[% WRAPPER layout.tt title="Bla" %] [% PROCESS common.tt %]

Jobset [% project.name %]:[% jobset.name %] Evaluation [% eval.id %]

[%- BLOCK renderSome -%] [% size = builds.size; max = full ? size : 30; %] [% INCLUDE renderBuildListBody builds=builds.slice(0, (size > max ? max : size) - 1) hideProjectName=1 hideJobsetName=1 %] [% IF size > max %] ([% size - max %] more builds omitted) [% END %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE renderBuildListHeader unsortable=1 %] [% IF nowFail.size > 0 %] Builds that now fail [% INCLUDE renderSome builds=nowFail %] [% END %] [% IF nowSucceed.size > 0 %] Builds that now succeed [% INCLUDE renderSome builds=nowSucceed %] [% END %] [% IF stillFail.size > 0 %] Builds that still fail [% INCLUDE renderSome builds=stillFail %] [% END %] [% IF stillSucceed.size > 0 %] Builds that still succeed [% INCLUDE renderSome builds=stillSucceed %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE renderBuildListFooter %] [% END %]