pennae 39df15fb8e don't use full Pos for findPackageFilename/editorFor
only file and line of the returned position were ever used, it wasn't actually
used a position. as such we may as well use a path+int pair for only those two
values and remove a use of Pos that would not work well with a position table.
2022-04-21 21:25:18 +02:00

274 lines
6.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include "installables.hh"
#include "args.hh"
#include "common-eval-args.hh"
#include "path.hh"
#include "flake/lockfile.hh"
#include <optional>
namespace nix {
extern std::string programPath;
extern char * * savedArgv;
class EvalState;
struct Pos;
class Store;
static constexpr Command::Category catSecondary = 100;
static constexpr Command::Category catUtility = 101;
static constexpr Command::Category catNixInstallation = 102;
static constexpr auto installablesCategory = "Options that change the interpretation of installables";
struct NixMultiCommand : virtual MultiCommand, virtual Command
nlohmann::json toJSON() override;
/* A command that requires a Nix store. */
struct StoreCommand : virtual Command
void run() override;
ref<Store> getStore();
virtual ref<Store> createStore();
virtual void run(ref<Store>) = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Store> _store;
/* A command that copies something between `--from` and `--to`
stores. */
struct CopyCommand : virtual StoreCommand
std::string srcUri, dstUri;
ref<Store> createStore() override;
ref<Store> getDstStore();
struct EvalCommand : virtual StoreCommand, MixEvalArgs
ref<Store> getEvalStore();
ref<EvalState> getEvalState();
std::shared_ptr<Store> evalStore;
std::shared_ptr<EvalState> evalState;
struct MixFlakeOptions : virtual Args, EvalCommand
flake::LockFlags lockFlags;
virtual std::optional<FlakeRef> getFlakeRefForCompletion()
{ return {}; }
struct SourceExprCommand : virtual Args, MixFlakeOptions
std::optional<Path> file;
std::optional<std::string> expr;
bool readOnlyMode = false;
// FIXME: move this; not all commands (e.g. 'nix run') use it.
OperateOn operateOn = OperateOn::Output;
SourceExprCommand(bool supportReadOnlyMode = false);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Installable>> parseInstallables(
ref<Store> store, std::vector<std::string> ss);
std::shared_ptr<Installable> parseInstallable(
ref<Store> store, const std::string & installable);
virtual Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths();
virtual Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPathPrefixes();
void completeInstallable(std::string_view prefix);
/* A command that operates on a list of "installables", which can be
store paths, attribute paths, Nix expressions, etc. */
struct InstallablesCommand : virtual Args, SourceExprCommand
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Installable>> installables;
void prepare() override;
virtual bool useDefaultInstallables() { return true; }
std::optional<FlakeRef> getFlakeRefForCompletion() override;
std::vector<std::string> _installables;
/* A command that operates on exactly one "installable" */
struct InstallableCommand : virtual Args, SourceExprCommand
std::shared_ptr<Installable> installable;
InstallableCommand(bool supportReadOnlyMode = false);
void prepare() override;
std::optional<FlakeRef> getFlakeRefForCompletion() override
return parseFlakeRefWithFragment(_installable, absPath(".")).first;
std::string _installable{"."};
/* A command that operates on zero or more store paths. */
struct BuiltPathsCommand : public InstallablesCommand
bool recursive = false;
bool all = false;
Realise realiseMode = Realise::Derivation;
BuiltPathsCommand(bool recursive = false);
using StoreCommand::run;
virtual void run(ref<Store> store, BuiltPaths && paths) = 0;
void run(ref<Store> store) override;
bool useDefaultInstallables() override { return !all; }
struct StorePathsCommand : public BuiltPathsCommand
StorePathsCommand(bool recursive = false);
using BuiltPathsCommand::run;
virtual void run(ref<Store> store, std::vector<StorePath> && storePaths) = 0;
void run(ref<Store> store, BuiltPaths && paths) override;
/* A command that operates on exactly one store path. */
struct StorePathCommand : public StorePathsCommand
using StorePathsCommand::run;
virtual void run(ref<Store> store, const StorePath & storePath) = 0;
void run(ref<Store> store, std::vector<StorePath> && storePaths) override;
/* A helper class for registering commands globally. */
struct RegisterCommand
typedef std::map<std::vector<std::string>, std::function<ref<Command>()>> Commands;
static Commands * commands;
RegisterCommand(std::vector<std::string> && name,
std::function<ref<Command>()> command)
if (!commands) commands = new Commands;
commands->emplace(name, command);
static nix::Commands getCommandsFor(const std::vector<std::string> & prefix);
template<class T>
static RegisterCommand registerCommand(const std::string & name)
return RegisterCommand({name}, [](){ return make_ref<T>(); });
template<class T>
static RegisterCommand registerCommand2(std::vector<std::string> && name)
return RegisterCommand(std::move(name), [](){ return make_ref<T>(); });
/* Helper function to generate args that invoke $EDITOR on
filename:lineno. */
Strings editorFor(const Path & file, uint32_t line);
struct MixProfile : virtual StoreCommand
std::optional<Path> profile;
/* If 'profile' is set, make it point at 'storePath'. */
void updateProfile(const StorePath & storePath);
/* If 'profile' is set, make it point at the store path produced
by 'buildables'. */
void updateProfile(const BuiltPaths & buildables);
struct MixDefaultProfile : MixProfile
struct MixEnvironment : virtual Args {
StringSet keep, unset;
Strings stringsEnv;
std::vector<char*> vectorEnv;
bool ignoreEnvironment;
/* Modify global environ based on ignoreEnvironment, keep, and unset. It's expected that exec will be called before this class goes out of scope, otherwise environ will become invalid. */
void setEnviron();
void completeFlakeRef(ref<Store> store, std::string_view prefix);
void completeFlakeRefWithFragment(
ref<EvalState> evalState,
flake::LockFlags lockFlags,
Strings attrPathPrefixes,
const Strings & defaultFlakeAttrPaths,
std::string_view prefix);
std::string showVersions(const std::set<std::string> & versions);
void printClosureDiff(
ref<Store> store,
const StorePath & beforePath,
const StorePath & afterPath,
std::string_view indent);