[% BLOCK makeSubMenu %]
[% title %]
[% END %]
[% WRAPPER makeSubMenu title="Status" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Root').action_for('queue'))
title = "Queue ("_ nrRunningBuilds _"/"_ nrQueuedBuilds _")" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Root').action_for('status'))
title = "Active build steps" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Root').action_for('machines'))
title = "Machine status" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Root').action_for('evals'))
title = "Latest evaluations" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Root').action_for('all'))
title = "Latest builds" %]
[% END %]
[% IF project %]
[% WRAPPER makeSubMenu title="Project" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Project').action_for('project'), [project.name]) title = "Overview" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Project').action_for('all'), [project.name]) title = "Latest builds" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem uri = c.uri_for('/project' project.name 'channel' 'latest') title = "Channel" %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF jobset %]
[% WRAPPER makeSubMenu title="Jobset" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Jobset').action_for('jobset'), [project.name, jobset.name])
title = "Overview" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Jobset').action_for('evals'), [project.name, jobset.name])
title = "Evaluations" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Jobset').action_for('all'), [project.name, jobset.name])
title = "Latest builds" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem uri = c.uri_for('/jobset' project.name jobset.name 'channel' 'latest') title = "Channel" %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF job %]
[% WRAPPER makeSubMenu title="Job" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Job').action_for('overview'), [project.name, jobset.name, job.name])
title = "Overview" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Job').action_for('all'), [project.name, jobset.name, job.name])
title = "Latest builds" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem uri = c.uri_for('/job' project.name jobset.name job.name 'channel' 'latest') title = "Channel" %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF c.user_exists && c.check_user_roles('admin') %]
[% WRAPPER makeSubMenu title="Admin" %]
[% IF c.check_user_roles('admin') %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Project').action_for('create')) title = "Create project" %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Admin').action_for('machines'))
title = "Manage machines" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Admin').action_for('managenews'))
title = "Manage news" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Admin').action_for('users'))
title = "Manage users" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Admin').action_for('clearfailedcache'))
title = "Clear failed builds cache"
confirmmsg = "Are you sure you want to clear the failed builds cache?"
class = "" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Admin').action_for('clear_queue_non_current'))
title = "Clear scheduled non-current builds from queue"
confirmmsg = "Are you sure you want to clear the queue?"
class = "" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem
uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Admin').action_for('clearvcscache'))
title = "Clear VCS caches"
confirmmsg = "Are you sure you want to clear the VCS cache?"
class = "" %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF c.user_exists %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('User').action_for('edit'), [c.user.username]) title = "Preferences" %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Root').action_for('logout')) title = "Sign out" %]
[% ELSE %]
[% INCLUDE menuItem uri = c.uri_for(c.controller('Root').action_for('login')) title = "Sign in" %]
[% END %]