forked from lix-project/hydra
363 lines
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363 lines
12 KiB
package Hydra::Controller::Jobset;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Hydra::Base::Controller::ListBuilds';
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
use Hydra::Helper::CatalystUtils;
sub jobset : Chained('/') PathPart('jobset') CaptureArgs(2) {
my ($self, $c, $projectName, $jobsetName) = @_;
my $project = $c->model('DB::Projects')->find($projectName)
or notFound($c, "Project $projectName doesn't exist.");
$c->stash->{project} = $project;
$c->stash->{jobset_} = $project->jobsets->search({name => $jobsetName});
$c->stash->{jobset} = $c->stash->{jobset_}->single
or notFound($c, "Jobset $jobsetName doesn't exist.");
sub jobsetIndex {
my ($self, $c, $forceStatus) = @_;
$c->stash->{template} = '';
#getBuildStats($c, scalar $c->stash->{jobset}->builds);
my $projectName = $c->stash->{project}->name;
my $jobsetName = $c->stash->{jobset}->name;
# Get the active / inactive jobs in this jobset.
my @jobs = $c->stash->{jobset}->jobs->search(
{ },
{ select => [
\ ("exists (select 1 from builds where project = '$projectName' and jobset = '$jobsetName' and job = and isCurrent = 1) as active")
, as => ["name", "active"]
, order_by => ["name"] });
$c->stash->{activeJobs} = [];
$c->stash->{inactiveJobs} = [];
foreach my $job (@jobs) {
if ($job->get_column('active')) {
push @{$c->stash->{activeJobs}}, $job->name;
} else {
push @{$c->stash->{inactiveJobs}}, $job->name;
$c->stash->{systems} =
[ $c->stash->{jobset}->builds->search({ iscurrent => 1 }, { select => ["system"], distinct => 1, order_by => "system" }) ];
# status per system
my @systems = ();
foreach my $system (@{$c->stash->{systems}}) {
push(@systems, $system->system);
if($forceStatus || scalar(@{$c->stash->{activeJobs}}) <= 50) {
my @select = ();
my @as = ();
push(@select, "job"); push(@as, "job");
foreach my $system (@systems) {
push(@select, "(select buildstatus from Builds b where = (select max(id) from Builds t where t.project = me.project and t.jobset = me.jobset and t.job = me.job and t.system = '$system' and t.iscurrent = 1 ))");
push(@as, $system);
push(@select, "(select from Builds b where = (select max(id) from Builds t where t.project = me.project and t.jobset = me.jobset and t.job = me.job and t.system = '$system' and t.iscurrent = 1 ))");
push(@as, "$system-build");
$c->stash->{activeJobsStatus} =
[ $c->model('DB')->resultset('ActiveJobsForJobset')->search(
{ bind => [$c->stash->{project}->name, $c->stash->{jobset}->name]
, select => \@select
, as => \@as
, order_by => ["job"]
# Last builds for jobset.
$c->stash->{lastBuilds} =
[ $c->stash->{jobset}->builds->search({ finished => 1 },
{ order_by => "timestamp DESC", rows => 5, columns => [@buildListColumns] }) ];
sub index : Chained('jobset') PathPart('') Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
jobsetIndex($self, $c, 0);
sub indexWithStatus : Chained('jobset') PathPart('') Args(1) {
my ($self, $c, $forceStatus) = @_;
jobsetIndex($self, $c, 1);
# Hydra::Base::Controller::ListBuilds needs this.
sub get_builds : Chained('jobset') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->stash->{allBuilds} = $c->stash->{jobset}->builds;
$c->stash->{jobStatus} = $c->model('DB')->resultset('JobStatusForJobset')
->search({}, {bind => [$c->stash->{project}->name, $c->stash->{jobset}->name]});
$c->stash->{allJobsets} = $c->stash->{jobset_};
$c->stash->{allJobs} = $c->stash->{jobset}->jobs;
$c->stash->{latestSucceeded} = $c->model('DB')->resultset('LatestSucceededForJobset')
->search({}, {bind => [$c->stash->{project}->name, $c->stash->{jobset}->name]});
$c->stash->{channelBaseName} =
$c->stash->{project}->name . "-" . $c->stash->{jobset}->name;
sub edit : Chained('jobset') PathPart Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
requireProjectOwner($c, $c->stash->{project});
$c->stash->{template} = '';
$c->stash->{edit} = 1;
sub submit : Chained('jobset') PathPart Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
requireProjectOwner($c, $c->stash->{project});
txn_do($c->model('DB')->schema, sub {
updateJobset($c, $c->stash->{jobset});
[$c->stash->{project}->name, $c->stash->{jobset}->name]));
sub hide : Chained('jobset') PathPart Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
requireProjectOwner($c, $c->stash->{project});
txn_do($c->model('DB')->schema, sub {
$c->stash->{jobset}->update({ hidden => 1, enabled => 0 });
sub unhide : Chained('jobset') PathPart Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
requireProjectOwner($c, $c->stash->{project});
txn_do($c->model('DB')->schema, sub {
$c->stash->{jobset}->update({ hidden => 0 });
sub delete : Chained('jobset') PathPart Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
requireProjectOwner($c, $c->stash->{project});
txn_do($c->model('DB')->schema, sub {
sub nixExprPathFromParams {
my ($c) = @_;
# The Nix expression path must be relative and can't contain ".." elements.
my $nixExprPath = trim $c->request->params->{"nixexprpath"};
error($c, "Invalid Nix expression path: $nixExprPath") if $nixExprPath !~ /^$relPathRE$/;
my $nixExprInput = trim $c->request->params->{"nixexprinput"};
error($c, "Invalid Nix expression input name: $nixExprInput") unless $nixExprInput =~ /^\w+$/;
return ($nixExprPath, $nixExprInput);
sub checkInput {
my ($c, $baseName) = @_;
my $inputName = trim $c->request->params->{"input-$baseName-name"};
error($c, "Invalid input name: $inputName") unless $inputName =~ /^[[:alpha:]]\w*$/;
my $inputType = trim $c->request->params->{"input-$baseName-type"};
error($c, "Invalid input type: $inputType") unless
$inputType eq "svn" || $inputType eq "svn-checkout" || $inputType eq "hg" || $inputType eq "tarball" ||
$inputType eq "string" || $inputType eq "path" || $inputType eq "boolean" || $inputType eq "bzr" || $inputType eq "bzr-checkout" ||
$inputType eq "git" || $inputType eq "build" || $inputType eq "sysbuild" ;
return ($inputName, $inputType);
sub checkInputValue {
my ($c, $type, $value) = @_;
$value = trim $value;
error($c, "Invalid Boolean value: $value") if
$type eq "boolean" && !($value eq "true" || $value eq "false");
return $value;
sub updateJobset {
my ($c, $jobset) = @_;
my $jobsetName = trim $c->request->params->{"name"};
error($c, "Invalid jobset name: $jobsetName") unless $jobsetName =~ /^[[:alpha:]][\w\-]*$/;
my ($nixExprPath, $nixExprInput) = nixExprPathFromParams $c;
{ name => $jobsetName
, description => trim($c->request->params->{"description"})
, nixexprpath => $nixExprPath
, nixexprinput => $nixExprInput
, enabled => trim($c->request->params->{enabled}) eq "1" ? 1 : 0
, enableemail => trim($c->request->params->{enableemail}) eq "1" ? 1 : 0
, emailoverride => trim($c->request->params->{emailoverride}) || ""
, keepnr => trim($c->request->params->{keepnr}) || 3
my %inputNames;
# Process the inputs of this jobset.
foreach my $param (keys %{$c->request->params}) {
next unless $param =~ /^input-(\w+)-name$/;
my $baseName = $1;
next if $baseName eq "template";
my ($inputName, $inputType) = checkInput($c, $baseName);
$inputNames{$inputName} = 1;
my $input;
if ($baseName =~ /^\d+$/) { # numeric base name is auto-generated, i.e. a new entry
$input = $jobset->jobsetinputs->create(
{ name => $inputName
, type => $inputType
} else { # it's an existing input
$input = ($jobset->jobsetinputs->search({name => $baseName}))[0];
die unless defined $input;
$input->update({name => $inputName, type => $inputType});
# Update the values for this input. Just delete all the
# current ones, then create the new values.
my $values = $c->request->params->{"input-$baseName-values"};
$values = [] unless defined $values;
$values = [$values] unless ref($values) eq 'ARRAY';
my $altnr = 0;
foreach my $value (@{$values}) {
$value = checkInputValue($c, $inputType, $value);
$input->jobsetinputalts->create({altnr => $altnr++, value => $value});
# Get rid of deleted inputs.
my @inputs = $jobset->jobsetinputs->all;
foreach my $input (@inputs) {
$input->delete unless defined $inputNames{$input->name};
sub clone : Chained('jobset') PathPart('clone') Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my $jobset = $c->stash->{jobset};
requireProjectOwner($c, $jobset->project);
$c->stash->{template} = '';
sub clone_submit : Chained('jobset') PathPart('clone/submit') Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my $jobset = $c->stash->{jobset};
requireProjectOwner($c, $jobset->project);
my $newjobsetName = trim $c->request->params->{"newjobset"};
error($c, "Invalid jobset name: $newjobsetName") unless $newjobsetName =~ /^[[:alpha:]][\w\-]*$/;
my $newjobset;
txn_do($c->model('DB')->schema, sub {
$newjobset = $jobset->project->jobsets->create(
{ name => $newjobsetName
, description => $jobset->description
, nixexprpath => $jobset->nixexprpath
, nixexprinput => $jobset->nixexprinput
, enabled => 0
, enableemail => $jobset->enableemail
, emailoverride => $jobset->emailoverride || ""
foreach my $input ($jobset->jobsetinputs) {
my $newinput = $newjobset->jobsetinputs->create({name => $input->name, type => $input->type});
foreach my $inputalt ($input->jobsetinputalts) {
$newinput->jobsetinputalts->create({altnr => $inputalt->altnr, value => $inputalt->value});
$c->res->redirect($c->uri_for($c->controller('Jobset')->action_for("edit"), [$jobset->project->name, $newjobsetName]));
sub evals : Chained('jobset') PathPart('evals') Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->stash->{template} = '';
my $page = int($c->req->param('page') || "1") || 1;
my $resultsPerPage = 20;
$c->stash->{page} = $page;
$c->stash->{resultsPerPage} = $resultsPerPage;
$c->stash->{total} = $c->stash->{jobset}->jobsetevals->search({hasnewbuilds => 1})->count;
$c->stash->{evals} = [ $c->stash->{jobset}->jobsetevals->search(
{ hasnewbuilds => 1 },
{ order_by => "id DESC"
, '+select' => # !!! Slow - should precompute this.
[ "(select count(*) from JobsetEvalMembers where eval ="
, "(select count(*) from JobsetEvalMembers where eval = and exists(select 1 from Builds b where = build and b.finished = 0))"
, "(select count(*) from JobsetEvalMembers where eval = and exists(select 1 from Builds b where = build and b.finished = 1))"
, "(select count(*) from JobsetEvalMembers where eval = and exists(select 1 from Builds b where = build and b.finished = 1 and b.buildStatus = 0))"
, '+as' => [ "nrBuilds", "nrScheduled", "nrFinished", "nrSucceeded" ]
, rows => $resultsPerPage
, page => $page
) ];