[% IF !edit -%]
[% IF jobset.errormsg -%]
Evaluation errors
[% HTML.escape(jobset.errormsg) %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF !edit && c.user_exists %]
[ Edit | Clone ]
[% END %]
[% IF edit %]
Identifier: |
[% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="name" value=jobset.name %] |
[% END %]
Description: |
[% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="description" value=jobset.description %] |
Nix expression: |
[% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="nixexprpath" value=jobset.nixexprpath extraClass="shortString" %] in input
[% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="nixexprinput" value=jobset.nixexprinput extraClass="shortString" %]
Enabled: |
[% INCLUDE renderSelection param="enabled" curValue=jobset.enabled options={"1" = "Yes", "0" = "No"} %]
Enable email notification: |
[% INCLUDE renderSelection param="enableemail" curValue=jobset.enableemail options={"1" = "Yes", "0" = "No"} %]
Email override: |
[% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="emailoverride" value=jobset.emailoverride %]
Number of builds to keep: |
[% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="keepnr" value=jobset.keepnr %]
[% IF !edit %]
Last checked: |
[% IF jobset.lastcheckedtime %]
[% INCLUDE renderDateTime timestamp = jobset.lastcheckedtime -%][% IF jobset.errormsg -%], with errors!
[% ELSE %], no errors
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE renderInputs %]
[% IF !edit -%]
This jobset provides the following Nix channels:
latest — contains the latest successful
build of every job in this jobset.
all — contains every successful,
non-garbage-collected build of every job in this project.
This jobset currently contains the following [% activeJobs.size %] jobs:
[% IF activeJobs.size == 0 %](none)[% END %]
[% FOREACH j IN activeJobs %] [% INCLUDE renderJobName project=project.name jobset=jobset.name job=j %] [% END %]
This jobset used to contain the following [% inactiveJobs.size %] jobs:
[% IF inactiveJobs.size == 0 %](none)[% END %]
[% FOREACH j IN inactiveJobs %] [% INCLUDE renderJobName project=project.name jobset=jobset.name job=j %] [% END %]
[% INCLUDE showBuildStats % ]
[% END %]
[% IF edit %]