use std::{collections::HashMap, path::PathBuf}; use anyhow::Context; use bytes::Bytes; use futures::Stream; use indicatif::ProgressBar; use nix_compat::store_path::{StorePath, StorePathRef}; use regex::Regex; use serde::{de::Error, Deserialize, Deserializer}; use tokio::io::AsyncWrite; use crate::{actions::HydraProductType, config::MirrorConfig}; pub type ReleaseId = u64; pub type EvaluationId = u64; pub type BuildId = u64; fn deser_bool_as_int<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de> { u8::deserialize(deserializer).map(|b| if b == 1 { true } else { false }) } fn deser_bool_as_string<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de> { let s: &str = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?; match s { "false" => Ok(false), "true" => Ok(true), _ => Err(Error::unknown_variant(s, &["false", "true"])) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct OutputPath { #[serde(rename="path")] store_path: String } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct BuildProduct { #[serde(rename="path")] store_path: String, name: String, subtype: String, sha256hash: String, r#type: String, #[serde(rename="filesize")] file_size: u64 } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct BuildInfo { jobset: String, job: String, project: String, #[serde(deserialize_with = "deser_bool_as_int", rename="buildstatus")] finished: bool, #[serde(rename="releasename")] release_name: Option, #[serde(rename="stoptime")] stop_time: u64, #[serde(rename="starttime")] start_time: u64, system: String, id: BuildId, #[serde(rename="buildoutputs")] build_outputs: HashMap, #[serde(rename="buildproducts")] build_products: HashMap, #[serde(rename="nixname")] nix_name: String, #[serde(rename="drvpath")] drv_path: String, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Channel { pub name: String } #[non_exhaustive] pub enum ChannelType { NixOS, Nixpkgs, } #[non_exhaustive] pub enum ChannelVariant { Normal, Small } impl Channel { pub fn version(&self) -> String { let re = Regex::new("([a-z]+)-(?.*)").unwrap(); let caps = re.captures(&"Failed to parse the channel name"); caps["ver"].to_string() } pub fn prefix(&self) -> String { let re = Regex::new("(?[a-z]+)-(.*)").unwrap(); let caps = re.captures(&"Failed to parse the channel name"); caps["name"].to_string() } // TODO: just regex match? pub fn r#type(&self) -> ChannelType { ChannelType::NixOS } pub fn variant(&self) -> ChannelVariant { ChannelVariant::Normal } } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Release { pub id: ReleaseId, job: String, #[serde(rename = "releasename")] release_name: Option, #[serde(rename = "starttime")] start_time: u64, #[serde(rename = "stoptime")] stop_time: u64, #[serde(rename = "nixname")] pub nix_name: String, #[serde(rename = "jobsetevals")] jobset_evals: Vec, jobset: String, #[serde(deserialize_with = "deser_bool_as_int")] finished: bool, priority: u64, system: String, timestamp: u64, project: String, #[serde(rename = "drvpath")] derivation_path: String, // ignored: buildproducts, buildoutputs, buildmetrics, buildstatus } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GitInput { uri: String, revision: String } // FIXME(Raito): for some reason, #[serde(tag = "type"), rename_all = "lowercase"] doesn't behave // correctly, and causes deserialization failures in practice. `untagged` is suboptimal but works // because of the way responses works... #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(untagged, expecting = "An valid jobset input")] pub enum Input { Boolean { #[serde(deserialize_with = "deser_bool_as_string")] value: bool }, Git { uri: String, revision: String }, Nix { value: String }, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Evaluation { pub id: EvaluationId, #[serde(rename="checkouttime")] checkout_time: u64, #[serde(rename="evaltime")] eval_time: u64, flake: Option, #[serde(rename="jobsetevalinputs", default)] pub jobset_eval_inputs: HashMap, timestamp: u64, builds: Vec, } impl Release { pub fn version(&self) -> String { let re = Regex::new(".+-(?[0-9].+)").unwrap(); let caps = re.captures(&self.nix_name).expect("Failed to parse the release name"); caps["ver"].to_string() } pub fn evaluation_id(&self) -> u64 { *self.jobset_evals.first().expect("Failed to obtain the corresponding evaluation, malformed release?") } pub fn evaluation_url(&self, hydra_base_uri: &str) -> String { let eval_id = self.evaluation_id(); format!("{}/eval/{}", hydra_base_uri, eval_id) } pub fn job_url(&self, hydra_base_uri: &str, job_name: &str) -> String { let eval_id = self.evaluation_id(); format!("{}/eval/{}/job/{}", hydra_base_uri, eval_id, job_name) } pub fn store_paths_url(&self, hydra_base_uri: &str) -> String { let eval_id = self.evaluation_id(); format!("{}/eval/{}/store-paths", hydra_base_uri, eval_id) } /// Directory related to this release. fn directory(&self, channel: &Channel) -> String { match { "nixpkgs-unstable" => "nixpkgs".to_string(), _ => format!("{}/{}", channel.prefix(), channel.version()) } } pub fn prefix(&self, channel: &Channel) -> object_store::path::Path { format!("{}/{}",, self.nix_name).into() } } pub fn release_uri(hydra_uri: &str, job_name: &str) -> String { format!("{}/job/{}/latest", hydra_uri, job_name) } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct HydraClient<'a> { pub config: &'a MirrorConfig, } impl HydraClient<'_> { pub async fn fetch_release(&self, job_name: &str) -> reqwest::Result { let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client.get(release_uri(&self.config.hydra_uri, job_name)) .header("Accept", "application/json") // TODO: put a proper version .header("User-Agent", "nixos-channel-scripts (rust)") .send() .await?; resp.json().await } pub async fn fetch_evaluation(&self, release: &Release) -> reqwest::Result { let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client.get(release.evaluation_url(&self.config.hydra_uri)) .header("Accept", "application/json") .header("User-Agent", "nixos-channel-scripts (rust)") .send() .await?; resp.json().await } pub async fn fetch_store_paths(&self, release: &Release) -> anyhow::Result>> { let client = reqwest::Client::new(); Ok(client.get(release.store_paths_url(&self.config.hydra_uri)) .header("Accept", "application/json") .header("User-Agent", "nixos-channel-scripts (rust)") .send() .await? .json() .await .context(format!("while downloading store-paths information for an evaluation"))? ) } pub async fn hydra_product_bytes_stream(&self, release: &Release, job_name: &str, product_type: Option) -> anyhow::Result<(u64, impl Stream>)> { let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let build_info: BuildInfo = client.get(release.job_url(&self.config.hydra_uri, job_name)) .header("Accept", "application/json") .header("User-Agent", "nixos-channel-scripts (rust)") .send() .await? .json() .await .context(format!("while downloading build information from {}", release.job_url(&self.config.hydra_uri, job_name)))?; let mut products_by_subtype: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for (_, product) in build_info.build_products { if products_by_subtype.contains_key(&product.subtype) { todo!("Job {} has multiple products of the same subtype {:?}. This is not supported yet.", job_name, product_type); } products_by_subtype.insert(product.subtype.clone(), product); } if products_by_subtype.len() > 1 && product_type.is_none() { panic!("Job {} has {} build products. Select the right product via the subtypes.", job_name, products_by_subtype.len()); } let product: BuildProduct = if let Some(ptype) = product_type { products_by_subtype.remove(&ptype.to_string()).expect(&format!("Expected product type '{}' but not found in the list of products", &ptype.to_string())) } else { products_by_subtype.into_iter().last().expect(&format!("Expected at least one build product in job {}, found zero", job_name)).1 }; // 3. FIXME: validate sha256hash during read? let (store_path, rel_path) = StorePathRef::from_absolute_path_full(&product.store_path).expect("Failed to parse the product's store path"); crate::nar::file_in_nar_bytes_stream(&self.config.binary_cache_uri, &nix_compat::nixbase32::encode(store_path.digest()), rel_path.to_str().unwrap()).await.context("while copying the NAR to the target") } pub async fn copy_hydra_product(&self, release: &Release, job_name: &str, product_type: Option, pbar: ProgressBar, out: &mut W) -> anyhow::Result { // TODO: dry me? let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let build_info: BuildInfo = client.get(release.job_url(&self.config.hydra_uri, job_name)) .header("Accept", "application/json") .header("User-Agent", "nixos-channel-scripts (rust)") .send() .await? .json() .await .context(format!("while downloading build information from {}", release.job_url(&self.config.hydra_uri, job_name)))?; let mut products_by_subtype: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for (_, product) in build_info.build_products { if products_by_subtype.contains_key(&product.subtype) { todo!("Job {} has multiple products of the same subtype {:?}. This is not supported yet.", job_name, product_type); } products_by_subtype.insert(product.subtype.clone(), product); } if products_by_subtype.len() > 1 && product_type.is_none() { panic!("Job {} has {} build products. Select the right product via the subtypes.", job_name, products_by_subtype.len()); } let product: BuildProduct = if let Some(ptype) = product_type { products_by_subtype.remove(&ptype.to_string()).expect(&format!("Expected product type '{}' but not found in the list of products", &ptype.to_string())) } else { products_by_subtype.into_iter().last().expect(&format!("Expected at least one build product in job {}, found zero", job_name)).1 }; // 3. FIXME: validate sha256hash during read? let (store_path, rel_path) = StorePathRef::from_absolute_path_full(&product.store_path).expect("Failed to parse the product's store path"); crate::nar::copy_file_in_nar(&self.config.binary_cache_uri, &nix_compat::nixbase32::encode(store_path.digest()), rel_path.to_str().unwrap(), pbar, out).await.context("while copying the NAR to the target") } }