#include "db.hh" #include "hydra-config.hh" #include "pool.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace nix; typedef std::pair JobsetName; enum class EvaluationStyle { SCHEDULE = 1, ONESHOT = 2, ONE_AT_A_TIME = 3, }; struct Evaluator { std::unique_ptr config; nix::Pool dbPool; struct Jobset { JobsetName name; std::optional evaluation_style; time_t lastCheckedTime, triggerTime; int checkInterval; Pid pid; }; typedef std::map Jobsets; std::optional evalOne; const size_t maxEvals; struct State { size_t runningEvals = 0; Jobsets jobsets; }; Sync state_; std::condition_variable childStarted; std::condition_variable maybeDoWork; const time_t notTriggered = std::numeric_limits::max(); Evaluator() : config(std::make_unique<::Config>()) , maxEvals(std::max((size_t) 1, (size_t) config->getIntOption("max_concurrent_evals", 4))) { } void readJobsets() { auto conn(dbPool.get()); pqxx::work txn(*conn); auto res = txn.parameterized ("select project, j.name, lastCheckedTime, triggerTime, checkInterval, j.enabled as jobset_enabled from Jobsets j join Projects p on j.project = p.name " "where j.enabled != 0 and p.enabled != 0").exec(); auto state(state_.lock()); std::set seen; for (auto const & row : res) { auto name = JobsetName{row["project"].as(), row["name"].as()}; if (evalOne && name != *evalOne) continue; auto res = state->jobsets.try_emplace(name, Jobset{name}); auto & jobset = res.first->second; jobset.lastCheckedTime = row["lastCheckedTime"].as(0); jobset.triggerTime = row["triggerTime"].as(notTriggered); jobset.checkInterval = row["checkInterval"].as(); switch (row["jobset_enabled"].as(0)) { case 1: jobset.evaluation_style = EvaluationStyle::SCHEDULE; break; case 2: jobset.evaluation_style = EvaluationStyle::ONESHOT; break; case 3: jobset.evaluation_style = EvaluationStyle::ONE_AT_A_TIME; break; } seen.insert(name); } if (evalOne && seen.empty()) { printError("the specified jobset does not exist"); std::_Exit(1); } for (auto i = state->jobsets.begin(); i != state->jobsets.end(); ) if (seen.count(i->first)) ++i; else { printInfo("forgetting jobset ‘%s:%s’", i->first.first, i->first.second); i = state->jobsets.erase(i); } } void startEval(State & state, Jobset & jobset) { time_t now = time(0); printInfo("starting evaluation of jobset ‘%s:%s’ (last checked %d s ago)", jobset.name.first, jobset.name.second, now - jobset.lastCheckedTime); { auto conn(dbPool.get()); pqxx::work txn(*conn); txn.parameterized ("update Jobsets set startTime = $1 where project = $2 and name = $3") (now) (jobset.name.first) (jobset.name.second) .exec(); txn.commit(); } assert(jobset.pid == -1); jobset.pid = startProcess([&]() { Strings args = { "hydra-eval-jobset", jobset.name.first, jobset.name.second }; execvp(args.front().c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(args).data()); throw SysError(format("executing ‘%1%’") % args.front()); }); state.runningEvals++; childStarted.notify_one(); } bool shouldEvaluate(Jobset & jobset) { if (jobset.pid != -1) { // Already running. debug("shouldEvaluate %s:%s? no: already running", jobset.name.first, jobset.name.second); return false; } if (jobset.triggerTime != std::numeric_limits::max()) { // An evaluation of this Jobset is requested debug("shouldEvaluate %s:%s? yes: requested", jobset.name.first, jobset.name.second); return true; } if (jobset.checkInterval <= 0) { // Automatic scheduling is disabled. We allow requested // evaluations, but never schedule start one. debug("shouldEvaluate %s:%s? no: checkInterval <= 0", jobset.name.first, jobset.name.second); return false; } if (jobset.lastCheckedTime + jobset.checkInterval <= time(0)) { // Time to schedule a fresh evaluation. If the jobset // is a ONE_AT_A_TIME jobset, ensure the previous jobset // has no remaining, unfinished work. auto conn(dbPool.get()); pqxx::work txn(*conn); if (jobset.evaluation_style == EvaluationStyle::ONE_AT_A_TIME) { auto evaluation_res = txn.parameterized ("select id from JobsetEvals " "where project = $1 and jobset = $2 " "order by id desc limit 1") (jobset.name.first) (jobset.name.second) .exec(); if (evaluation_res.empty()) { // First evaluation, so allow scheduling. debug("shouldEvaluate(one-at-a-time) %s:%s? yes: no prior eval", jobset.name.first, jobset.name.second); return true; } auto evaluation_id = evaluation_res[0][0].as(); auto unfinished_build_res = txn.parameterized ("select id from Builds " "join JobsetEvalMembers " " on (JobsetEvalMembers.build = Builds.id) " "where JobsetEvalMembers.eval = $1 " " and builds.finished = 0 " " limit 1") (evaluation_id) .exec(); // If the previous evaluation has no unfinished builds // schedule! if (unfinished_build_res.empty()) { debug("shouldEvaluate(one-at-a-time) %s:%s? yes: no unfinished builds", jobset.name.first, jobset.name.second); return true; } else { debug("shouldEvaluate(one-at-a-time) %s:%s? no: at least one unfinished build", jobset.name.first, jobset.name.second); return false; } } else { // EvaluationStyle::ONESHOT, EvaluationStyle::SCHEDULED debug("shouldEvaluate(oneshot/scheduled) %s:%s? yes: checkInterval elapsed", jobset.name.first, jobset.name.second); return true; } } return false; } void startEvals(State & state) { std::vector sorted; /* Filter out jobsets that have been evaluated recently and have not been triggered. */ for (auto i = state.jobsets.begin(); i != state.jobsets.end(); ++i) if (evalOne || (i->second.evaluation_style && shouldEvaluate(i->second))) sorted.push_back(i); /* Put jobsets in order of ascending trigger time, last checked time, and name. */ std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [](const Jobsets::iterator & a, const Jobsets::iterator & b) { return a->second.triggerTime != b->second.triggerTime ? a->second.triggerTime < b->second.triggerTime : a->second.lastCheckedTime != b->second.lastCheckedTime ? a->second.lastCheckedTime < b->second.lastCheckedTime : a->first < b->first; }); /* Start jobset evaluations up to the concurrency limit.*/ for (auto & i : sorted) { if (state.runningEvals >= maxEvals) break; startEval(state, i->second); } } void loop() { auto state(state_.lock()); while (true) { time_t now = time(0); std::chrono::seconds sleepTime = std::chrono::seconds::max(); if (state->runningEvals < maxEvals) { for (auto & i : state->jobsets) if (i.second.pid == -1 && i.second.checkInterval > 0) sleepTime = std::min(sleepTime, std::chrono::seconds( std::max((time_t) 1, i.second.lastCheckedTime - now + i.second.checkInterval))); } debug("waiting for %d s", sleepTime.count()); if (sleepTime == std::chrono::seconds::max()) state.wait(maybeDoWork); else state.wait_for(maybeDoWork, sleepTime); startEvals(*state); } } /* A thread that listens to PostgreSQL notifications about jobset changes, updates the jobsets map, and signals the main thread to start evaluations. */ void databaseMonitor() { while (true) { try { auto conn(dbPool.get()); receiver jobsetsAdded(*conn, "jobsets_added"); receiver jobsetsDeleted(*conn, "jobsets_deleted"); receiver jobsetsChanged(*conn, "jobset_scheduling_changed"); while (true) { /* Note: we read/notify before await_notification() to ensure we don't miss a state change. */ readJobsets(); maybeDoWork.notify_one(); conn->await_notification(); printInfo("received jobset event"); } } catch (std::exception & e) { printError("exception in database monitor thread: %s", e.what()); sleep(30); } } } /* A thread that reaps child processes.*/ void reaper() { while (true) { { auto state(state_.lock()); while (!state->runningEvals) state.wait(childStarted); } int status; pid_t pid = waitpid(-1, &status, 0); if (pid == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; throw SysError("waiting for children"); } { auto state(state_.lock()); assert(state->runningEvals); state->runningEvals--; // FIXME: should use a map. for (auto & i : state->jobsets) { auto & jobset(i.second); if (jobset.pid == pid) { printInfo("evaluation of jobset ‘%s:%s’ %s", jobset.name.first, jobset.name.second, statusToString(status)); auto now = time(0); jobset.triggerTime = notTriggered; jobset.lastCheckedTime = now; try { auto conn(dbPool.get()); pqxx::work txn(*conn); /* Clear the trigger time to prevent this jobset from getting stuck in an endless failing eval loop. */ txn.parameterized ("update Jobsets set triggerTime = null where project = $1 and name = $2 and startTime is not null and triggerTime <= startTime") (jobset.name.first) (jobset.name.second) .exec(); /* Clear the start time. */ txn.parameterized ("update Jobsets set startTime = null where project = $1 and name = $2") (jobset.name.first) (jobset.name.second) .exec(); if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) > 1) { txn.parameterized ("update Jobsets set errorMsg = $1, lastCheckedTime = $2, errorTime = $2, fetchErrorMsg = null where project = $3 and name = $4") (fmt("evaluation %s", statusToString(status))) (now) (jobset.name.first) (jobset.name.second) .exec(); } txn.commit(); } catch (std::exception & e) { printError("exception setting jobset error: %s", e.what()); } jobset.pid.release(); maybeDoWork.notify_one(); if (evalOne) std::_Exit(0); break; } } } } } void unlock() { auto conn(dbPool.get()); pqxx::work txn(*conn); txn.parameterized("update Jobsets set startTime = null").exec(); txn.commit(); } void run() { unlock(); /* Can't be bothered to shut down cleanly. Goodbye! */ auto callback = createInterruptCallback([&]() { std::_Exit(1); }); std::thread reaperThread([&]() { reaper(); }); std::thread monitorThread([&]() { databaseMonitor(); }); while (true) { try { loop(); } catch (std::exception & e) { printError("exception in main loop: %s", e.what()); sleep(30); } } } }; int main(int argc, char * * argv) { return handleExceptions(argv[0], [&]() { initNix(); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL); bool unlock = false; Evaluator evaluator; std::vector args; parseCmdLine(argc, argv, [&](Strings::iterator & arg, const Strings::iterator & end) { if (*arg == "--unlock") unlock = true; else if (hasPrefix(*arg, "-")) return false; args.push_back(*arg); return true; }); if (!args.empty()) { if (args.size() != 2) throw UsageError("Syntax: hydra-evaluator [ ]"); evaluator.evalOne = JobsetName(args[0], args[1]); } if (unlock) evaluator.unlock(); else evaluator.run(); }); }