source clearStore clearCache # Create the binary cache. outPath=$(nix-build dependencies.nix --no-out-link) nix-push --dest $cacheDir $outPath # By default, a binary cache doesn't support "nix-env -qas", but does # support installation. clearStore clearCacheCache export _NIX_CACHE_FILE_URLS=1 nix-env --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" -f dependencies.nix -qas \* | grep -- "---" nix-store --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" -r $outPath [ -x $outPath/program ] # But with the right configuration, "nix-env -qas" should also work. clearStore clearCacheCache echo "WantMassQuery: 1" >> $cacheDir/nix-cache-info nix-env --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" -f dependencies.nix -qas \* | grep -- "--S" x=$(nix-env -f dependencies.nix -qas \* --prebuilt-only) [ -z "$x" ] nix-store --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" -r $outPath nix-store --check-validity $outPath nix-store -qR $outPath | grep input-2 # Test whether Nix notices if the NAR doesn't match the hash in the NAR info. clearStore nar=$(ls $cacheDir/*.nar.xz | head -n1) mv $nar $nar.good mkdir -p $TEST_ROOT/empty nix-store --dump $TEST_ROOT/empty | xz > $nar nix-build --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" dependencies.nix -o $TEST_ROOT/result 2>&1 | tee $TEST_ROOT/log grep -q "hash mismatch" $TEST_ROOT/log mv $nar.good $nar # Test whether this unsigned cache is rejected if the user requires signed caches. clearStore clearCacheCache if nix-store --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" --option signed-binary-caches '*' -r $outPath; then echo "unsigned binary cache incorrectly accepted" exit 1 fi # Test whether fallback works if we have cached info but the # corresponding NAR has disappeared. clearStore nix-build --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" dependencies.nix --dry-run # get info mkdir $cacheDir/tmp mv $cacheDir/*.nar* $cacheDir/tmp/ NIX_DEBUG_SUBST=1 nix-build --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" dependencies.nix -o $TEST_ROOT/result --fallback mv $cacheDir/tmp/* $cacheDir/ # Test whether building works if the binary cache contains an # incomplete closure. clearStore rm $(grep -l "StorePath:.*dependencies-input-2" $cacheDir/*.narinfo) nix-build --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" dependencies.nix -o $TEST_ROOT/result 2>&1 | tee $TEST_ROOT/log grep -q "fetching path" $TEST_ROOT/log if [ -n "$HAVE_SODIUM" ]; then # Create a signed binary cache. clearCache declare -a res=($(nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key $TEST_ROOT/sk1 $TEST_ROOT/pk1 )) publicKey="$(cat $TEST_ROOT/pk1)" res=($(nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key $TEST_ROOT/sk2 $TEST_ROOT/pk2)) badKey="$(cat $TEST_ROOT/pk2)" res=($(nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key $TEST_ROOT/sk3 $TEST_ROOT/pk3)) otherKey="$(cat $TEST_ROOT/pk3)" nix-push --dest $cacheDir --key-file $TEST_ROOT/sk1 $outPath # Downloading should fail if we don't provide a key. clearStore clearCacheCache (! nix-store -r $outPath --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" --option signed-binary-caches '*' ) # And it should fail if we provide an incorrect key. clearStore clearCacheCache (! nix-store -r $outPath --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" --option signed-binary-caches '*' --option binary-cache-public-keys "$badKey") # It should succeed if we provide the correct key. nix-store -r $outPath --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" --option signed-binary-caches '*' --option binary-cache-public-keys "$otherKey $publicKey" # It should fail if we corrupt the .narinfo. clearStore cacheDir2=$TEST_ROOT/binary-cache-2 rm -rf $cacheDir2 cp -r $cacheDir $cacheDir2 for i in $cacheDir2/*.narinfo; do grep -v References $i > $i.tmp mv $i.tmp $i done clearCacheCache (! nix-store -r $outPath --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir2" --option signed-binary-caches '*' --option binary-cache-public-keys "$publicKey") # If we provide a bad and a good binary cache, it should succeed. nix-store -r $outPath --option binary-caches "file://$cacheDir2 file://$cacheDir" --option signed-binary-caches '*' --option binary-cache-public-keys "$publicKey" fi # HAVE_LIBSODIUM