Hydra-queue-runner now no longer polls the queue periodically, but
instead sleeps until it receives a notification from PostgreSQL about
a change to the queue (build added, build cancelled or build
Also, for the "build added" case, we now only check for builds with an
ID greater than the previous greatest ID. This is much more efficient
if the queue is large.
This removes the need for Nix's build-remote.pl.
Build logs are now written to $HYDRA_DATA/build-logs because
hydra-queue-runner doesn't have write permission to /nix/var/log.
Scheduling is mostly based on jobset shares these days. So showing and
sorting by priority just wastes space and gives the incorrect
impression that Hydra executes builds in the order shown on the queue
These give warnings in Perl >= 5.18:
given is experimental at /home/hydra/src/hydra/src/lib/Hydra/Helper/CatalystUtils.pm line 241.
when is experimental at /home/hydra/src/hydra/src/lib/Hydra/Helper/CatalystUtils.pm line 242.
This adds a Hydra plugin for users to submit their open source projects
to the Coverity Scan system for analysis.
First, add a <coverityscan> section to your Hydra config, including the
access token, project name, and email, and a regex specifying jobs to
project = testrix
jobs = foobar:.*:coverity.*
email = aseipp@pobox.com
token = ${builtins.readFile ./coverity-token}
This will upload the scan results for any job whose name matches
'coverity.*' in any jobset in the Hydra 'foobar' project, for the
Coverity Scan project named 'testrix'.
Note that one upload will occur per job matched by the regular
expression - so be careful with how many builds you upload.
The jobs which are matched by the jobs specification must have a file in
their output path of the form:
The file must have the 'cov-int' directory produced by `cov-build` in
the root.
(You can also output something into
$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products for the Hydra UI.)
This file will be found in the store, and uploaded to the service
directly using your access credentials. Note the exact extension: don't
use .tar.xz, only use .xz specifically.
Signed-off-by: Austin Seipp <aseipp@pobox.com>
Fixes errors like:
Caught exception in engine "Wide character in syswrite at /nix/store/498lwsrn5kkdh1q8kn3vcpd3457w6m7a-hydra-perl-deps/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.3/Starman/Server.pm line 547."
Note that these errors didn't happen if the database encoding was set
to SQL_ASCII (which was the case for hydra.nixos.org, explaining why
it didn't get these errors). However, now the encoding must be
UTF8. To change it, do:
update pg_database set encoding = pg_char_to_encoding('UTF8') where datname = 'hydra';
This gets rid of the warning:
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::select_single(): Query returned more than one row. SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /home/eelco/Dev/hydra/src/script/../lib/Hydra/Controller/Project.pm line 15
In the dashboard and on the job page, indicate whether the job appears
in the latest jobset eval. That way, the user gets some indication if
a job has accidentally disappeared (e.g. due to an evaluation error).
Use the following in your hydra.conf to make your instance a
private Hydra instance (public is the default):
private 1
Currently, this will not allow you to use the API, channels
and the binary cache when running in private mode. We will add
solutions for these functionalities later.
This requires adding the following to hydra.conf:
binary_cache_key_name = <key-name>
binary_cache_private_key_file = <path-to-private-key>
binary_cache_key_name = hydra.nixos.org-1
binary_cache_private_key_file = /home/hydra/cache-key.sec
All successful, non-garbage-collected builds in the evaluation are
passed in a attribute set. So if you declare a Hydra input named
‘foo’ of type ‘eval’, you get a set with members ‘foo.<jobname>’. For
instance, if you passed a Nixpkgs eval as an input named ‘nixpkgs’,
then you could get the Firefox build for x86_64-linux as
Inputs of type ‘eval’ can be specified in three ways:
* As the number of the evaluation.
* As a jobset identifier (‘<project>:<jobset>’), which will yield the
latest finished evaluation of that jobset. Note that there is no
guarantee that any job in that evaluation has succeeded, so it might
not be very useful.
* As a job identifier (‘<project>:<jobset>:<job>’), which will yield
the latest finished evaluation of that jobset in which <job>
succeeded. In conjunction with aggregate jobs, this allows you to
make sure that the evaluation contains the desired builds.
This reverts commit 2d7e106d29.
Unfortunately some jobsets still depend on this behaviour. They could
probably do something like "assert system == input.system; ..." but
changing them all is undesirable.
Include information about who changed the build status in notification
emails, and enable optional per-input notification of said committers.
Conflicts due to two branches modifying the database schema.
Signed-off-by: Shea Levy <shea@shealevy.com>
Currently the dashboard allows users to get a quick overview of the
status of jobs they're interested in, but more will be added,
e.g. viewing all your jobsets or all jobs of which you're a
There are jobsets that are evaluated only once, that is, after they've
been evaluated, they're disabled automatically. This is primarily
useful for doing releases: for instance, doing an evaluation with
"officialRelease" set to "true" should be done only once.
We can just show the normal "edit jobset" page for the original jobset
and then do a PUT request to create a new jobset.
Also simplified updating the jobset inputs. We can just delete all of
them and recreate them from the user parameters. That's safe because
it's done in a transaction.
It's now a dropdown menu in the tabs thingy, which subsumes the
"Reproduce locally" button. This makes the actions in the menu a bit
more visible, IMHO.
Each jobset now has a "scheduling share" that determines how much of
the build farm's time it is entitled to. For instance, if a jobset
has 100 shares and the total number of shares of all jobsets is 1000,
it's entitled to 10% of the build farm's time. When there is a free
build slot for a given system type, the queue runner will select the
jobset that is furthest below its scheduling share over a certain time
window (currently, the last day). Withing that jobset, it will pick
the build with the highest priority.
So meta.schedulingPriority now only determines the order of builds
within a jobset, not between jobsets. This makes it much easier to
prioritise one jobset over another (e.g. nixpkgs:trunk over
In your hydra config, you can add an arbitrary number of <s3config>
sections, with the following options:
* name (required): Bucket name
* jobs (required): A regex to match job names (in project:jobset:job
format) that should be backed up to this bucket
* compression_type: bzip2 (default), xz, or none
* prefix: String to prepend to all hydra-created s3 keys (if this is
meant to represent a directory, you should include the trailing slash,
e.g. "cache/"). Default "".
After each build with an output (i.e. successful or failed-with-output
builds), the output path and its closure are uploaded to the bucket as
.nar files, with corresponding .narinfos to enable use as a binary
This plugin requires that s3 credentials be available. It uses
Net::Amazon::S3, which as of this commit the nixpkgs version can
retrieve s3 credentials from the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables, or from ec2 instance
metadata when using an IAM role.
This commit also adds a hydra-s3-backup-collect-garbage program, which
uses hydra's gc roots directory to determine which paths are live, and
then deletes all files except nix-cache-info and any .nar or .narinfo
files corresponding to live paths. hydra-s3-backup-collect-garbage
respects the prefix configuration option, so it won't delete anything
outside of the hierarchy you give it, and it has the same credential
requirements as the plugin. Probably a timer unit running the garbage
collection periodically should be added to hydra-module.nix
Note that two of the added tests fail, due to a bug in the interaction
between Net::Amazon::S3 and fake-s3. Those behaviors work against real
s3 though, so I'm committing this even with the broken tests.
Signed-off-by: Shea Levy <shea@shealevy.com>
Due to the fixed-output derivation hashing scheme, there can be
multiple derivations of the same output path. But build logs are
indexed by derivation path. Thus, we may not be able to find the
log of a build or build step using its derivation. So as a fallback,
Hydra now looks for other derivations with the same output paths.
They're mostly redundant since there is a faster "jobs" tab on
the jobset pages now. The only thing the latter lacks is the
ability to see status change times, but those are quite expensive
to compute, and are visible on build pages if you really need them.
PostgreSQL and Perl have different sort orders, in particular when
comparing job names such as "aspell.x86_64-linux" and
"aspellDicts.cs.i686-freebsd". This confused the evaluation
comparison code, causing some jobs to appear as "removed".
So now we do all the sorting in Perl.
Aggregate constituents are derivations. However there can be multiple
builds in an evaluation that have the same derivation, i.e. they can
alias each other (e.g. "emacs", "emacs24" and "emacs24Packages.emacs"
in Nixpkgs). Previously we picked a build arbitrarily for the
AggregateConstituents table. Now we pick the one with the shortest
name (e.g. "emacs").
For presentation purposes, we need to know what builds are part of an
aggregate build. So at evaluation time, look at the "members"
attribute, find the corresponding builds in the eval, and create a
mapping in the AggregateMembers table.
It redirects to the latest successful build from a finished
evaluation. This is mostly useful for the Nixpkgs/NixOS mirroring
script, which need the latest finished evaluation in which some
aggregate job (such as ‘tested’ in NixOS) succeeded.
The NrBuilds table tracks the value of ‘select count(*) from Builds
where finished = 0’, keeping it up to date via a trigger. This is
necessary to make the /all page fast, since otherwise it needs to do a
sequential scan on the Builds table.
Doing a chdir in the parent is evil. For instance, we had Hydra core
dumps ending up in the cloned directory. Therefore, the function
‘run’ allows doing a chdir in the child. The function ‘grab’ returns
the child's stdout and throws an exception if the child fails.
This allows users to sign in to Hydra using Mozilla Persona accounts.
When a user first sign in, a row in the Users table for the given
Persona identity (an email address) is created automatically.
To do: figure out how to deal with legacy accounts.
The catalyst-action-rest branch from shlevy/hydra was an exploration of
using Catalyst::Action::REST to create a JSON API for hydra. This commit
merges in the best bits from that experiment, with the goal that further
API endpoints can be added incrementally.
In addition to migrating more endpoints, there is potential for
improvement in what's already been done:
* The web interface can be updated to use the same non-GET endpoints as
the JSON interface (using x-tunneled-method) instead of having a
separate endpoint
* The web rendering should use the $c->stash->{resource} data structure
where applicable rather than putting the same data in two places in
the stash
* Which columns to render for each endpoint is a completely debatable
* Hydra::Component::ToJSON should turn has_many relations that have
strings as their primary keys into objects instead of arrays
Signed-off-by: Shea Levy <shea@shealevy.com>
HipChat notification messages now say which committers were
responsible, e.g.
Job patchelf:trunk:tarball: Failed, probably due to 2 commits by Eelco Dolstra
This plugin sends notification of build failure or success to a
HipChat room, if the status differs from the last build.
The plugin can be configured by adding one or more of these stanzas to
jobs = (patchelf|nixops):.*:.*
room = 1234
token = 39ab2198fe...
Here "jobs" is a regular expression against which the fully qualified
job name of the build is matched (so for instance
"nixops:master:tarball" will match the stanza above).
Previously, for scheduled builds, "timestamp" contained the time the
build was added to the queue, while for finished builds, it was the
time the build finished. Now it's always the former.
This is mostly so we don't have to pass around common parameters like
"db" and "config", and we don't have to check for the existence of
A plugin now looks like this:
package Hydra::Plugin::TwitterNotification;
use parent 'Hydra::Plugin';
sub buildFinished {
my ($self, $build, $dependents) = @_;
print STDERR "tweeting about build ", $build->id, "\n";
# Send tweet...
# Hydra database is $self->{db}.
You can now add plugins to Hydra by writing a module called
Hydra::Plugin::<whatever> and putting it in Perl's search path. The
only plugin operation currently supported in buildFinished, called
when hydra-build has finished doing a build.
For instance, a Twitter notification plugin would look like this:
package Hydra::Plugin::TwitterNotification;
sub buildFinished {
my ($self, $db, $config, $build, $dependents) = @_;
print STDERR "tweeting about build ", $build->id, "\n";
# send tweet...
This allows checking a jobset (say) at most once a day. It's also
possible to disable polling by setting the interval to 0. This is
useful for jobsets that use push notification or are manually
This caused exceptions like:
Caught exception in Hydra::Controller::Build->view_build "writing to file: Broken pipe at /nix/store/ihdb3widsq1dk7sbl5vqjxfcxb5ypad4-hydra-0.1pre1297-8158093/libexec/hydra/lib/Hydra/Controller/Build.pm line 59."
because the connection to the Nix daemon would be terminated due to a
protocol violation (calling queryPathInfo with an empty string).
Returning only the first 20 results can cause NixOS/Nixpkgs channel
generation to fail, if the first 20 view results correspond to
evaluations that haven't finished yet. Then URLs like
/view/nixos/tested/latest-finished will return 500 rather than the
latest finished view.
You can now do:
bash <(curl http://hydra-server/build/1238757/reproduce)
to download and execute a script that reproduces a Hydra build
locally. This script fetches all inputs (e.g. Git repositories) and
then invokes nix-build.
The downloaded sources are stored in /tmp/build-<buildid> and reused
between invocations of the script.
Any additional command line options are passed to nix-build. So
bash <(curl http://hydra-server/build/1238757/reproduce) --run-env
will drop you in a shell where you can interactively hack on the
build, e.g.
$ source $stdenv/setup
$ set +e
$ unpackPhase
$ cd $sourceRoot
$ configurePhase
$ emacs foo.c &
$ make
and so on.
Build product paths cannot reference locations outside of the Nix
store. We previously disallowed paths from being symlinks, but this
didn't take into account that parent path elements can be symlinks as
well. So a build product /nix/store/bla.../foo/passwd, with
/nix/store/bla.../foo being a symlink to /etc, would still work.
So now we check all paths encountered during path resolution.
Symlinks are allowed again so long as they point to the Nix store.
Chaining paths only works properly when PathPart is used. Before this
fix, the affected URIs bypassed the top-level 'admin' sub.
Signed-off-by: Shea Levy <shea@shealevy.com>
This reverts commit 71d020735b.
Unfortunately there are still some cases where we need to set Hydra's
concurrency separately. (Ideally, Hydra would start *all* queued
builds in parallel and let Nix take care of everything...)
You can use the URL
as GitHub's WebHook URL. Hydra will automatically trigger an
evaluation of all affected jobsets.
External machines can now notify Hydra that it should check a
repository by sending a GET or PUSH request to /api/push, providing a
list of jobsets to be checked and/or a list of repository URLs. In
the latter case, all jobsets that have any of the specified
repositories as an input will be checked.
For instance, you can configure GitHub or BitBucket to send a request
to the URL
to trigger evaluation of all jobsets that have
git://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git as an input, or to the URL
to trigger evaluation of just the specified jobsets.
Otherwise you can do
ln -s /etc/passwd $out/foo
echo "file misc $out/foo" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
and get Hydra to serve its /etc/passwd file.