org/repos/nix/release/trunk/channels@28026 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb
209 lines
7 KiB
209 lines
7 KiB
# This script mirrors a remote Nix channel in the local filesystem.
# It downloads the remote manifest, then any NAR files that are not
# already available in the target directory. If $ENABLE_PATCHES is
# set, it also generates patches between the NAR files in the old
# version of the manifest and the new version. Because this script
# can take a long time to finish, it uses a lock to guard against
# concurrent updates, allowing it to be run periodically from a cron
# job.
use strict;
use NixManifest;
use GeneratePatches;
use File::Basename;
use File::stat;
use File::Temp qw/tempfile tempdir/;
use Fcntl ':flock';
use POSIX qw(strftime);
if (scalar @ARGV != 6 && scalar @ARGV != 7) {
print STDERR "Syntax: perl mirror-channel.pl <src-channel-url> <dst-channel-dir> <nar-dir> <nar-url> <patches-dir> <patches-url> [<nix-exprs-url>]\n";
exit 1;
my $curl = "curl --location --silent --show-error --fail";
my $srcChannelURL = $ARGV[0];
my $dstChannelPath = $ARGV[1];
my $narPath = $ARGV[2];
my $narURL = $ARGV[3];
my $patchesPath = $ARGV[4];
my $patchesURL = $ARGV[5];
my $nixexprsURL = $ARGV[6] || "$srcChannelURL/nixexprs.tar.bz2";
my $enablePatches = defined $ENV{'ENABLE_PATCHES'} && -e "$dstChannelPath/MANIFEST";
die "$dstChannelPath doesn't exist\n" unless -d $dstChannelPath;
die "$narPath doesn't exist\n" unless -d $narPath;
die "$patchesPath doesn't exist\n" unless -d $patchesPath;
my $manifestPath = "$dstChannelPath/MANIFEST";
my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-mirror-XXXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
open LOCK, ">$dstChannelPath/.lock" or die;
flock LOCK, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "started mirroring at ", strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime), "\n";
# Backup the old manifest once per day.
my $backupPath = strftime("$dstChannelPath/MANIFEST.backup-%Y%m%d", gmtime);
if (-f $manifestPath && ! -f $backupPath) {
system "cp $manifestPath $backupPath";
# Read the old manifest, if available.
my %narFilesOld;
my %patchesOld;
readManifest($manifestPath, \%narFilesOld, \%patchesOld)
if -f $manifestPath;
my %knownURLs;
while (my ($storePath, $files) = each %narFilesOld) {
$knownURLs{$_->{url}} = $_ foreach @{$files};
# Fetch the new manifest.
my $srcManifest = "$tmpDir/MANIFEST.src";
system("$curl '$srcChannelURL/MANIFEST' > $srcManifest") == 0 or die;
# Read the manifest.
my (%narFiles, %patches);
readManifest($srcManifest, \%narFiles, \%patches);
%patches = (); # not supported yet
my $size = scalar (keys %narFiles);
print "$size store paths in manifest\n";
# Protect against Hydra problems that leave the channel empty.
die "cowardly refusing to mirror an empty channel" if $size == 0;
# Download every file that we don't already have, and update every URL
# to point to the mirror. Also fill in the size and hash fields in
# the manifest in order to be compatible with Nix < 0.13.
while (my ($storePath, $files) = each %narFiles) {
foreach my $file (@{$files}) {
my $narHash = $file->{narHash};
my $srcURL = $file->{url};
my $dstName = $narHash;
$dstName =~ s/:/_/; # `:' in filenames might cause problems
my $dstFile = "$narPath/$dstName";
my $dstURL = "$narURL/$dstName";
$file->{url} = $dstURL;
if (! -e $dstFile) {
print "downloading $srcURL\n";
my $dstFileTmp = "$narPath/.tmp.$$.nar.$dstName";
system("$curl '$srcURL' > $dstFileTmp") == 0 or die "failed to download `$srcURL'";
# Verify whether the downloaded file is a bzipped NAR file
# that matches the NAR hash given in the manifest.
system("bunzip2 < $dstFileTmp > $tmpDir/out") == 0 or die "downloaded file is not a bzip2 file!";
my $hash = `nix-hash --type sha256 --flat $tmpDir/out`;
chomp $hash;
die "hash mismatch in downloaded file `$srcURL'" if "sha256:$hash" ne $file->{narHash};
rename($dstFileTmp, $dstFile) or die "cannot rename $dstFileTmp";
my $old = $knownURLs{$dstURL};
if (defined $old) {
$file->{size} = $old->{size};
$file->{hash} = $old->{hash};
} else {
$file->{size} = stat($dstFile)->size or die "cannot get size of $dstFile";
my $hashFile = "$narPath/.hash.$dstName";
my $hash;
if (-e $hashFile) {
open HASH, "<$hashFile" or die;
$hash = <HASH>;
close HASH;
} else {
$hash = `nix-hash --flat --type sha256 --base32 '$dstFile'` or die;
chomp $hash;
open HASH, ">$hashFile" or die;
print HASH $hash;
close HASH;
$file->{hash} = "sha256:$hash";
# Read all the old patches and propagate the useful ones. We use the
# file "all-patches" to keep track of all patches that have been
# generated in the past, so that patches are not lost if (for
# instance) a package temporarily disappears from the source channel,
# or if multiple instances of this script are running concurrently.
my (%dummy1, %dummy2, %allPatches);
sub readAllPatches {
readManifest("$patchesPath/all-patches", \%dummy1, \%dummy2, \%allPatches)
if -f "$patchesPath/all-patches";
propagatePatches \%allPatches, \%narFiles, \%patches;
propagatePatches \%patchesOld, \%narFiles, \%patches; # not really needed
# Make the temporary manifest available.
writeManifest("$dstChannelPath/MANIFEST.tmp", \%narFiles, \%patches);
rename("$dstChannelPath/MANIFEST.tmp", "$manifestPath") or die;
rename("$dstChannelPath/MANIFEST.tmp.bz2", "$manifestPath.bz2") or die;
# Mirror nixexprs.tar.bz2. This should really be done atomically with updating the manifest.
my $tmpFile = "$dstChannelPath/.tmp.$$.nixexprs.tar.bz2";
system("$curl '$nixexprsURL' > $tmpFile") == 0 or die "cannot download `$nixexprsURL'";
rename($tmpFile, "$dstChannelPath/nixexprs.tar.bz2") or die "cannot rename $tmpFile";
# Release the lock on the manifest to allow the manifest to be updated
# by other runs of this script while we're generating patches.
flock LOCK, LOCK_UN;
if ($enablePatches) {
# Generate patches asynchronously. This can take a long time.
generatePatches(\%narFilesOld, \%narFiles, \%allPatches, \%patches,
$narPath, $patchesPath, $patchesURL, $tmpDir);
# Lock all-patches.
open PLOCK, ">$patchesPath/all-patches.lock" or die;
# Update the list of all patches. We need to reread all-patches
# and merge in our new patches because the file may have changed
# in the meantime.
copyPatches \%patches, \%allPatches;
writeManifest("$patchesPath/all-patches", {}, \%allPatches, 0);
# Reacquire the manifest lock.
flock LOCK, LOCK_EX;
# Rewrite the manifest. We have to reread it and propagate all
# patches because it may have changed in the meantime.
readManifest($manifestPath, \%narFiles, \%patches);
propagatePatches \%allPatches, \%narFiles, \%patches;
writeManifest($manifestPath, \%narFiles, \%patches);