Eelco Dolstra 57b2bb0674 Let Builds.timestamp refer to the time the build was added
Previously, for scheduled builds, "timestamp" contained the time the
build was added to the queue, while for finished builds, it was the
time the build finished.  Now it's always the former.
2013-05-23 10:45:49 -04:00

503 lines
16 KiB

USE date;
USE String;
inputTypes =
{ "svn" = "Subversion export"
, "svn-checkout" = "Subversion checkout"
, "bzr" = "Bazaar export"
, "bzr-checkout" = "Bazaar checkout"
, "git" = "Git checkout"
, "hg" = "Mercurial checkout"
, "string" = "String value"
, "boolean" = "Boolean"
, "path" = "Local path"
, "build" = "Build output"
, "sysbuild" = "Build output (same system)"
BLOCK renderDateTime;
date.format(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
BLOCK renderProjectName %]
<a [% IF inRow %]class="row-link"[% END %] href="[% c.uri_for('/project' project) %]"><tt>[% project %]</tt></a>
[% END;
BLOCK renderJobsetName %]
<a [% IF inRow %]class="row-link"[% END %] href="[% c.uri_for('/jobset' project jobset) %]"><tt>[% jobset %]</tt></a>
[% END;
BLOCK renderJobName %]
<a [% IF inRow %]class="row-link"[% END %] href="[% c.uri_for('/job' project jobset job) %]"><tt>[% job %]</tt></a>
[% END;
BLOCK renderFullJobsetName %]
<tt>[% INCLUDE renderProjectName inRow=0 %]:[% INCLUDE renderJobsetName %]</tt>
[% END;
BLOCK renderFullJobName %]
<tt>[% IF !hideProjectName; INCLUDE renderProjectName inRow=0 %]:[% END; IF !hideJobsetName; INCLUDE renderJobsetName inRow=0 %]:[% END; INCLUDE renderJobName %]</tt>
[% END;
BLOCK renderFullJobNameOfBuild;
INCLUDE renderFullJobName project=build.get_column("project") jobset = build.get_column("jobset") job = build.get_column("job");
BLOCK renderDuration;
IF duration >= 24 * 60 * 60; duration div (24 * 60 * 60) %]d [% END;
IF duration >= 60 * 60; duration div (60 * 60) % 24 %]h [% END;
IF duration >= 60; duration div 60 % 60 %]m [% END;
duration % 60 %]s[%
BLOCK renderBuildListHeader %]
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed clickable-rows">
[% IF !hideResultInfo %]
[% END %]
[% IF showSchedulingInfo %]
[% END %]
[% IF showSchedulingInfo %]
[% END %]
[% IF !hideJobName %]
[% END %]
<th>Release Name</th>
<th>[% IF showSchedulingInfo %]Queued at[% ELSE %]Finished at[% END %]</th>
[% IF showStatusChange %]
<th class="headerSortUp">Last status change</th>
[% END %]
[% IF showDescription %]
[% END %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderBuildListBody;
FOREACH build IN builds; %]
[% IF !hideResultInfo %]
[% INCLUDE renderBuildStatusIcon size=16 busy=(showSchedulingInfo ? 1 : 0) buildstatus=build.buildstatus %]
[% END %]
[% IF showSchedulingInfo %]
<td>[% IF build.busy %]<span class="label label-success">Started</span>[% ELSE %]<span class="label">Queued</span>[% END %]</td>
[% END %]
<td><a class="row-link" href="[% c.uri_for('/build' build.id) %]">[% build.id %]</a></td>
[% IF showSchedulingInfo %]
<td>[% build.priority %]</td>
[% END %]
[% IF !hideJobName %]
<td>[% INCLUDE renderFullJobNameOfBuild %]</td>
[% END %]
<td>[% !showSchedulingInfo and build.get_column('releasename') ? build.get_column('releasename') : build.nixname %]</td>
<td><tt>[% build.system %]</tt></td>
<td>[% date.format(showSchedulingInfo ? build.timestamp : build.stoptime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') %]</td>
[% IF showStatusChange %]
[% IF build.get_column('statusChangeTime') %]
<a href="[% c.uri_for('/build' build.get_column('statusChangeId')) %]">
[% date.format(build.get_column('statusChangeTime'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF showDescription %]
<td>[% build.description %]</td>
[% END %]
[% END;
IF linkToAll %]
<td class="centered" colspan="5"><a href="[% linkToAll %]"><em>More...</em></a></td></tr>
[% END;
BLOCK renderBuildListFooter %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderBuildList;
INCLUDE renderBuildListHeader;
INCLUDE renderBuildListBody;
INCLUDE renderBuildListFooter;
BLOCK renderLink %]<a href="[% uri %]">[% title %]</a>[% END;
BLOCK renderViewJobName;
IF job.description; HTML.escape(job.description); ELSE %]<tt>[% job.job %]</tt> ([% job.attrs %])[% END;
BLOCK maybeLink;
IF uri %]<a [% HTML.attributes(href => uri, class => class) %][% IF confirmmsg %]onclick="javascript:return confirm('[% confirmmsg %]')"[% END %]>[% content %]</a>[% ELSE; content; END;
BLOCK renderSelection;
IF edit;
IF radiobuttons; %]
<div class="controls">
[% FOREACH name IN options.keys.sort %]
<label class="radio inline">
<input type="radio" [% HTML.attributes(id => param, name => param, value => name) %]
[% IF name == curValue; "checked='1'"; END %]>
[% options.$name %]
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
<select [% HTML.attributes(id => param, name => param) %]>
[% FOREACH name IN options.keys.sort %]
<option [% HTML.attributes(value => name) %] [% IF name == curValue; "selected='selected'"; END %]>[% options.$name %]</option>
[% END %]
[% END;
BLOCK editString; %]
<input type="text" class="string" [% HTML.attributes(id => param, name => param, value => value) %] />
[% END;
BLOCK renderFullBuildLink;
INCLUDE renderFullJobNameOfBuild build=build %] <a href="[% c.uri_for('/build' build.id) %]">build [% build.id %]</a>[%
BLOCK renderBuildLink; %]
<a href="[% c.uri_for('/build' build.id) %]">build [% build.id %]</a>
[% END;
BLOCK renderBuildStatusIcon;
finished = build != undef ? build.finished : 1;
busy = busy != undef ? busy : build.busy;
buildstatus = buildstatus != undef ? buildstatus : build.buildstatus;
IF finished;
IF buildstatus == 0 %]
<img src="/static/images/checkmark_[% size %].png" alt="Succeeded" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 1 %]
<img src="/static/images/error_[% size %].png" alt="Failed" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 2 %]
<img src="/static/images/dependency_[% size %].png" alt="Dependency failed" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 4 %]
<img src="/static/images/cancelled_[% size %].png" alt="Cancelled" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 5 %]
<img src="/static/images/error_[% size %].png" alt="Failed" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 6 %]
<img src="/static/images/error_[% size %].png" alt="Failed (with result)" />
[% ELSE %]
<img src="/static/images/error_[% size %].png" alt="Failed" />
[% END;
ELSIF busy %]
<img src="/static/images/help_[% size %].png" alt="Busy" />
[% ELSE %]
<img src="/static/images/help_[% size %].png" alt="Scheduled" />
[% END;
BLOCK renderStatus;
IF build.finished;
buildstatus = build.buildstatus;
IF icon; INCLUDE renderBuildStatusIcon size=16; END;
IF buildstatus == 0 %]
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 1 %]
<span class="error">Build returned a non-zero exit code</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 2 %]
<span class="error">A dependency of the build failed</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 4 %]
<span class="error">Cancelled by user</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 5 %]
<span class="error">Build inhibited because a dependency previously failed to build</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 6 %]
<span class="error">Build failed (with result)</span>
[% ELSE %]
<span class="error">Build failed</span>
(see <a href="#nix-error">below</a>)
[% END;
ELSIF build.busy %]
<strong>Build in progress</strong>
since [% INCLUDE renderDateTime timestamp = build.starttime;
<strong>Scheduled to be built</strong>
[% END;
BLOCK renderInputValue;
IF input.type == "build" || input.type == "sysbuild";
INCLUDE renderFullBuildLink build=input.dependency;
ELSIF input.type == "string" || input.type == "boolean" %]
<tt>"[% input.value %]"</tt>
[% ELSE %]
<tt>[% input.uri %][% IF input.revision %] (r[% input.revision %])[% END %]</tt>
[% END;
BLOCK renderShortInputValue;
IF input.type == "build" || input.type == "sysbuild" %]
<a href="[% c.uri_for('/build' input.dependency.id) %]">[% input.dependency.id %]</a>
[% ELSIF input.type == "string" || input.type == "boolean" %]
<tt>"[% input.value %]"</tt>
[% ELSE %]
<tt>[% input.uri %][% IF input.revision %] (r[% input.revision %])[% END %]</tt>
[% END %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderDiffUri;
nouri = 1;
FOREACH m IN mappers;
base = m.baseuri;
url = bi1.uri;
path = url.replace(base, '');
IF url.match(base) %]
<a target="_new" href="[% m.uri.replace('_path_', path).replace('_1_', bi1.revision).replace('_2_', bi2.revision) %]">[% contents %]</a>
[% nouri = 0;
IF nouri;
res = bi1.uri.split(' ');
url = res.0;
branch = res.1;
IF bi1.type == "hg" || bi1.type == "git" %]
<a target="_new" href="[% HTML.escape("/api/scmdiff?uri=$url&rev1=$bi1.revision&rev2=$bi2.revision&type=$bi1.type&branch=$branch") %]">[% contents %]</a>
[% ELSE;
BLOCK renderInputs; %]
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Value</th><th>Revision</th><th>Store path</th></tr>
[% FOREACH input IN inputs %]
<td><tt>[% input.name %]</tt></td>
<td>[% type = input.type; inputTypes.$type %]</td>
[% IF input.type == "build" || input.type == "sysbuild" %]
[% INCLUDE renderFullBuildLink build=input.dependency %]
[% ELSIF input.type == "string" || input.type == "boolean" %]
<tt>"[% input.value %]"</tt>
[% ELSE %]
<tt>[% input.uri %]</tt>
[% END %]
<td>[% IF input.revision %][% input.revision %][% END %]</td>
<td><tt>[% input.path %]</tt></td>
[% END %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderInputDiff; %]
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
[% IF !nestedDiff %]
[% END;
IF !nestLevel;
nestLevel = 0;
IF nestLevel <= 3;
FOREACH bi1 IN inputs1;
deletedInput = 1;
FOREACH bi2 IN inputs2;
IF bi1.name == bi2.name;
IF bi1.type == bi2.type;
IF bi1.value != bi2.value || bi1.uri != bi2.uri %]
<tr><td><b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td><tt>[% INCLUDE renderShortInputValue input=bi1 %]</tt> to <tt>[% INCLUDE renderShortInputValue input=bi2 %]</tt></td></tr>
[% ELSIF bi1.uri == bi2.uri && bi1.revision != bi2.revision %]
[% IF bi1.type == "git" %]
<b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td><tt>[% INCLUDE renderDiffUri contents=(bi1.revision.substr(0, 6) _ ' to ' _ bi2.revision.substr(0, 6)) %]</tt>
[% ELSE %]
<b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td><tt>[% INCLUDE renderDiffUri contents=(bi1.revision _ ' to ' _ bi2.revision) %]</tt>
[% END %]
[% ELSIF bi1.dependency.id != bi2.dependency.id || bi1.path != bi2.path %]
<b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td><tt>[% INCLUDE renderShortInputValue input=bi1 %]</tt> to <tt>[% INCLUDE renderShortInputValue input=bi2 %]</tt>
[% INCLUDE renderInputDiff inputs1=bi1.dependency.inputs inputs2=bi2.dependency.inputs nestedDiff=1 nestLevel=nestLevel+1 %]
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
<tr><td><b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td>Changed input type from '[% type = bi1.type; inputTypes.$type %]' to '[% type = bi2.type; inputTypes.$type %]'</td></tr>
[% END;
deletedInput = 0;
IF deletedInput == 1 %]
<tr><td><b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td>Input not present in this build.</td></tr>
[% END;
END %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderPager %]
<ul class="pager">
<li [% IF page == 1 %]class="disabled"[% END %]><a href="[% "$baseUri?page=1" %]">&laquo; First</a></li>
<li [% IF page == 1 %]class="disabled"[% END %]><a href="[% "$baseUri?page="; (page - 1) %]">&lsaquo; Previous</a></li>
<li [% IF page * resultsPerPage >= total %]class="disabled"[% END %]><a href="[% "$baseUri?page="; (page + 1) %]">Next &rsaquo;</a></li>
<li [% IF page * resultsPerPage >= total %]class="disabled"[% END %]><a href="[% "$baseUri?page="; (total - 1) div resultsPerPage + 1 %]">Last &raquo;</a></li>
[% END;
BLOCK renderShortEvalInput;
IF input.type == "svn" || input.type == "svn-checkout" || input.type == "bzr" || input.type == "bzr-checkout" %]
r[% input.revision %]
[% ELSIF input.type == "git" %]
<tt>[% input.revision.substr(0, 7) %]</tt>
[% ELSIF input.type == "build" || input.type == "sysbuild" %]
<a href="[% c.uri_for('/build' input.get_column('dependency')) %]">[% input.get_column('dependency') %]</a>
[% ELSE %]
<tt>[% input.revision %]</tt>
[% END;
BLOCK renderEvals %]
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped clickable-rows">
[% IF !jobset && !build %]
[% END %]
<th style="width: 10em">Date</th>
<th>Input changes</th>
<th colspan='2' style="width: 25em">Success</th>
[% FOREACH e IN evals;
eval = e.eval;
link = c.uri_for(c.controller('JobsetEval').action_for('view'), [eval.id]) %]
[% IF !jobset && !build %]
<td>[% INCLUDE renderFullJobsetName project=eval.get_column('project') jobset=eval.get_column('jobset') %]</td>
[% END %]
<td><a class="row-link" href="[% link %]">[% eval.id %]</a></td>
<td>[% INCLUDE renderDateTime timestamp = eval.timestamp %]</td>
[% IF e.changedInputs.size > 0;
FOREACH input IN e.changedInputs;
sep; %] [% input.name %] → [% INCLUDE renderShortEvalInput input=input;
sep=', ';
[% END %]
<td align='right'>
<span class="label label-success">[% e.nrSucceeded %]</span>
<span class="label label-important">[% e.nrFailed %]</span>
[% IF e.nrScheduled > 0 %]
<span class="label">[% e.nrScheduled %]</span>
[% END %]
<td align='right'>
[% IF e.diff > 0 %]
<span class='label label-success'><strong>+[% e.diff %]</strong></span>
[% ELSIF e.diff < 0 && e.nrScheduled == 0 %]
<span class='label label-important'><strong>[% e.diff %]</strong></span>
[% END %]
[% END;
IF linkToAll %]
<tr><td class="centered" colspan="5"><a href="[% linkToAll %]"><em>More...</em></a></td></tr>
[% END %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderLogLinks %]
(<a [% IF inRow %]class="row-link"[% END %] href="[% url %]">log</a>, <a href="[% "$url/raw" %]">raw</a>, <a href="[% "$url/tail-reload" %]">tail</a>)
[% END;
BLOCK makeLazyTab %]
<div id="[% tabName %]" class="tab-pane">
<center><img src="/static/images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="Loading..." /></center>
$(function() {
$('.nav-tabs').bind('show', function(e) {
var pattern = /#.+/gi;
var id = e.target.toString().match(pattern)[0];
if (id == "#[% tabName %]") {
$('#[% tabName %]').load("[% uri %]", function(response, status, xhr) {
if (status == "error") {
$('#[% tabName %]').html("<div class='alert alert-error'>Error loading tab: " + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText + "</div>");
[% END;
BLOCK makePopover %]
<div class="btn hydra-popover [% classes %]" data-toggle="popover" data-html="true" [% HTML.attributes('data-content' => content, 'data-placement' => placement || 'bottom') %]>
[% title %]
[% END;