[% WRAPPER layout.tt title="Jobset $project.name:$jobset.name" %] [% PROCESS common.tt %] [% BLOCK renderInput %]
Input name | Type | Values |
Last checked: | [% IF jobset.lastcheckedtime %] [% INCLUDE renderDateTime timestamp = jobset.lastcheckedtime %][% IF jobset.errormsg %], with evaluation errors![% ELSE %], no evaluation errors[% END %] [% ELSE %] never [% END %] |
Last evaluation: | [% IF latestEval %] [% INCLUDE renderDateTime timestamp = latestEval.timestamp %] [% ELSE %] never [% END %] |
Job | [% FOREACH s IN systems %][% s.system %] | [% END %]
[% INCLUDE renderJobName project=project.name jobset = jobset.name job = j.get_column('job') %] | [% FOREACH s IN systems %] [% system = s.system %] [% systemStatus = j.get_column(system) %][% IF systemStatus != undef %] [% INCLUDE renderBuildStatusIcon buildstatus=systemStatus size=16 %] [% END %] | [% END %]
Errors occurred at [% INCLUDE renderDateTime timestamp=jobset.errortime %].
[% HTML.escape(jobset.errormsg) %]
Description: | [% HTML.escape(jobset.description) %] |
Nix expression: | [% HTML.escape(jobset.nixexprpath) %] in input [% HTML.escape(jobset.nixexprinput) %] |
Enabled: | [% jobset.enabled ? "Yes" : "No" %] |
Enable email notification: | [% jobset.enableemail ? "Yes" : "No" %] |
Email override: | [% HTML.escape(jobset.emailoverride) %] |
Number of builds to keep: | [% jobset.keepnr %] |
This jobset currently contains the following [% activeJobs.size %] jobs:
[% IF activeJobs.size == 0 %](none)[% END %] [% FOREACH j IN activeJobs %][% INCLUDE renderJobName project=project.name jobset=jobset.name job=j %]
[% END %]
This jobset used to contain the following [% inactiveJobs.size %] jobs:
[% IF inactiveJobs.size == 0 %](none)[% END %] [% FOREACH j IN inactiveJobs %][% INCLUDE renderJobName project=project.name jobset=jobset.name job=j %]
[% END %]