Naïm Favier 711b2e1f48
Fix flake input completion for InstallablesCommands
Defers completion of flake inputs until the whole command line is parsed
so that we know what flakes we need to complete the inputs of.

Previously, `nix build flake --update-input <Tab>` always behaved like
`nix build . --update-input <Tab>`.
2022-07-11 15:13:51 +02:00

286 lines
6.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "installables.hh"
#include "args.hh"
#include "common-eval-args.hh"
#include "path.hh"
#include "flake/lockfile.hh"
#include <optional>
namespace nix {
extern std::string programPath;
extern char * * savedArgv;
class EvalState;
struct Pos;
class Store;
static constexpr Command::Category catSecondary = 100;
static constexpr Command::Category catUtility = 101;
static constexpr Command::Category catNixInstallation = 102;
static constexpr auto installablesCategory = "Options that change the interpretation of installables";
struct NixMultiCommand : virtual MultiCommand, virtual Command
nlohmann::json toJSON() override;
/* A command that requires a Nix store. */
struct StoreCommand : virtual Command
void run() override;
ref<Store> getStore();
virtual ref<Store> createStore();
virtual void run(ref<Store>) = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Store> _store;
/* A command that copies something between `--from` and `--to`
stores. */
struct CopyCommand : virtual StoreCommand
std::string srcUri, dstUri;
ref<Store> createStore() override;
ref<Store> getDstStore();
struct EvalCommand : virtual StoreCommand, MixEvalArgs
bool startReplOnEvalErrors = false;
ref<Store> getEvalStore();
ref<EvalState> getEvalState();
std::shared_ptr<Store> evalStore;
std::shared_ptr<EvalState> evalState;
struct MixFlakeOptions : virtual Args, EvalCommand
flake::LockFlags lockFlags;
std::optional<std::string> needsFlakeInputCompletion = {};
virtual std::vector<std::string> getFlakesForCompletion()
{ return {}; }
void completeFlakeInput(std::string_view prefix);
void completionHook() override;
struct SourceExprCommand : virtual Args, MixFlakeOptions
std::optional<Path> file;
std::optional<std::string> expr;
bool readOnlyMode = false;
// FIXME: move this; not all commands (e.g. 'nix run') use it.
OperateOn operateOn = OperateOn::Output;
SourceExprCommand(bool supportReadOnlyMode = false);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Installable>> parseInstallables(
ref<Store> store, std::vector<std::string> ss);
std::shared_ptr<Installable> parseInstallable(
ref<Store> store, const std::string & installable);
virtual Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths();
virtual Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPathPrefixes();
void completeInstallable(std::string_view prefix);
/* A command that operates on a list of "installables", which can be
store paths, attribute paths, Nix expressions, etc. */
struct InstallablesCommand : virtual Args, SourceExprCommand
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Installable>> installables;
void prepare() override;
virtual bool useDefaultInstallables() { return true; }
std::vector<std::string> getFlakesForCompletion() override;
std::vector<std::string> _installables;
/* A command that operates on exactly one "installable" */
struct InstallableCommand : virtual Args, SourceExprCommand
std::shared_ptr<Installable> installable;
InstallableCommand(bool supportReadOnlyMode = false);
void prepare() override;
std::vector<std::string> getFlakesForCompletion() override
return {_installable};
std::string _installable{"."};
/* A command that operates on zero or more store paths. */
struct BuiltPathsCommand : public InstallablesCommand
bool recursive = false;
bool all = false;
Realise realiseMode = Realise::Derivation;
BuiltPathsCommand(bool recursive = false);
using StoreCommand::run;
virtual void run(ref<Store> store, BuiltPaths && paths) = 0;
void run(ref<Store> store) override;
bool useDefaultInstallables() override { return !all; }
struct StorePathsCommand : public BuiltPathsCommand
StorePathsCommand(bool recursive = false);
using BuiltPathsCommand::run;
virtual void run(ref<Store> store, std::vector<StorePath> && storePaths) = 0;
void run(ref<Store> store, BuiltPaths && paths) override;
/* A command that operates on exactly one store path. */
struct StorePathCommand : public StorePathsCommand
using StorePathsCommand::run;
virtual void run(ref<Store> store, const StorePath & storePath) = 0;
void run(ref<Store> store, std::vector<StorePath> && storePaths) override;
/* A helper class for registering commands globally. */
struct RegisterCommand
typedef std::map<std::vector<std::string>, std::function<ref<Command>()>> Commands;
static Commands * commands;
RegisterCommand(std::vector<std::string> && name,
std::function<ref<Command>()> command)
if (!commands) commands = new Commands;
commands->emplace(name, command);
static nix::Commands getCommandsFor(const std::vector<std::string> & prefix);
template<class T>
static RegisterCommand registerCommand(const std::string & name)
return RegisterCommand({name}, [](){ return make_ref<T>(); });
template<class T>
static RegisterCommand registerCommand2(std::vector<std::string> && name)
return RegisterCommand(std::move(name), [](){ return make_ref<T>(); });
/* Helper function to generate args that invoke $EDITOR on
filename:lineno. */
Strings editorFor(const Path & file, uint32_t line);
struct MixProfile : virtual StoreCommand
std::optional<Path> profile;
/* If 'profile' is set, make it point at 'storePath'. */
void updateProfile(const StorePath & storePath);
/* If 'profile' is set, make it point at the store path produced
by 'buildables'. */
void updateProfile(const BuiltPaths & buildables);
struct MixDefaultProfile : MixProfile
struct MixEnvironment : virtual Args {
StringSet keep, unset;
Strings stringsEnv;
std::vector<char*> vectorEnv;
bool ignoreEnvironment;
/* Modify global environ based on ignoreEnvironment, keep, and unset. It's expected that exec will be called before this class goes out of scope, otherwise environ will become invalid. */
void setEnviron();
void completeFlakeRef(ref<Store> store, std::string_view prefix);
void completeFlakeRefWithFragment(
ref<EvalState> evalState,
flake::LockFlags lockFlags,
Strings attrPathPrefixes,
const Strings & defaultFlakeAttrPaths,
std::string_view prefix);
std::string showVersions(const std::set<std::string> & versions);
void printClosureDiff(
ref<Store> store,
const StorePath & beforePath,
const StorePath & afterPath,
std::string_view indent);
void runRepl(
ref<EvalState> evalState,
const ValMap & extraEnv);