package Hydra::Base::Controller::ListBuilds; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Hydra::Base::Controller::NixChannel'; use Hydra::Helper::Nix; use Hydra::Helper::CatalystUtils; sub getJobStatus { my ($self, $c) = @_; my $latest = joinWithResultInfo($c, $c->stash->{jobStatus}); $latest = $latest->search( {}, { '+select' => ["me.statusChangeId", "me.statusChangeTime"] , '+as' => ["statusChangeId", "statusChangeTime"] , order_by => "coalesce(statusChangeTime, 0) desc" }); return $latest; } sub jobstatus : Chained('get_builds') PathPart Args(0) { my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->stash->{template} = ''; $c->stash->{latestBuilds} = [getJobStatus($self, $c)->all]; } # A convenient way to see all the errors - i.e. things demanding # attention - at a glance. sub errors : Chained('get_builds') PathPart Args(0) { my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->stash->{template} = ''; $c->stash->{brokenJobsets} = [$c->stash->{allJobsets}->search({errormsg => {'!=' => ''}})] if defined $c->stash->{allJobsets}; $c->stash->{brokenJobs} = [$c->stash->{allJobs}->search({errormsg => {'!=' => ''}})] if defined $c->stash->{allJobs}; $c->stash->{brokenBuilds} = [getJobStatus($self, $c)->search({'resultInfo.buildstatus' => {'!=' => 0}})]; } sub all : Chained('get_builds') PathPart { my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->stash->{template} = ''; my $page = int($c->req->param('page')) || 1; my $resultsPerPage = 50; my $nrBuilds = scalar($c->stash->{allBuilds}->search({finished => 1})); $c->stash->{baseUri} = $c->uri_for($self->action_for("all"), $c->req->captures); $c->stash->{page} = $page; $c->stash->{resultsPerPage} = $resultsPerPage; $c->stash->{totalBuilds} = $nrBuilds; $c->stash->{builds} = [joinWithResultInfo($c, $c->stash->{allBuilds})->search( { finished => 1 }, { order_by => "timestamp DESC" , rows => $resultsPerPage , page => $page })]; } sub nix : Chained('get_builds') PathPart('channel') CaptureArgs(1) { my ($self, $c, $channelName) = @_; eval { if ($channelName eq "latest") { $c->stash->{channelName} = $c->stash->{channelBaseName} . "-latest"; getChannelData($c, scalar($c->stash->{latestSucceeded})); } elsif ($channelName eq "all") { $c->stash->{channelName} = $c->stash->{channelBaseName} . "-all"; getChannelData($c, scalar($c->stash->{allBuilds})); } else { error($c, "Unknown channel `$channelName'."); } }; error($c, $@) if $@; } # Redirect to the latest successful build. sub latest : Chained('get_builds') PathPart('latest') { my ($self, $c, @rest) = @_; my ($latest) = joinWithResultInfo($c, $c->stash->{allBuilds}) ->search({finished => 1, buildstatus => 0}, {order_by => ["isCurrent DESC", "timestamp DESC"]}); notFound($c, "There is no successful build to redirect to.") unless defined $latest; $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for($c->controller('Build')->action_for("view_build"), [$latest->id], @rest)); } # Redirect to the latest successful build for a specific platform. sub latest_for : Chained('get_builds') PathPart('latest-for') { my ($self, $c, $system, @rest) = @_; notFound($c, "You need to specify a platform type in the URL.") unless defined $system; my ($latest) = joinWithResultInfo($c, $c->stash->{allBuilds}) ->search({finished => 1, buildstatus => 0, system => $system}, {order_by => ["isCurrent DESC", "timestamp DESC"]}); notFound($c, "There is no successful build for platform `$system' to redirect to.") unless defined $latest; $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for($c->controller('Build')->action_for("view_build"), [$latest->id], @rest)); } 1;