Eelco Dolstra e877c69d78 * Substitutes now should produce a path with the same id as they are
substituting for (obvious, really).

* For greater efficiency, nix-pull/unnar will place the output in a
  path that is probably the same as what is actually needed, thus
  preventing a path copy.

* Even if a output id is given in a Fix package expression, ensure
  that the resulting Nix derive expression has a different id.  This
  is because Nix expressions that are semantically equivalent (i.e.,
  build the same result) might be different w.r.t. efficiency or
  divergence.  It is absolutely vital for the substitute mechanism
  that such expressions are not used interchangeably.
2003-07-22 15:15:15 +00:00

335 lines
9.4 KiB

#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include "globals.hh"
#include "normalise.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
typedef ATerm Expr;
typedef map<ATerm, ATerm> NormalForms;
typedef map<FSId, Hash> PkgHashes;
struct EvalState
Strings searchDirs;
NormalForms normalForms;
PkgHashes pkgHashes; /* normalised package hashes */
static Expr evalFile(EvalState & state, string fileName);
static Expr evalExpr(EvalState & state, Expr e);
static string searchPath(const Strings & searchDirs, string relPath)
if (string(relPath, 0, 1) == "/") return relPath;
for (Strings::const_iterator i = searchDirs.begin();
i != searchDirs.end(); i++)
string path = *i + "/" + relPath;
if (pathExists(path)) return path;
throw Error(
format("path `%1%' not found in any of the search directories")
% relPath);
static Expr substExpr(string x, Expr rep, Expr e)
char * s;
Expr e2;
if (ATmatch(e, "Var(<str>)", &s))
if (x == s)
return rep;
return e;
if (ATmatch(e, "Lam(<str>, <term>)", &s, &e2))
if (x == s)
return e;
/* !!! unfair substitutions */
/* Generically substitute in subterms. */
if (ATgetType(e) == AT_APPL) {
AFun fun = ATgetAFun(e);
int arity = ATgetArity(fun);
ATermList args = ATempty;
for (int i = arity - 1; i >= 0; i--)
args = ATinsert(args, substExpr(x, rep, ATgetArgument(e, i)));
return (ATerm) ATmakeApplList(fun, args);
if (ATgetType(e) == AT_LIST) {
ATermList in = (ATermList) e;
ATermList out = ATempty;
while (!ATisEmpty(in)) {
out = ATinsert(out, substExpr(x, rep, ATgetFirst(in)));
in = ATgetNext(in);
return (ATerm) ATreverse(out);
throw badTerm("do not know how to substitute", e);
static Expr substExprMany(ATermList formals, ATermList args, Expr body)
char * s;
Expr e;
/* !!! check args against formals */
while (!ATisEmpty(args)) {
ATerm tup = ATgetFirst(args);
if (!ATmatch(tup, "(<str>, <term>)", &s, &e))
throw badTerm("expected an argument tuple", tup);
body = substExpr(s, e, body);
args = ATgetNext(args);
return body;
Hash hashPackage(EvalState & state, FState fs)
if (fs.type == FState::fsDerive) {
for (FSIds::iterator i = fs.derive.inputs.begin();
i != fs.derive.inputs.end(); i++)
PkgHashes::iterator j = state.pkgHashes.find(*i);
if (j == state.pkgHashes.end())
throw Error(format("unknown package id %1%") % (string) *i);
*i = j->second;
return hashTerm(unparseFState(fs));
static Expr evalExpr2(EvalState & state, Expr e)
char * s1;
Expr e1, e2, e3, e4;
ATermList bnds;
/* Normal forms. */
if (ATmatch(e, "<str>", &s1) ||
ATmatch(e, "Function([<list>], <term>)", &e1, &e2) ||
ATmatch(e, "FSId(<str>)", &s1))
return e;
try {
Hash pkgHash = hashPackage(state, parseFState(e));
FSId pkgId = writeTerm(e, "");
state.pkgHashes[pkgId] = pkgHash;
return ATmake("FSId(<str>)", ((string) pkgId).c_str());
} catch (...) { /* !!! catch parse errors only */
/* Application. */
if (ATmatch(e, "App(<term>, [<list>])", &e1, &e2)) {
e1 = evalExpr(state, e1);
if (!ATmatch(e1, "Function([<list>], <term>)", &e3, &e4))
throw badTerm("expecting a function", e1);
return evalExpr(state,
substExprMany((ATermList) e3, (ATermList) e2, e4));
/* Fix inclusion. */
if (ATmatch(e, "IncludeFix(<str>)", &s1)) {
string fileName(s1);
return evalFile(state, s1);
/* Relative files. */
if (ATmatch(e, "Relative(<str>)", &s1)) {
string srcPath = searchPath(state.searchDirs, s1);
string dstPath;
FSId id;
addToStore(srcPath, dstPath, id, true);
SliceElem elem;
elem.path = dstPath; = id;
FState fs;
fs.type = FState::fsSlice;
Hash pkgHash = hashPackage(state, fs);
FSId pkgId = writeTerm(unparseFState(fs), "");
state.pkgHashes[pkgId] = pkgHash;
return ATmake("FSId(<str>)", ((string) pkgId).c_str());
/* Packages are transformed into Derive fstate expressions. */
if (ATmatch(e, "Package([<list>])", &bnds)) {
/* Evaluate the bindings and put them in a map. */
map<string, ATerm> bndMap;
bndMap["platform"] = ATmake("<str>", SYSTEM);
while (!ATisEmpty(bnds)) {
ATerm bnd = ATgetFirst(bnds);
if (!ATmatch(bnd, "(<str>, <term>)", &s1, &e1))
throw badTerm("binding expected", bnd);
bndMap[s1] = evalExpr(state, e1);
bnds = ATgetNext(bnds);
/* Gather information for building the Derive expression. */
FState fs;
fs.type = FState::fsDerive;
fs.derive.platform = SYSTEM;
string name;
FSId outId;
bool outIdGiven = false;
bnds = ATempty;
for (map<string, ATerm>::iterator it = bndMap.begin();
it != bndMap.end(); it++)
string key = it->first;
ATerm value = it->second;
if (ATmatch(value, "FSId(<str>)", &s1)) {
FSId id = parseHash(s1);
Strings paths = fstatePaths(id, false);
if (paths.size() != 1) abort();
string path = *(paths.begin());
fs.derive.env.push_back(StringPair(key, path));
if (key == "build") fs.derive.builder = path;
else if (ATmatch(value, "<str>", &s1)) {
if (key == "name") name = s1;
if (key == "id") {
outId = parseHash(s1);
outIdGiven = true;
fs.derive.env.push_back(StringPair(key, s1));
else throw badTerm("invalid package argument", value);
bnds = ATinsert(bnds,
ATmake("(<str>, <term>)", key.c_str(), value));
if (fs.derive.builder == "")
throw badTerm("no builder specified", e);
if (name == "")
throw badTerm("no package name specified", e);
/* Hash the fstate-expression with no outputs to produce a
unique but deterministic path name for this package. */
if (!outIdGiven) outId = hashPackage(state, fs);
string outPath =
canonPath(nixStore + "/" + ((string) outId).c_str() + "-" + name);
fs.derive.env.push_back(StringPair("out", outPath));
fs.derive.outputs.push_back(DeriveOutput(outPath, outId));
debug(format("%1%: %2%") % (string) outId % name);
/* Write the resulting term into the Nix store directory. */
Hash pkgHash = outIdGiven
? hashString((string) outId + outPath)
: hashPackage(state, fs);
FSId pkgId = writeTerm(unparseFState(fs), "-d-" + name);
state.pkgHashes[pkgId] = pkgHash;
return ATmake("FSId(<str>)", ((string) pkgId).c_str());
/* BaseName primitive function. */
if (ATmatch(e, "BaseName(<term>)", &e1)) {
e1 = evalExpr(state, e1);
if (!ATmatch(e1, "<str>", &s1))
throw badTerm("string expected", e1);
return ATmake("<str>", baseNameOf(s1).c_str());
/* Barf. */
throw badTerm("invalid expression", e);
static Expr evalExpr(EvalState & state, Expr e)
/* Consult the memo table to quickly get the normal form of
previously evaluated expressions. */
NormalForms::iterator i = state.normalForms.find(e);
if (i != state.normalForms.end()) return i->second;
/* Otherwise, evaluate and memoize. */
Expr nf = evalExpr2(state, e);
state.normalForms[e] = nf;
return nf;
static Expr evalFile(EvalState & state, string relPath)
string path = searchPath(state.searchDirs, relPath);
Expr e = ATreadFromNamedFile(path.c_str());
if (!e)
throw Error(format("unable to read a term from `%1%'") % path);
return evalExpr(state, e);
void run(Strings args)
EvalState state;
Strings files;
state.searchDirs.push_back(nixDataDir + "/fix");
for (Strings::iterator it = args.begin();
it != args.end(); )
string arg = *it++;
if (arg == "--includedir" || arg == "-I") {
if (it == args.end())
throw UsageError(format("argument required in `%1%'") % arg);
else if (arg[0] == '-')
throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%`") % arg);
if (files.empty()) throw UsageError("no files specified");
for (Strings::iterator it = files.begin();
it != files.end(); it++)
Expr e = evalFile(state, *it);
char * s;
if (ATmatch(e, "FSId(<str>)", &s)) {
cout << format("%1%\n") % s;
else throw badTerm("top level is not a package", e);
string programId = "fix";