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package Hydra::Controller::Build;
use strict;
use warnings;
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
use base 'Hydra::Base::Controller::Nix';
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
use Hydra::Helper::CatalystUtils;
# Security checking of filenames.
my $pathCompRE = "(?:[A-Za-z0-9-\+][A-Za-z0-9-\+\._]*)";
my $relPathRE = "(?:$pathCompRE(?:\/$pathCompRE)*)";
sub build : Chained('/') PathPart CaptureArgs(1) {
my ($self, $c, $id) = @_;
$c->stash->{id} = $id;
$c->stash->{build} = getBuild($c, $id);
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
notFound($c, "Build with ID $id doesn't exist.")
if !defined $c->stash->{build};
$c->stash->{curProject} = $c->stash->{build}->project;
sub view_build : Chained('build') PathPart('') Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my $build = $c->stash->{build};
$c->stash->{template} = 'build.tt';
$c->stash->{curTime} = time;
$c->stash->{available} = isValidPath $build->outpath;
if (!$build->finished && $build->schedulingInfo->busy) {
my $logfile = $build->schedulingInfo->logfile;
$c->stash->{logtext} = `cat $logfile`;
sub view_nixlog : Chained('build') PathPart('nixlog') Args(1) {
my ($self, $c, $stepnr) = @_;
my $step = $c->stash->{build}->buildsteps->find({stepnr => $stepnr});
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
notFound($c, "Build doesn't have a build step $stepnr.") if !defined $step;
$c->stash->{template} = 'log.tt';
$c->stash->{step} = $step;
# !!! should be done in the view (as a TT plugin).
$c->stash->{logtext} = loadLog($c, $step->logfile);
sub view_log : Chained('build') PathPart('log') Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
error($c, "Build didn't produce a log.") if !defined $c->stash->{build}->resultInfo->logfile;
$c->stash->{template} = 'log.tt';
# !!! should be done in the view (as a TT plugin).
$c->stash->{logtext} = loadLog($c, $c->stash->{build}->resultInfo->logfile);
sub loadLog {
my ($c, $path) = @_;
die unless defined $path;
# !!! quick hack
my $pipeline = ($path =~ /.bz2$/ ? "cat $path | bzip2 -d" : "cat $path")
. " | nix-log2xml | xsltproc " . $c->path_to("xsl/mark-errors.xsl") . " -"
. " | xsltproc " . $c->path_to("xsl/log2html.xsl") . " - | tail -n +2";
return `$pipeline`;
sub download : Chained('build') PathPart('download') {
my ($self, $c, $productnr, $filename, @path) = @_;
my $product = $c->stash->{build}->buildproducts->find({productnr => $productnr});
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
notFound($c, "Build doesn't have a product $productnr.") if !defined $product;
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
error($c, "Product " . $product->path . " has disappeared.") unless -e $product->path;
# Security paranoia.
foreach my $elem (@path) {
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
error($c, "Invalid filename $elem.") if $elem !~ /^$pathCompRE$/;
my $path = $product->path;
$path .= "/" . join("/", @path) if scalar @path > 0;
# If this is a directory but no "/" is attached, then redirect.
if (-d $path && substr($c->request->uri, -1) ne "/") {
return $c->res->redirect($c->request->uri . "/");
$path = "$path/index.html" if -d $path && -e "$path/index.html";
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
notFound($c, "File $path does not exist.") if !-e $path;
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
sub nix : Chained('build') PathPart('nix') CaptureArgs(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my $build = $c->stash->{build};
notFound($c, "Build cannot be downloaded as a closure or Nix package.")
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
if !$build->buildproducts->find({type => "nix-build"});
notFound($c, "Path " . $build->outpath . " is no longer available.")
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00
unless isValidPath($build->outpath);
$c->stash->{storePaths} = [$build->outpath];
2009-02-25 16:29:54 +00:00
2009-02-25 15:39:51 +00:00
my $pkgName = $build->nixname . "-" . $build->system . ".nixpkg";
$c->stash->{nixPkgs} = {$pkgName => $build};
2009-02-25 14:34:29 +00:00