Eelco Dolstra e877c69d78 * Substitutes now should produce a path with the same id as they are
substituting for (obvious, really).

* For greater efficiency, nix-pull/unnar will place the output in a
  path that is probably the same as what is actually needed, thus
  preventing a path copy.

* Even if a output id is given in a Fix package expression, ensure
  that the resulting Nix derive expression has a different id.  This
  is because Nix expressions that are semantically equivalent (i.e.,
  build the same result) might be different w.r.t. efficiency or
  divergence.  It is absolutely vital for the substitute mechanism
  that such expressions are not used interchangeably.
2003-07-22 15:15:15 +00:00

385 lines
9.3 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "store.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "db.hh"
#include "archive.hh"
#include "normalise.hh"
struct CopySink : DumpSink
int fd;
virtual void operator () (const unsigned char * data, unsigned int len)
writeFull(fd, data, len);
struct CopySource : RestoreSource
int fd;
virtual void operator () (unsigned char * data, unsigned int len)
readFull(fd, data, len);
void copyPath(string src, string dst)
/* Unfortunately C++ doesn't support coprocedures, so we have no
nice way to chain CopySink and CopySource together. Instead we
fork off a child to run the sink. (Fork-less platforms should
use a thread). */
/* Create a pipe. */
int fds[2];
if (pipe(fds) == -1) throw SysError("creating pipe");
/* Fork. */
pid_t pid;
switch (pid = fork()) {
case -1:
throw SysError("unable to fork");
case 0: /* child */
try {
CopySource source;
source.fd = fds[0];
restorePath(dst, source);
} catch (exception & e) {
cerr << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
/* Parent. */
CopySink sink;
sink.fd = fds[1];
dumpPath(src, sink);
/* Wait for the child to finish. */
int status;
if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid)
throw SysError("waiting for child");
if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0)
throw Error("cannot copy file: child died");
void registerSubstitute(const FSId & srcId, const FSId & subId)
#if 0
Strings subs;
queryListDB(nixDB, dbSubstitutes, srcId, subs); /* non-existence = ok */
for (Strings::iterator it = subs.begin(); it != subs.end(); it++)
if (parseHash(*it) == subId) return;
setListDB(nixDB, dbSubstitutes, srcId, subs);
/* For now, accept only one substitute per id. */
Strings subs;
setListDB(nixDB, dbSubstitutes, srcId, subs);
void registerPath(const string & _path, const FSId & id)
string path(canonPath(_path));
setDB(nixDB, dbPath2Id, path, id);
Strings paths;
queryListDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, id, paths); /* non-existence = ok */
for (Strings::iterator it = paths.begin();
it != paths.end(); it++)
if (*it == path) return;
setListDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, id, paths);
void unregisterPath(const string & _path)
string path(canonPath(_path));
string _id;
if (!queryDB(nixDB, dbPath2Id, path, _id))
FSId id(parseHash(_id));
delDB(nixDB, dbPath2Id, path);
/* begin transaction */
Strings paths, paths2;
queryListDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, id, paths); /* non-existence = ok */
bool changed = false;
for (Strings::iterator it = paths.begin();
it != paths.end(); it++)
if (*it != path) paths2.push_back(*it); else changed = true;
if (changed)
setListDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, id, paths2);
/* end transaction */
bool queryPathId(const string & path, FSId & id)
string s;
if (!queryDB(nixDB, dbPath2Id, absPath(path), s)) return false;
id = parseHash(s);
return true;
bool isInPrefix(const string & path, const string & _prefix)
string prefix = canonPath(_prefix + "/");
return string(path, 0, prefix.size()) == prefix;
string expandId(const FSId & id, const string & target,
const string & prefix, FSIdSet pending)
debug(format("expanding %1%") % (string) id);
Nest nest(true);
Strings paths;
if (!target.empty() && !isInPrefix(target, prefix))
queryListDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, id, paths);
/* Pick one equal to `target'. */
if (!target.empty()) {
for (Strings::iterator i = paths.begin();
i != paths.end(); i++)
string path = *i;
if (path == target && pathExists(path))
return path;
/* Arbitrarily pick the first one that exists and isn't stale. */
for (Strings::iterator it = paths.begin();
it != paths.end(); it++)
string path = *it;
if (isInPrefix(path, prefix) && pathExists(path)) {
if (target.empty())
return path;
else {
copyPath(path, target);
registerPath(target, id);
return target;
if (pending.find(id) != pending.end())
throw Error(format("id %1% already being expanded") % (string) id);
/* Try to realise the substitutes, but only if this id is not
already being realised by a substitute. */
Strings subs;
queryListDB(nixDB, dbSubstitutes, id, subs); /* non-existence = ok */
for (Strings::iterator it = subs.begin(); it != subs.end(); it++) {
FSId subId = parseHash(*it);
debug(format("trying substitute %1%") % (string) subId);
Slice slice = normaliseFState(subId, pending);
realiseSlice(slice, pending);
return expandId(id, target, prefix, pending);
throw Error(format("cannot expand id `%1%'") % (string) id);
void addToStore(string srcPath, string & dstPath, FSId & id,
bool deterministicName)
srcPath = absPath(srcPath);
id = hashPath(srcPath);
string baseName = baseNameOf(srcPath);
dstPath = canonPath(nixStore + "/" + (string) id + "-" + baseName);
try {
/* !!! should not use the substitutes! */
dstPath = expandId(id, deterministicName ? dstPath : "", nixStore);
} catch (...) {
copyPath(srcPath, dstPath);
registerPath(dstPath, id);
void deleteFromStore(const string & path)
string prefix = + "/";
if (!isInPrefix(path, nixStore))
throw Error(format("path %1% is not in the store") % path);
void verifyStore()
Strings paths;
enumDB(nixDB, dbPath2Id, paths);
for (Strings::iterator i = paths.begin();
i != paths.end(); i++)
bool erase = true;
string path = *i;
if (!pathExists(path)) {
debug(format("path `%1%' disappeared") % path);
else {
string id;
if (!queryDB(nixDB, dbPath2Id, path, id)) abort();
Strings idPaths;
queryListDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, id, idPaths);
bool found = false;
for (Strings::iterator j = idPaths.begin();
j != idPaths.end(); j++)
if (path == *j) {
found = true;
if (found)
erase = false;
/* !!! perhaps we should add path to idPaths? */
debug(format("reverse mapping for path `%1%' missing") % path);
if (erase) delDB(nixDB, dbPath2Id, path);
Strings ids;
enumDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, ids);
for (Strings::iterator i = ids.begin();
i != ids.end(); i++)
FSId id = parseHash(*i);
Strings idPaths;
queryListDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, id, idPaths);
for (Strings::iterator j = idPaths.begin();
j != idPaths.end(); )
string id2;
if (!queryDB(nixDB, dbPath2Id, *j, id2) ||
id != parseHash(id2)) {
debug(format("erasing path `%1%' from mapping for id %2%")
% *j % (string) id);
j = idPaths.erase(j);
} else j++;
setListDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, id, idPaths);
Strings subs;
enumDB(nixDB, dbSubstitutes, subs);
for (Strings::iterator i = subs.begin();
i != subs.end(); i++)
FSId srcId = parseHash(*i);
Strings subIds;
queryListDB(nixDB, dbSubstitutes, srcId, subIds);
for (Strings::iterator j = subIds.begin();
j != subIds.end(); )
FSId subId = parseHash(*j);
Strings subPaths;
queryListDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, subId, subPaths);
if (subPaths.size() == 0) {
debug(format("erasing substitute %1% for %2%")
% (string) subId % (string) srcId);
j = subIds.erase(j);
} else j++;
setListDB(nixDB, dbSubstitutes, srcId, subIds);
Strings sucs;
enumDB(nixDB, dbSuccessors, sucs);
for (Strings::iterator i = sucs.begin();
i != sucs.end(); i++)
FSId id1 = parseHash(*i);
string id2;
if (!queryDB(nixDB, dbSuccessors, id1, id2)) abort();
Strings id2Paths;
queryListDB(nixDB, dbId2Paths, id2, id2Paths);
if (id2Paths.size() == 0) {
Strings id2Subs;
queryListDB(nixDB, dbSubstitutes, id2, id2Subs);
if (id2Subs.size() == 0) {
debug(format("successor %1% for %2% missing")
% id2 % (string) id1);
delDB(nixDB, dbSuccessors, (string) id1);