Eelco Dolstra 25334715f8 Merge the BuildSchedulingInfo table into the Builds table
This simplifies the code and improves performance since it reduces
the number of joins.
2012-03-12 20:47:29 +01:00

928 lines
30 KiB
Raw Blame History

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package Hydra::Helper::AddBuilds;
use strict;
use feature 'switch';
use XML::Simple;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use IPC::Run;
use Nix::Store;
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
use File::Basename;
use File::stat;
use File::Path;
use File::Temp;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
fetchInput evalJobs checkBuild inputsToArgs captureStdoutStderr
getReleaseName getBuildLog addBuildProducts restartBuild scmPath
sub scmPath {
return getHydraPath . "/scm" ;
sub getBuildLog {
my ($drvPath) = @_;
my $logPath = ($ENV{NIX_LOG_DIR} || "/nix/var/log/nix"). "/drvs/" . basename $drvPath;
return -e $logPath ? $logPath : undef;
sub getStorePathHash {
my ($storePath) = @_;
my $hash = `nix-store --query --hash $storePath`
or die "cannot get hash of $storePath";
chomp $hash;
die unless $hash =~ /^sha256:(.*)$/;
$hash = $1;
$hash = `nix-hash --to-base16 --type sha256 $hash`
or die "cannot convert hash";
chomp $hash;
return $hash;
sub getReleaseName {
my ($outPath) = @_;
my $releaseName;
if (-e "$outPath/nix-support/hydra-release-name") {
open FILE, "$outPath/nix-support/hydra-release-name" or die;
$releaseName = <FILE>;
chomp $releaseName;
close FILE;
return $releaseName;
sub parseJobName {
# Parse a job specification of the form `<project>:<jobset>:<job>
# [attrs]'. The project, jobset and attrs may be omitted. The
# attrs have the form `name = "value"'.
my ($s) = @_;
our $key;
our %attrs = ();
# hm, maybe I should stop programming Perl before it's too late...
$s =~ / ^ (?: (?: ([\w\-]+) : )? ([\w\-]+) : )? ([\w\-\.]+) \s*
(\[ \s* (
([\w]+) (?{ $key = $^N; }) \s* = \s* \"
([\w\-]+) (?{ $attrs{$key} = $^N; }) \"
\s* )* \])? $
or die "invalid job specifier `$s'";
return ($1, $2, $3, \%attrs);
sub attrsToSQL {
my ($attrs, $id) = @_;
my $query = "1 = 1";
foreach my $name (keys %{$attrs}) {
my $value = $attrs->{$name};
$name =~ /^[\w\-]+$/ or die;
$value =~ /^[\w\-]+$/ or die;
# !!! Yes, this is horribly injection-prone... (though
# name/value are filtered above). Should use SQL::Abstract,
# but it can't deal with subqueries. At least we should use
# placeholders.
$query .= " and exists (select 1 from buildinputs where build = $id and name = '$name' and value = '$value')";
return $query;
sub fetchInputPath {
my ($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value) = @_;
my $uri = $value;
my $timestamp = time;
my $sha256;
my $storePath;
# Some simple caching: don't check a path more than once every N seconds.
(my $cachedInput) = $db->resultset('CachedPathInputs')->search(
{srcpath => $uri, lastseen => {">", $timestamp - 30}},
{rows => 1, order_by => "lastseen DESC"});
if (defined $cachedInput && isValidPath($cachedInput->storepath)) {
$storePath = $cachedInput->storepath;
$sha256 = $cachedInput->sha256hash;
$timestamp = $cachedInput->timestamp;
} else {
print STDERR "copying input ", $name, " from $uri\n";
$storePath = `nix-store --add "$uri"`
or die "Cannot copy path $uri to the Nix store.\n";
chomp $storePath;
$sha256 = getStorePathHash $storePath;
($cachedInput) = $db->resultset('CachedPathInputs')->search(
{srcpath => $uri, sha256hash => $sha256});
# Path inputs don't have a natural notion of a "revision", so
# we simulate it by using the timestamp that we first saw this
# path have this SHA-256 hash. So if the contents of the path
# changes, we get a new "revision", but if it doesn't change
# (or changes back), we don't get a new "revision".
if (!defined $cachedInput) {
txn_do($db, sub {
{ srcpath => $uri
, timestamp => $timestamp
, lastseen => $timestamp
, sha256hash => $sha256
, storepath => $storePath
} else {
$timestamp = $cachedInput->timestamp;
txn_do($db, sub {
$cachedInput->update({lastseen => time});
{ uri => $uri
, storePath => $storePath
, sha256hash => $sha256
, revision => strftime "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime($timestamp)
sub fetchInputSVN {
my ($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value, $checkout) = @_;
# Allow users to specify a revision number next to the URI.
my ($uri, $revision) = split ' ', $value;
my $sha256;
my $storePath;
my $stdout; my $stderr;
unless (defined $revision) {
# First figure out the last-modified revision of the URI.
my @cmd = (["svn", "ls", "-v", "--depth", "empty", $uri],
"|", ["sed", 's/^ *\([0-9]*\).*/\1/']);
die "Cannot get head revision of Subversion repository at `$uri':\n$stderr"
unless IPC::Run::run(@cmd, \$stdout, \$stderr);
$revision = $stdout; chomp $revision;
die unless $revision =~ /^\d+$/;
# Do we already have this revision in the store?
# !!! This needs to take $checkout into account! Otherwise "svn"
# and "svn-checkout" inputs can get mixed up.
(my $cachedInput) = $db->resultset('CachedSubversionInputs')->search(
{uri => $uri, revision => $revision});
if (defined $cachedInput && isValidPath($cachedInput->storepath)) {
$storePath = $cachedInput->storepath;
$sha256 = $cachedInput->sha256hash;
} else {
# No, do a checkout. The working copy is reused between
# invocations to speed things up.
my $wcPath = scmPath . "/svn/" . sha256_hex($uri) . "/svn-checkout";
print STDERR "checking out Subversion input ", $name, " from $uri revision $revision into $wcPath\n";
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("svn", "checkout", $uri, "-r", $revision, $wcPath));
if ($checkout) {
$storePath = addToStore($wcPath, 1, "sha256");
} else {
# Hm, if the Nix Perl bindings supported filters in
# addToStore(), then we wouldn't need to make a copy here.
my $tmpDir = File::Temp->newdir("hydra-svn-export.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1) or die;
(system "svn", "export", $wcPath, "$tmpDir/svn-export", "--quiet") == 0 or die "svn export failed";
$storePath = addToStore("$tmpDir/svn-export", 1, "sha256");
$sha256 = queryPathHash($storePath); $sha256 =~ s/sha256://;
txn_do($db, sub {
{ uri => $uri
, revision => $revision
, sha256hash => $sha256
, storepath => $storePath
{ uri => $uri
, storePath => $storePath
, sha256hash => $sha256
, revision => $revision
sub fetchInputBuild {
my ($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value) = @_;
my ($projectName, $jobsetName, $jobName, $attrs) = parseJobName($value);
$projectName ||= $project->name;
$jobsetName ||= $jobset->name;
# Pick the most recent successful build of the specified job.
(my $prevBuild) = $db->resultset('Builds')->search(
{ finished => 1, project => $projectName, jobset => $jobsetName
, job => $jobName, buildStatus => 0 },
{ join => 'resultInfo', order_by => "me.id DESC", rows => 1
, where => \ attrsToSQL($attrs, "me.id") });
if (!defined $prevBuild || !isValidPath($prevBuild->outpath)) {
print STDERR "input `", $name, "': no previous build available\n";
return undef;
#print STDERR "input `", $name, "': using build ", $prevBuild->id, "\n";
my $pkgNameRE = "(?:(?:[A-Za-z0-9]|(?:-[^0-9]))+)";
my $versionRE = "(?:[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+)";
my $relName = ($prevBuild->resultInfo->releasename or $prevBuild->nixname);
my $version = $2 if $relName =~ /^($pkgNameRE)-($versionRE)$/;
{ storePath => $prevBuild->outpath
, id => $prevBuild->id
, version => $version
sub fetchInputSystemBuild {
my ($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value) = @_;
my ($projectName, $jobsetName, $jobName, $attrs) = parseJobName($value);
$projectName ||= $project->name;
$jobsetName ||= $jobset->name;
my @latestBuilds = $db->resultset('LatestSucceededForJob')
->search({}, {bind => [$projectName, $jobsetName, $jobName]});
my @validBuilds = ();
foreach my $build (@latestBuilds) {
push(@validBuilds, $build) if isValidPath($build->outpath);
if (scalar(@validBuilds) == 0) {
print STDERR "input `", $name, "': no previous build available\n";
return undef;
my @inputs = ();
foreach my $prevBuild (@validBuilds) {
my $pkgNameRE = "(?:(?:[A-Za-z0-9]|(?:-[^0-9]))+)";
my $versionRE = "(?:[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+)";
my $relName = ($prevBuild->resultInfo->releasename or $prevBuild->nixname);
my $version = $2 if $relName =~ /^($pkgNameRE)-($versionRE)$/;
my $input =
{ storePath => $prevBuild->outpath
, id => $prevBuild->id
, version => $version
, system => $prevBuild->system
push(@inputs, $input);
return @inputs;
sub fetchInputGit {
my ($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value) = @_;
(my $uri, my $branch) = split ' ', $value;
$branch = defined $branch ? $branch : "master";
my $timestamp = time;
my $sha256;
my $storePath;
my $clonePath = scmPath . "/" . sha256_hex($uri);
my $stdout; my $stderr;
if (! -d $clonePath) {
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("git", "clone", "--branch", $branch, $uri, $clonePath));
die "Error cloning git repo at `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res;
# git pull + check rev
chdir $clonePath or die $!; # !!! urgh, shouldn't do a chdir
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("git", "pull"));
die "Error pulling latest change git repo at `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res;
(my $res1, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("git", "ls-remote", $clonePath, $branch));
die "Cannot get head revision of Git branch '$branch' at `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res1 ;
my ($first) = split /\n/, $stdout;
(my $revision, my $ref) = split ' ', $first;
die unless $revision =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/;
if (-f ".topdeps") {
# This is a TopGit branch. Fetch all the topic branches so
# that builders can run "tg patch" and similar.
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("tg", "remote", "--populate", "origin"));
print STDERR "Warning: `tg remote --populate origin' failed:\n$stderr" unless $res;
# Some simple caching: don't check a uri/branch more than once every hour, but prefer exact match on uri/branch/revision.
my $cachedInput ;
($cachedInput) = $db->resultset('CachedGitInputs')->search(
{uri => $uri, branch => $branch, revision => $revision},
{rows => 1});
if (defined $cachedInput && isValidPath($cachedInput->storepath)) {
$storePath = $cachedInput->storepath;
$sha256 = $cachedInput->sha256hash;
$revision = $cachedInput->revision;
} else {
# Then download this revision into the store.
print STDERR "checking out Git input from $uri\n";
$ENV{"NIX_HASH_ALGO"} = "sha256";
$ENV{"PRINT_PATH"} = "1";
# Checked out code often wants to be able to run `git
# describe', e.g., code that uses Gnulib's `git-version-gen'
# script. Thus, we leave `.git' in there. Same for
# Subversion (e.g., libgcrypt's build system uses that.)
# Ask for a "deep clone" to allow "git describe" and similar
# tools to work. See
# http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.distributions.nixos/3569
# for a discussion.
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("nix-prefetch-git", $clonePath, $revision));
die "Cannot check out Git repository branch '$branch' at `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res;
($sha256, $storePath) = split ' ', $stdout;
txn_do($db, sub {
{ uri => $uri
, branch => $branch
, revision => $revision
, sha256hash => $sha256
, storepath => $storePath
# For convenience in producing readable version names, pass the
# number of commits in the history of this revision (revCount)
# the output of git-describe (gitTag), and the abbreviated
# revision (shortRev).
my $revCount = `git rev-list $revision | wc -l`; chomp $revCount;
die "git rev-list failed" if $? != 0;
my $gitTag = `git describe --always $revision`; chomp $gitTag;
die "git describe failed" if $? != 0;
my $shortRev = `git rev-parse --short $revision`; chomp $shortRev;
die "git rev-parse failed" if $? != 0;
{ uri => $uri
, storePath => $storePath
, sha256hash => $sha256
, revision => $revision
, revCount => int($revCount)
, gitTag => $gitTag
, shortRev => $shortRev
sub fetchInputBazaar {
my ($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value, $checkout) = @_;
my $uri = $value;
my $sha256;
my $storePath;
my $stdout; my $stderr;
my $clonePath = scmPath . "/" . sha256_hex($uri);
if (! -d $clonePath) {
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("bzr", "branch", $uri, $clonePath));
die "Error cloning bazaar branch at `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res;
chdir $clonePath or die $!;
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("bzr", "pull"));
die "Error pulling latest change bazaar branch at `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res;
# First figure out the last-modified revision of the URI.
my @cmd = (["bzr", "revno"],
"|", ["sed", 's/^ *\([0-9]*\).*/\1/']);
die "Cannot get head revision of Bazaar branch at `$uri':\n$stderr"
unless IPC::Run::run(@cmd, \$stdout, \$stderr);
my $revision = $stdout; chomp $revision;
die unless $revision =~ /^\d+$/;
(my $cachedInput) = $db->resultset('CachedBazaarInputs')->search(
{uri => $uri, revision => $revision});
if (defined $cachedInput && isValidPath($cachedInput->storepath)) {
$storePath = $cachedInput->storepath;
$sha256 = $cachedInput->sha256hash;
} else {
# Then download this revision into the store.
print STDERR "checking out Bazaar input ", $name, " from $uri revision $revision\n";
$ENV{"NIX_HASH_ALGO"} = "sha256";
$ENV{"PRINT_PATH"} = "1";
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("nix-prefetch-bzr", $clonePath, $revision));
die "Cannot check out Bazaar branch `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res;
($sha256, $storePath) = split ' ', $stdout;
txn_do($db, sub {
{ uri => $uri
, revision => $revision
, sha256hash => $sha256
, storepath => $storePath
{ uri => $uri
, storePath => $storePath
, sha256hash => $sha256
, revision => $revision
sub fetchInputHg {
my ($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value) = @_;
(my $uri, my $id) = split ' ', $value;
$id = defined $id ? $id : "default";
# init local hg clone
my $stdout; my $stderr;
my $clonePath = scmPath . "/" . sha256_hex($uri);
if (! -d $clonePath) {
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("hg", "clone", $uri, $clonePath));
die "Error cloning mercurial repo at `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res;
# hg pull + check rev
chdir $clonePath or die $!;
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("hg", "pull"));
die "Error pulling latest change mercurial repo at `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res;
(my $res1, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,("hg", "log", "-r", $id, "--template", "{node|short} {branch}"));
die "Error getting branch and revision of $id from `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res1;
my ($revision, $branch) = split ' ', $stdout;
my $storePath;
my $sha256;
(my $cachedInput) = $db->resultset('CachedHgInputs')->search(
{uri => $uri, branch => $branch, revision => $revision});
if (defined $cachedInput && isValidPath($cachedInput->storepath)) {
$storePath = $cachedInput->storepath;
$sha256 = $cachedInput->sha256hash;
} else {
print STDERR "checking out Mercurial input from $uri $branch revision $revision\n";
$ENV{"NIX_HASH_ALGO"} = "sha256";
$ENV{"PRINT_PATH"} = "1";
(my $res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("nix-prefetch-hg", $clonePath, $revision));
die "Cannot check out Mercurial repository `$uri':\n$stderr" unless $res;
($sha256, $storePath) = split ' ', $stdout;
txn_do($db, sub {
{ uri => $uri
, branch => $branch
, revision => $revision
, sha256hash => $sha256
, storepath => $storePath
{ uri => $uri
, branch => $branch
, storePath => $storePath
, sha256hash => $sha256
, revision => $revision
sub fetchInput {
my ($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $type, $value) = @_;
my @inputs;
if ($type eq "path") {
push @inputs, fetchInputPath($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value);
elsif ($type eq "svn") {
push @inputs, fetchInputSVN($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value, 0);
elsif ($type eq "svn-checkout") {
push @inputs, fetchInputSVN($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value, 1);
elsif ($type eq "build") {
push @inputs, fetchInputBuild($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value);
elsif ($type eq "sysbuild") {
push @inputs, fetchInputSystemBuild($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value);
elsif ($type eq "git") {
push @inputs, fetchInputGit($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value);
elsif ($type eq "hg") {
push @inputs, fetchInputHg($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value);
elsif ($type eq "bzr") {
push @inputs, fetchInputBazaar($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value, 0);
elsif ($type eq "bzr-checkout") {
push @inputs, fetchInputBazaar($db, $project, $jobset, $name, $value, 1);
elsif ($type eq "string") {
die unless defined $value;
push @inputs, { value => $value };
elsif ($type eq "boolean") {
die unless defined $value && ($value eq "true" || $value eq "false");
push @inputs, { value => $value };
else {
die "Input `" . $name . "' has unknown type `$type'.";
foreach my $input (@inputs) {
$input->{type} = $type if defined $input;
return @inputs;
sub inputsToArgs {
my ($inputInfo) = @_;
my @res = ();
foreach my $input (keys %{$inputInfo}) {
push @res, "-I", "$input=$inputInfo->{$input}->[0]->{storePath}"
if scalar @{$inputInfo->{$input}} == 1
&& defined $inputInfo->{$input}->[0]->{storePath};
foreach my $alt (@{$inputInfo->{$input}}) {
given ($alt->{type}) {
when ("string") {
push @res, "--argstr", $input, $alt->{value};
when ("boolean") {
push @res, "--arg", $input, $alt->{value};
when (["path", "build", "git", "hg", "sysbuild"]) {
push @res, "--arg", $input, (
"{ outPath = builtins.storePath " . $alt->{storePath} . "" .
(defined $alt->{revision} ? "; rev = \"" . $alt->{revision} . "\"" : "") .
(defined $alt->{revCount} ? "; revCount = " . $alt->{revCount} . "" : "") .
(defined $alt->{gitTag} ? "; gitTag = \"" . $alt->{gitTag} . "\"" : "") .
(defined $alt->{shortRev} ? "; shortRev = \"" . $alt->{shortRev} . "\"" : "") .
(defined $alt->{version} ? "; version = \"" . $alt->{version} . "\"" : "") .
when (["svn", "svn-checkout", "bzr", "bzr-checkout"]) {
push @res, "--arg", $input, (
"{ outPath = builtins.storePath " . $alt->{storePath} . "" .
(defined $alt->{revision} ? "; rev = " . $alt->{revision} . "" : "") .
return @res;
sub captureStdoutStderr {
my ($timeout, @cmd) = @_;
my $res;
my $stdin = "";
my $stdout;
my $stderr;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" }; # NB: \n required
alarm $timeout;
$res = IPC::Run::run(\@cmd, \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr);
alarm 0;
if ($@) {
die unless $@ eq "timeout\n"; # propagate unexpected errors
return (undef, undef, undef);
} else {
return ($res, $stdout, $stderr);
sub evalJobs {
my ($inputInfo, $nixExprInputName, $nixExprPath) = @_;
my $nixExprInput = $inputInfo->{$nixExprInputName}->[0]
or die "Cannot find the input containing the job expression.\n";
die "Multiple alternatives for the input containing the Nix expression are not supported.\n"
if scalar @{$inputInfo->{$nixExprInputName}} != 1;
my $nixExprFullPath = $nixExprInput->{storePath} . "/" . $nixExprPath;
(my $res, my $jobsXml, my $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(10800,
("hydra-eval-jobs", $nixExprFullPath, "--gc-roots-dir", getGCRootsDir, "-j", 1, inputsToArgs($inputInfo)));
die "Cannot evaluate the Nix expression containing the jobs:\n$stderr" unless $res;
print STDERR "$stderr";
my $jobs = XMLin(
ForceArray => ['error', 'job', 'arg'],
KeyAttr => [],
SuppressEmpty => '')
or die "cannot parse XML output";
my @filteredJobs = ();
foreach my $job (@{$jobs->{job}}) {
my $validJob = 1;
foreach my $arg (@{$job->{arg}}) {
my $input = $inputInfo->{$arg->{name}}->[$arg->{altnr}] ;
if ($input->{type} eq "sysbuild" && $input->{system} ne $job->{system}) {
$validJob = 0;
if ($validJob) {
push(@filteredJobs, $job);
$jobs->{job} = \@filteredJobs;
return ($jobs, $nixExprInput);
sub addBuildProducts {
my ($db, $build) = @_;
my $outPath = $build->outpath;
my $productnr = 1;
if (-e "$outPath/nix-support/hydra-build-products") {
open LIST, "$outPath/nix-support/hydra-build-products" or die;
while (<LIST>) {
/^([\w\-]+)\s+([\w\-]+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(\S+))?$/ or next;
my $type = $1;
my $subtype = $2 eq "none" ? "" : $2;
my $path = $3;
my $defaultPath = $5;
next unless -e $path;
my $fileSize, my $sha1, my $sha256;
# !!! validate $path, $defaultPath
if (-f $path) {
my $st = stat($path) or die "cannot stat $path: $!";
$fileSize = $st->size;
$sha1 = `nix-hash --flat --type sha1 $path`
or die "cannot hash $path: $?";;
chomp $sha1;
$sha256 = `nix-hash --flat --type sha256 $path`
or die "cannot hash $path: $?";;
chomp $sha256;
my $name = $path eq $outPath ? "" : basename $path;
{ build => $build->id
, productnr => $productnr++
, type => $type
, subtype => $subtype
, path => $path
, filesize => $fileSize
, sha1hash => $sha1
, sha256hash => $sha256
, name => $name
, defaultpath => $defaultPath
close LIST;
else {
{ build => $build->id
, productnr => $productnr++
, type => "nix-build"
, subtype => ""
, path => $outPath
, name => $build->nixname
# Check whether to add the build described by $buildInfo.
sub checkBuild {
my ($db, $project, $jobset, $inputInfo, $nixExprInput, $buildInfo, $currentBuilds) = @_;
my $jobName = $buildInfo->{jobName};
my $drvPath = $buildInfo->{drvPath};
my $outPath = $buildInfo->{outPath};
my $priority = 100;
$priority = int($buildInfo->{schedulingPriority})
if $buildInfo->{schedulingPriority} =~ /^\d+$/;
my $build;
txn_do($db, sub {
# Update the last evaluation time in the database.
my $job = $jobset->jobs->update_or_create(
{ name => $jobName
, lastevaltime => time
$job->update({firstevaltime => time})
unless defined $job->firstevaltime;
# Don't add a build that has already been scheduled for this
# job, or has been built but is still a "current" build for
# this job. Note that this means that if the sources of a job
# are changed from A to B and then reverted to A, three builds
# will be performed (though the last one will probably use the
# cached result from the first). This ensures that the builds
# with the highest ID will always be the ones that we want in
# the channels.
# !!! Checking $outPath doesn't take meta-attributes into
# account. For instance, do we want a new build to be
# scheduled if the meta.maintainers field is changed?
my @previousBuilds = $job->builds->search({outPath => $outPath, isCurrent => 1});
if (scalar(@previousBuilds) > 0) {
print STDERR "already scheduled/built\n";
$currentBuilds->{$_->id} = 0 foreach @previousBuilds;
my $time = time();
# Nope, so add it.
$build = $job->builds->create(
{ finished => 0
, timestamp => $time
, description => $buildInfo->{description}
, longdescription => $buildInfo->{longDescription}
, license => $buildInfo->{license}
, homepage => $buildInfo->{homepage}
, maintainers => $buildInfo->{maintainers}
, maxsilent => $buildInfo->{maxSilent}
, timeout => $buildInfo->{timeout}
, nixname => $buildInfo->{nixName}
, drvpath => $drvPath
, outpath => $outPath
, system => $buildInfo->{system}
, iscurrent => 1
, nixexprinput => $jobset->nixexprinput
, nixexprpath => $jobset->nixexprpath
$currentBuilds->{$build->id} = 1;
if (isValidPath($outPath)) {
print STDERR "marked as cached build ", $build->id, "\n";
$build->update({ finished => 1 });
{ iscachedbuild => 1
, buildstatus => 0
, starttime => $time
, stoptime => $time
, logfile => getBuildLog($drvPath)
, errormsg => ""
, releasename => getReleaseName($outPath)
addBuildProducts($db, $build);
} else {
print STDERR "added to queue as build ", $build->id, "\n";
{ priority => $priority
, busy => 0
, locker => ""
my %inputs;
$inputs{$jobset->nixexprinput} = $nixExprInput;
foreach my $arg (@{$buildInfo->{arg}}) {
$inputs{$arg->{name}} = $inputInfo->{$arg->{name}}->[$arg->{altnr}]
|| die "invalid input";
foreach my $name (keys %inputs) {
my $input = $inputs{$name};
{ name => $name
, type => $input->{type}
, uri => $input->{uri}
, revision => $input->{revision}
, value => $input->{value}
, dependency => $input->{id}
, path => $input->{storePath} || "" # !!! temporary hack
, sha256hash => $input->{sha256hash}
return $build;
sub restartBuild {
my ($db, $build) = @_;
txn_do($db, sub {
my $drvpath = $build->drvpath;
my $outpath = $build->outpath;
my $paths = "";
foreach my $bs ($build->buildsteps) {
$paths = $paths . " " . $bs->outpath;
my $r = `nix-store --clear-failed-paths $paths $outpath`;
{ finished => 0
, timestamp => time
, busy => 0
, locker => ""