forked from lix-project/hydra
254 lines
7.9 KiB
254 lines
7.9 KiB
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <gc/gc_allocator.h>
#include "shared.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include "util.hh"
#include "xml-writer.hh"
#include "get-drvs.hh"
using namespace nix;
void printHelp()
std::cout << "Syntax: eval-jobs <expr>\n";
static Path gcRootsDir;
typedef std::map<Symbol, std::pair<unsigned int, Value *> > ArgsUsed;
typedef std::list<Value *, traceable_allocator<Value *> > ValueList;
typedef std::map<Symbol, ValueList> AutoArgs;
static void findJobs(EvalState & state, XMLWriter & doc,
const ArgsUsed & argsUsed, const AutoArgs & argsLeft,
Value & v, const string & attrPath);
static void tryJobAlts(EvalState & state, XMLWriter & doc,
const ArgsUsed & argsUsed, const AutoArgs & argsLeft,
const string & attrPath, Value & fun,
Formals::Formals_::iterator cur,
Formals::Formals_::iterator last,
const Bindings & actualArgs)
if (cur == last) {
Value v, * arg = state.allocValue();
state.mkAttrs(*arg, 0);
*arg->attrs = actualArgs;
mkApp(v, fun, *arg);
findJobs(state, doc, argsUsed, argsLeft, v, attrPath);
AutoArgs::const_iterator a = argsLeft.find(cur->name);
if (a == argsLeft.end())
throw TypeError(format("job `%1%' requires an argument named `%2%'")
% attrPath % cur->name);
Formals::Formals_::iterator next = cur; ++next;
int n = 0;
foreach (ValueList::const_iterator, i, a->second) {
Bindings actualArgs2(actualArgs); // !!! inefficient
ArgsUsed argsUsed2(argsUsed);
AutoArgs argsLeft2(argsLeft);
actualArgs2.push_back(Attr(cur->name, *i));
actualArgs2.sort(); // !!! inefficient
argsUsed2[cur->name] = std::pair<unsigned int, Value *>(n, *i);
tryJobAlts(state, doc, argsUsed2, argsLeft2, attrPath, fun, next, last, actualArgs2);
static void showArgsUsed(XMLWriter & doc, const ArgsUsed & argsUsed)
foreach (ArgsUsed::const_iterator, i, argsUsed) {
XMLAttrs xmlAttrs2;
xmlAttrs2["name"] = i->first;
xmlAttrs2["value"] = (format("%1%") % *i->second.second).str();
xmlAttrs2["altnr"] = int2String(i->second.first);
doc.writeEmptyElement("arg", xmlAttrs2);
static string queryMetaFieldString(MetaInfo & meta, const string & name)
MetaValue value = meta[name];
if (value.type != MetaValue::tpString) return "";
return value.stringValue;
static int queryMetaFieldInt(MetaInfo & meta, const string & name, int def)
MetaValue value = meta[name];
if (value.type == MetaValue::tpInt) return value.intValue;
if (value.type == MetaValue::tpString) {
int n;
if (string2Int(value.stringValue, n)) return n;
return def;
static void findJobsWrapped(EvalState & state, XMLWriter & doc,
const ArgsUsed & argsUsed, const AutoArgs & argsLeft,
Value & v, const string & attrPath)
debug(format("at path `%1%'") % attrPath);
if (v.type == tAttrs) {
DrvInfo drv;
if (getDerivation(state, v, drv)) {
XMLAttrs xmlAttrs;
Path drvPath;
xmlAttrs["jobName"] = attrPath;
xmlAttrs["nixName"] =;
xmlAttrs["system"] = drv.system;
xmlAttrs["drvPath"] = drvPath = drv.queryDrvPath(state);
xmlAttrs["outPath"] = drv.queryOutPath(state);
MetaInfo meta = drv.queryMetaInfo(state);
xmlAttrs["description"] = queryMetaFieldString(meta, "description");
xmlAttrs["longDescription"] = queryMetaFieldString(meta, "longDescription");
xmlAttrs["license"] = queryMetaFieldString(meta, "license");
xmlAttrs["homepage"] = queryMetaFieldString(meta, "homepage");
int prio = queryMetaFieldInt(meta, "schedulingPriority", 100);
xmlAttrs["schedulingPriority"] = int2String(prio);
int timeout = queryMetaFieldInt(meta, "timeout", 36000);
xmlAttrs["timeout"] = int2String(timeout);
int maxsilent = queryMetaFieldInt(meta, "maxSilent", 3600);
xmlAttrs["maxSilent"] = int2String(maxsilent);
string maintainers;
MetaValue value = meta["maintainers"];
if (value.type == MetaValue::tpString)
maintainers = value.stringValue;
else if (value.type == MetaValue::tpStrings) {
foreach (Strings::const_iterator, i, value.stringValues) {
if (maintainers.size() != 0) maintainers += ", ";
maintainers += *i;
xmlAttrs["maintainers"] = maintainers;
/* Register the derivation as a GC root. !!! This
registers roots for jobs that we may have already
done. */
if (gcRootsDir != "") {
Path root = gcRootsDir + "/" + baseNameOf(drvPath);
if (!pathExists(root)) addPermRoot(*store, drvPath, root, false);
XMLOpenElement _(doc, "job", xmlAttrs);
showArgsUsed(doc, argsUsed);
else {
foreach (Bindings::iterator, i, *v.attrs)
findJobs(state, doc, argsUsed, argsLeft, *i->value,
(attrPath.empty() ? "" : attrPath + ".") + (string) i->name);
else if (v.type == tLambda &&>matchAttrs) {
tryJobAlts(state, doc, argsUsed, argsLeft, attrPath, v,
throw TypeError(format("unsupported value: %1%") % v);
static void findJobs(EvalState & state, XMLWriter & doc,
const ArgsUsed & argsUsed, const AutoArgs & argsLeft,
Value & v, const string & attrPath)
try {
findJobsWrapped(state, doc, argsUsed, argsLeft, v, attrPath);
} catch (EvalError & e) {
XMLAttrs xmlAttrs;
xmlAttrs["location"] = attrPath;
xmlAttrs["msg"] = e.msg();
XMLOpenElement _(doc, "error", xmlAttrs);
showArgsUsed(doc, argsUsed);
void run(Strings args)
EvalState state;
Path releaseExpr;
AutoArgs autoArgs;
for (Strings::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ) {
string arg = *i++;
if (arg == "--arg" || arg == "--argstr") {
/* This is like --arg in nix-instantiate, except that it
supports multiple versions for the same argument.
That is, autoArgs is a mapping from variable names to
*lists* of values. */
if (i == args.end()) throw UsageError("missing argument");
string name = *i++;
if (i == args.end()) throw UsageError("missing argument");
string value = *i++;
Value * v = state.allocValue();
if (arg == "--arg")
state.eval(state.parseExprFromString(value, absPath(".")), *v);
mkString(*v, value);
else if (arg == "--gc-roots-dir") {
if (i == args.end()) throw UsageError("missing argument");
gcRootsDir = *i++;
else if (arg[0] == '-')
throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % arg);
releaseExpr = arg;
if (releaseExpr == "") throw UsageError("no expression specified");
if (gcRootsDir == "") printMsg(lvlError, "warning: `--gc-roots-dir' not specified");
store = openStore();
Expr * e = state.parseExprFromFile(releaseExpr);
Value v;
state.mkThunk_(v, e);
XMLWriter doc(true, std::cout);
XMLOpenElement root(doc, "jobs");
findJobs(state, doc, ArgsUsed(), autoArgs, v, "");
string programId = "eval-jobs";