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#! /run/current-system/sw/bin/perl
use strict;
use utf8;
2008-11-25 11:09:15 +00:00
use Hydra::Schema;
use Hydra::Plugin;
2008-11-28 14:36:04 +00:00
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
use Hydra::Helper::AddBuilds;
use Hydra::Helper::Email;
use Hydra::Model::DB;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
use Config::General;
use Data::Dump qw(dump);
use Try::Tiny;
2009-04-22 22:59:54 +00:00
binmode STDERR, ":encoding(utf8)";
2009-04-22 22:59:54 +00:00
my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new();
my $config = getHydraConfig();
2008-11-05 04:52:52 +00:00
my $plugins = [Hydra::Plugin->instantiate(db => $db, config => $config)];
# Don't check a jobset more than once every five minutes.
my $minCheckInterval = 5 * 60;
2015-04-09 15:35:04 +00:00
my $dryRun = defined $ENV{'HYDRA_DRY_RUN'};
2009-03-09 13:04:46 +00:00
sub fetchInputs {
my ($project, $jobset, $inputInfo) = @_;
2009-03-09 13:04:46 +00:00
foreach my $input ($jobset->jobsetinputs->all) {
foreach my $alt ($input->jobsetinputalts->all) {
push @{$$inputInfo{$input->name}}, $_
foreach fetchInput($plugins, $db, $project, $jobset, $input->name, $input->type, $alt->value, $input->emailresponsible);
2009-03-09 13:04:46 +00:00
sub setJobsetError {
my ($jobset, $errorMsg) = @_;
my $prevError = $jobset->errormsg;
eval {
txn_do($db, sub {
$jobset->update({ errormsg => $errorMsg, errortime => time, fetcherrormsg => undef });
if (defined $errorMsg && $errorMsg ne ($prevError // "") || $ENV{'HYDRA_MAIL_TEST'}) {
sendJobsetErrorNotification($jobset, $errorMsg);
sub sendJobsetErrorNotification() {
my ($jobset, $errorMsg) = @_;
chomp $errorMsg;
return if $jobset->project->owner->emailonerror == 0;
return if $errorMsg eq "";
my $projectName = $jobset->project->name;
my $jobsetName = $jobset->name;
my $body = "Hi,\n"
. "\n"
. "This is to let you know that evaluation of the Hydra jobset $projectName:$jobsetName\n"
. "resulted in the following error:\n"
. "\n"
. "$errorMsg"
. "\n"
. "Regards,\n\nThe Hydra build daemon.\n";
try {
"Hydra $projectName:$jobsetName evaluation error",
[ 'X-Hydra-Project' => $projectName
, 'X-Hydra-Jobset' => $jobsetName
} catch {
warn "error sending email: $_\n";
sub permute {
my @list = @_;
for (my $n = scalar @list - 1; $n > 0; $n--) {
my $k = int(rand($n + 1)); # 0 <= $k <= $n
@list[$n, $k] = @list[$k, $n];
return @list;
sub checkJobsetWrapped {
my ($jobset) = @_;
my $project = $jobset->project;
2008-11-07 14:51:44 +00:00
my $inputInfo = {};
2012-08-16 17:07:04 +00:00
my $exprType = $jobset->nixexprpath =~ /.scm$/ ? "guile" : "nix";
2009-03-09 13:04:46 +00:00
# Fetch all values for all inputs.
my $checkoutStart = time;
eval {
fetchInputs($project, $jobset, $inputInfo);
if ($@) {
my $msg = $@;
print STDERR $msg;
txn_do($db, sub {
2015-04-09 15:35:04 +00:00
$jobset->update({ lastcheckedtime => time, fetcherrormsg => $msg }) if !$dryRun;
my $checkoutStop = time;
2008-11-07 14:51:44 +00:00
# Hash the arguments to hydra-eval-jobs and check the
# JobsetInputHashes to see if the previous evaluation had the same
# inputs. If so, bail out.
2012-08-16 17:07:04 +00:00
my @args = ($jobset->nixexprinput, $jobset->nixexprpath, inputsToArgs($inputInfo, $exprType));
my $argsHash = sha256_hex("@args");
my $prevEval = getPrevJobsetEval($db, $jobset, 0);
2015-04-09 15:35:04 +00:00
if (defined $prevEval && $prevEval->hash eq $argsHash && !$dryRun) {
print STDERR " jobset is unchanged, skipping\n";
txn_do($db, sub {
$jobset->update({ lastcheckedtime => time, fetcherrormsg => undef });
2009-03-09 13:04:46 +00:00
# Evaluate the job expression.
my $evalStart = time;
my ($jobs, $nixExprInput) = evalJobs($inputInfo, $exprType, $jobset->nixexprinput, $jobset->nixexprpath);
my $evalStop = time;
2009-03-09 15:16:11 +00:00
2015-04-09 15:35:04 +00:00
if ($dryRun) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$jobs}) {
my $job = $jobs->{$name};
if (defined $job->{drvPath}) {
print STDERR "good job $name: $job->{drvPath}\n";
} else {
print STDERR "failed job $name: $job->{error}\n";
$jobs->{$_}->{jobName} = $_ for keys %{$jobs};
my $jobOutPathMap = {};
txn_do($db, sub {
my $prevEval = getPrevJobsetEval($db, $jobset, 1);
# Clear the "current" flag on all builds. Since we're in a
# transaction this will only become visible after the new
# current builds have been added.
$jobset->builds->search({iscurrent => 1})->update({iscurrent => 0});
# Schedule each successfully evaluated job.
my %buildMap;
foreach my $job (permute(values %{$jobs})) {
next if defined $job->{error};
2014-09-29 22:29:36 +00:00
#print STDERR "considering job " . $project->name, ":", $jobset->name, ":", $job->{jobName} . "\n";
checkBuild($db, $jobset, $inputInfo, $nixExprInput, $job, \%buildMap, $prevEval, $jobOutPathMap, $plugins);
# Have any builds been added or removed since last time?
my $jobsetChanged =
(scalar(grep { $_->{new} } values(%buildMap)) > 0)
|| (defined $prevEval && $prevEval->jobsetevalmembers->count != scalar(keys %buildMap));
my $ev = $jobset->jobsetevals->create(
{ hash => $argsHash
, timestamp => time
, checkouttime => abs($checkoutStop - $checkoutStart)
, evaltime => abs($evalStop - $evalStart)
, hasnewbuilds => $jobsetChanged ? 1 : 0
, nrbuilds => $jobsetChanged ? scalar(keys %buildMap) : undef
if ($jobsetChanged) {
# Create JobsetEvalMembers mappings.
while (my ($id, $x) = each %buildMap) {
$ev->jobsetevalmembers->create({ build => $id, isnew => $x->{new} });
# Create AggregateConstituents mappings. Since there can
# be jobs that alias each other, if there are multiple
# builds for the same derivation, pick the one with the
# shortest name.
my %drvPathToId;
while (my ($id, $x) = each %buildMap) {
my $y = $drvPathToId{$x->{drvPath}};
if (defined $y) {
next if length $x->{jobName} > length $y->{jobName};
next if length $x->{jobName} == length $y->{jobName} && $x->{jobName} ge $y->{jobName};
$drvPathToId{$x->{drvPath}} = $x;
2014-10-01 13:34:05 +00:00
foreach my $job (values %{$jobs}) {
next unless $job->{constituents};
my $x = $drvPathToId{$job->{drvPath}} or die;
foreach my $drvPath (split / /, $job->{constituents}) {
my $constituent = $drvPathToId{$drvPath};
if (defined $constituent) {
$db->resultset('AggregateConstituents')->update_or_create({aggregate => $x->{id}, constituent => $constituent->{id}});
} else {
warn "aggregate job $job->{jobName} has a constituent $drvPath that doesn't correspond to a Hydra build\n";
foreach my $name (keys %{$inputInfo}) {
for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar(@{$inputInfo->{$name}}); $n++) {
my $input = $inputInfo->{$name}->[$n];
{ name => $name
, altnr => $n
, type => $input->{type}
, uri => $input->{uri}
, revision => $input->{revision}
, value => $input->{value}
, dependency => $input->{id}
, path => $input->{storePath} || "" # !!! temporary hack
, sha256hash => $input->{sha256hash}
print STDERR " created new eval ", $ev->id, "\n";
2012-03-13 12:09:10 +00:00
$ev->builds->update({iscurrent => 1});
$db->storage->dbh->do("notify builds_added");
} else {
print STDERR " created cached eval ", $ev->id, "\n";
$prevEval->builds->update({iscurrent => 1}) if defined $prevEval;
# If this is a one-shot jobset, disable it now.
$jobset->update({ enabled => 0 }) if $jobset->enabled == 2;
$jobset->update({ lastcheckedtime => time });
# Store the error messages for jobs that failed to evaluate.
my $msg = "";
foreach my $job (values %{$jobs}) {
next unless defined $job->{error};
$msg .=
($job->{jobName} ne "" ? "in job $job->{jobName}" : "at top-level") .
":\n" . $job->{error} . "\n\n";
2009-03-09 15:16:11 +00:00
setJobsetError($jobset, $msg);
2008-11-04 18:23:28 +00:00
sub checkJobset {
my ($jobset) = @_;
print STDERR "considering jobset ", $jobset->project->name, ":", $jobset->name,
? " (last checked " . (time() - $jobset->lastcheckedtime) . "s ago)\n"
: " (never checked)\n";
my $triggerTime = $jobset->triggertime;
eval {
my $failed = 0;
if ($@) {
my $msg = $@;
print STDERR $msg;
txn_do($db, sub {
$jobset->update({lastcheckedtime => time});
setJobsetError($jobset, $msg);
2015-04-09 15:35:04 +00:00
}) if !$dryRun;
$failed = 1;
if (defined $triggerTime) {
txn_do($db, sub {
# Only clear the trigger time if the jobset hasn't been
# triggered in the meantime. In that case, we need to
# evaluate again.
my $new = $jobset->get_from_storage();
$jobset->update({ triggertime => undef })
if $new->triggertime == $triggerTime;
2015-04-09 15:35:04 +00:00
}) if !$dryRun;
2015-04-09 15:35:04 +00:00
return $failed;
2008-11-04 18:23:28 +00:00
sub checkSomeJobset {
# If any jobset has been triggered by a push, check it.
my ($jobset) = $db->resultset('Jobsets')->search(
{ 'triggertime' => { '!=', undef },
, -or => [ 'lastcheckedtime' => undef, 'lastcheckedtime' => { '<', time() - $minCheckInterval } ] },
{ join => 'project', order_by => [ 'triggertime' ], rows => 1 });
# Otherwise, check the jobset that hasn't been checked for the
# longest time (but don't check more often than the jobset's
# minimal check interval).
($jobset) = $db->resultset('Jobsets')->search(
{ 'project.enabled' => 1, 'me.enabled' => { '!=' => 0 },
, 'checkinterval' => { '!=', 0 }
, -or => [ 'lastcheckedtime' => undef, 'lastcheckedtime' => { '<', \ (time() . " - me.checkinterval") } ] },
{ join => 'project', order_by => [ 'lastcheckedtime nulls first' ], rows => 1 })
unless defined $jobset;
return 0 unless defined $jobset;
return system($0, $jobset->project->name, $jobset->name) == 0;
2008-11-04 18:23:28 +00:00
2009-03-05 12:32:14 +00:00
if (scalar @ARGV == 2) {
my $projectName = $ARGV[0];
my $jobsetName = $ARGV[1];
2015-04-14 13:16:24 +00:00
my $jobset = $db->resultset('Jobsets')->find($projectName, $jobsetName) or die "$0: specified jobset does not exist\n";
exit checkJobset($jobset);
2009-03-05 12:32:14 +00:00
while (1) {
2009-03-23 01:13:37 +00:00
eval {
if (checkSomeJobset) {
# Just so we don't go completely crazy if lastcheckedtime
# isn't updated properly.
sleep 1;
} else {
# print STDERR "sleeping...\n";
sleep 30;
2009-03-23 01:13:37 +00:00
if ($@) { print STDERR "$@"; }