Eelco Dolstra 77dbf55abb hydra-queue-runner: Tweaked the selection method
Pick the jobset that has used the smallest fraction of its share,
rather than the jobset furthest below its share in absolute terms.
This gives jobsets with a small share a quicker start (but they
will also run out of their share quicker).
2013-09-21 19:54:58 +00:00

252 lines
9.1 KiB
Executable file

#! /var/run/current-system/sw/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use POSIX qw(dup2 :sys_wait_h);
use Hydra::Schema;
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
use Hydra::Model::DB;
use IO::Handle;
use Nix::Store;
chdir Hydra::Model::DB::getHydraPath or die;
my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new();
my $lastTime;
sub unlockDeadBuilds {
# Unlock builds whose building process has died.
txn_do($db, sub {
my @builds = $db->resultset('Builds')->search({finished => 0, busy => 1});
foreach my $build (@builds) {
my $pid = $build->locker;
my $unlock = 0;
if ($pid == $$) {
if (!defined $lastTime || $build->starttime < $lastTime - 300) {
$unlock = 1;
} elsif (kill(0, $pid) != 1) { # see if we can signal the process
$unlock = 1;
if ($unlock) {
print "build ", $build->id, " pid $pid died, unlocking\n";
$build->update({ busy => 0, locker => "" });
$build->buildsteps->search({ busy => 1 })->update({ busy => 0, status => 4, stoptime => time });
# Given a build, return an arbitrary queued build on which this build
# depends; or undef if no such build exists.
sub findBuildDependencyInQueue {
my ($buildsByDrv, $build) = @_;
return undef; # FIXME
return undef unless isValidPath($build->drvpath);
my @deps = grep { /\.drv$/ && $_ ne $build->drvpath } computeFSClosure(0, 0, $build->drvpath);
return unless scalar @deps > 0;
foreach my $d (@deps) {
my $b = $buildsByDrv->{$d};
next unless defined $b;
return $db->resultset('Builds')->find($b);
return undef;
sub checkBuilds {
# print "looking for runnable builds...\n";
my @buildsStarted;
my $machines = getMachines;
my %maxConcurrent;
foreach my $machineName (keys %{$machines}) {
foreach my $system (@{${$machines}{$machineName}{'systemTypes'}}) {
$maxConcurrent{$system} = (${$machines}{$machineName}{'maxJobs'} or 0) + ($maxConcurrent{$system} or 0)
txn_do($db, sub {
# Cache scheduled builds by derivation path to speed up
# findBuildDependencyInQueue.
my $buildsByDrv = {};
$buildsByDrv->{$_->drvpath} = $_->id
foreach $db->resultset('Builds')->search({ finished => 0 }, { join => ['project'] });
# Get the system types for the runnable builds.
my @systemTypes = $db->resultset('Builds')->search(
{ finished => 0, busy => 0 },
{ join => ['project'], select => ['system'], as => ['system'], distinct => 1 });
# Get the total number of scheduling shares.
my $totalShares = getTotalShares($db);
# For each system type, select up to the maximum number of
# concurrent build for that system type.
foreach my $system (@systemTypes) {
# How many builds are already currently executing for this
# system type?
my $nrActive = $db->resultset('Builds')->search(
{finished => 0, busy => 1, system => $system->system})->count;
(my $systemTypeInfo) = $db->resultset('SystemTypes')->search({system => $system->system});
my $max = defined $systemTypeInfo ? $systemTypeInfo->maxconcurrent : $maxConcurrent{$system->system} // 2;
my $extraAllowed = $max - $nrActive;
next if $extraAllowed <= 0;
print STDERR "starting at most $extraAllowed builds for system ${\$system->system}\n";
my $timeSpentPerJobset;
j: while ($extraAllowed-- > 0) {
my @runnableJobsets = $db->resultset('Builds')->search(
{ finished => 0, busy => 0, system => $system->system },
{ select => ['project', 'jobset'], distinct => 1 });
next if @runnableJobsets == 0;
my $windowSize = 24 * 3600;
my $costPerBuild = 30;
my $totalWindowSize = $windowSize * $max;
my @res;
foreach my $b (@runnableJobsets) {
my $jobset = $db->resultset('Jobsets')->find($b->get_column('project'), $b->get_column('jobset')) or die;
my $timeSpent = $timeSpentPerJobset->{$b->get_column('project')}->{$b->get_column('jobset')};
if (!defined $timeSpent) {
$timeSpent = $jobset->builds->search(
{ },
{ where => \ ("(finished = 0 or (me.stoptime >= " . (time() - $windowSize) . "))")
, join => 'buildsteps'
, select => \ "sum(coalesce(buildsteps.stoptime, ${\time}) - buildsteps.starttime)"
, as => "sum" })->single->get_column("sum") // 0;
# Add a 30s penalty for each started build. This
# is to account for jobsets that have running
# builds but no build steps yet.
$timeSpent += $jobset->builds->search({ finished => 0, busy => 1 })->count * $costPerBuild;
$timeSpentPerJobset->{$b->get_column('project')}->{$b->get_column('jobset')} = $timeSpent;
my $share = $jobset->schedulingshares || 1; # prevent division by zero
my $used = $timeSpent / ($totalWindowSize * ($share / $totalShares));
#printf STDERR "%s:%s: %d s, total used = %.2f%%, share used = %.2f%%\n", $jobset->get_column('project'), $jobset->name, $timeSpent, $timeSpent / $totalWindowSize * 100, $used * 100;
push @res, { jobset => $jobset, used => $used };
foreach my $r (sort { $a->{used} <=> $b->{used} } @res) {
my $jobset = $r->{jobset};
#print STDERR "selected ", $jobset->get_column('project'), ':', $jobset->name, "\n";
# Select the highest-priority build for this jobset.
my @builds = $jobset->builds->search(
{ finished => 0, busy => 0, system => $system->system },
{ order_by => ["priority DESC", "id"] });
foreach my $build (@builds) {
# Find a dependency of $build that has no queued
# dependencies itself. This isn't strictly necessary,
# but it ensures that Nix builds are done as part of
# their corresponding Hydra builds, rather than as a
# dependency of some other Hydra build.
while (my $dep = findBuildDependencyInQueue($buildsByDrv, $build)) {
$build = $dep;
next if $build->busy;
printf STDERR "starting build %d (%s:%s:%s) on %s; jobset at %.2f%% of its share\n",
$build->id, $build->project->name, $build->jobset->name, $build->job->name, $build->system, $r->{used} * 100;
my $logfile = getcwd . "/logs/" . $build->id;
mkdir(dirname $logfile);
{ busy => 1
, locker => $$
, logfile => $logfile
push @buildsStarted, $build;
$timeSpentPerJobset->{$jobset->get_column('project')}->{$jobset->name} += $costPerBuild;
next j;
last; # nothing found, give up on this system type
$lastTime = time();
$_->update({ starttime => time() }) foreach @buildsStarted;
# Actually start the builds we just selected. We need to do this
# outside the transaction in case it aborts or something.
foreach my $build (@buildsStarted) {
my $id = $build->id;
eval {
my $logfile = $build->logfile;
my $child = fork();
die unless defined $child;
if ($child == 0) {
eval {
open LOG, ">$logfile" or die "cannot create logfile $logfile";
POSIX::dup2(fileno(LOG), 1) or die;
POSIX::dup2(fileno(LOG), 2) or die;
exec("hydra-build", $id);
warn "cannot start build $id: $@";
if ($@) {
warn $@;
txn_do($db, sub {
$build->update({ busy => 0, locker => $$ });
if (scalar(@ARGV) == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq "--unlock") {
exit 0;
while (1) {
eval {
# Clean up zombies.
while ((waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG)) > 0) { };
warn $@ if $@;
# print "sleeping...\n";