
150 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable file

#! /var/run/current-system/sw/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use POSIX qw(dup2 :sys_wait_h);
use Hydra::Schema;
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
chdir getHydraPath or die;
my $db = openHydraDB;
my $hydraHome = $ENV{"HYDRA_HOME"};
die "The HYDRA_HOME environment variable is not set!\n" unless defined $hydraHome;
sub unlockDeadBuilds {
# Unlock builds whose building process has died.
$db->txn_do(sub {
my @builds = $db->resultset('Builds')->search(
{finished => 0, busy => 1}, {join => 'schedulingInfo'});
foreach my $build (@builds) {
my $pid = $build->schedulingInfo->locker;
my $unlock = 0;
if ($pid == $$) {
# Work around sqlite locking timeouts: if the child
# barfed because of a locked DB before updating the
# `locker' field, then `locker' is still set to $$.
# So if after a minute it hasn't been updated,
# unlock the build. !!! need a better fix for those
# locking timeouts.
if ($build->schedulingInfo->starttime + 60 < time) {
$unlock = 1;
} elsif (kill(0, $pid) != 1) { # see if we can signal the process
$unlock = 1;
if ($unlock) {
print "build ", $build->id, " pid $pid died, unlocking\n";
sub checkBuilds {
print "looking for runnable builds...\n";
my @buildsStarted;
$db->txn_do(sub {
# Get the system types for the runnable builds.
my @systemTypes = $db->resultset('Builds')->search(
{ finished => 0, busy => 0, enabled => 1, disabled => 0 },
{ join => ['schedulingInfo', 'project'], select => [{distinct => 'system'}], as => ['system'] });
# For each system type, select up to the maximum number of
# concurrent build for that system type. Choose the highest
# priority builds first, then the oldest builds.
foreach my $system (@systemTypes) {
# How many builds are already currently executing for this
# system type?
my $nrActive = $db->resultset('Builds')->search(
{finished => 0, busy => 1, system => $system->system},
{join => 'schedulingInfo'})->count;
# How many extra builds can we start?
(my $systemTypeInfo) = $db->resultset('SystemTypes')->search({system => $system->system});
my $maxConcurrent = defined $systemTypeInfo ? $systemTypeInfo->maxconcurrent : 2;
my $extraAllowed = $maxConcurrent - $nrActive;
$extraAllowed = 0 if $extraAllowed < 0;
# Select the highest-priority builds to start.
my @builds = $extraAllowed == 0 ? () : $db->resultset('Builds')->search(
{ finished => 0, busy => 0, system => $system->system, enabled => 1, disabled => 0 },
{ join => ['schedulingInfo', 'project'], order_by => ["priority DESC", "timestamp"],
rows => $extraAllowed });
print "system type `", $system->system,
"': $nrActive active, $maxConcurrent allowed, ",
"starting ", scalar(@builds), " builds\n";
foreach my $build (@builds) {
my $logfile = getcwd . "/logs/" . $build->id;
mkdir(dirname $logfile);
push @buildsStarted, $build;
# Actually start the builds we just selected. We need to do this
# outside the transaction in case it aborts or something.
foreach my $build (@buildsStarted) {
my $id = $build->id;
print "starting build $id (", $build->project->name, ":", $build->attrname, ") on ", $build->system, "\n";
eval {
my $logfile = $build->schedulingInfo->logfile;
my $child = fork();
die unless defined $child;
if ($child == 0) {
eval {
open LOG, ">$logfile" or die "cannot create logfile $logfile";
POSIX::dup2(fileno(LOG), 1) or die;
POSIX::dup2(fileno(LOG), 2) or die;
exec("hydra_build.pl", $id);
warn "cannot start build $id: $@";
if ($@) {
warn $@;
$db->txn_do(sub {
while (1) {
eval {
# Clean up zombies.
while ((waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG)) > 0) { };
warn $@ if $@;
print "sleeping...\n";