Add a redirect to the latest finished jobset evaluation

The action .../jobset/<project>/<jobset>/latest-eval redirects to the
latest evaluation of the jobset that has no unfinished builds.  Thus,
for instance,

is the channel containing the latest consistent set of Nixpkgs builds.
This commit is contained in:
Eelco Dolstra 2012-04-03 01:30:54 +02:00
parent 262f068e26
commit db2b2b6134

View file

@ -359,4 +359,19 @@ sub evals : Chained('jobset') PathPart('evals') Args(0) {
} }
# Redirect to the latest finished evaluation of this jobset.
sub latest_eval : Chained('jobset') PathPart('latest-eval') {
my ($self, $c, @args) = @_;
my ($eval) = $c->stash->{jobset}->jobsetevals->search(
{ hasnewbuilds => 1 },
{ order_by => "id DESC", rows => 1
, where => \ "not exists (select 1 from JobsetEvalMembers m join Builds b on = where m.eval = and b.finished = 0)"
notFound($c, "No evaluation found.") unless defined $eval;
my $uri = $c->uri_for($c->controller('JobsetEval')->action_for("view"), [$eval->id]);
$uri .= "/" . join("/", @args) if scalar @args > 0;
1; 1;