Eelco Dolstra 16a84f4bf5 * Big speed-up of the job status page and the channel generation (such
as the manifest).  The builds are now determined in one SQL query
  rather than a zillion ones.
2009-04-03 15:37:21 +00:00

63 lines
1.7 KiB

package Hydra::Base::Controller::ListBuilds;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Hydra::Base::Controller::NixChannel';
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
use Hydra::Helper::CatalystUtils;
sub jobstatus : Chained('get_builds') PathPart Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->stash->{template} = 'jobstatus.tt';
$c->stash->{latestBuilds} =
[joinWithResultInfo($c, $c->stash->{jobStatus})->all];
sub all : Chained('get_builds') PathPart {
my ($self, $c, $page) = @_;
$c->stash->{template} = 'all.tt';
$page = (defined $page ? int($page) : 1) || 1;
my $resultsPerPage = 50;
my $nrBuilds = scalar($c->stash->{allBuilds}->search({finished => 1}));
$c->stash->{baseUri} = $c->uri_for($self->action_for("all"), $c->req->captures);
$c->stash->{page} = $page;
$c->stash->{resultsPerPage} = $resultsPerPage;
$c->stash->{totalBuilds} = $nrBuilds;
$c->stash->{builds} = [joinWithResultInfo($c, $c->stash->{allBuilds})->search(
{ finished => 1 },
{ order_by => "timestamp DESC"
, rows => $resultsPerPage
, page => $page })];
sub nix : Chained('get_builds') PathPart('channel') CaptureArgs(1) {
my ($self, $c, $channelName) = @_;
eval {
if ($channelName eq "latest") {
$c->stash->{channelName} = $c->stash->{channelBaseName} . "-latest";
getChannelData($c, scalar($c->stash->{latestSucceeded}));
elsif ($channelName eq "all") {
$c->stash->{channelName} = $c->stash->{channelBaseName} . "-all";
getChannelData($c, scalar($c->stash->{allBuilds}));
else {
error($c, "Unknown channel `$channelName'.");
error($c, $@) if $@;