#pragma once #include "installables.hh" #include "args.hh" #include "common-eval-args.hh" #include "path.hh" #include "flake/lockfile.hh" #include namespace nix { extern std::string programPath; class EvalState; struct Pos; class Store; static constexpr Command::Category catSecondary = 100; static constexpr Command::Category catUtility = 101; static constexpr Command::Category catNixInstallation = 102; /* A command that requires a Nix store. */ struct StoreCommand : virtual Command { StoreCommand(); void run() override; ref getStore(); virtual ref createStore(); virtual void run(ref) = 0; private: std::shared_ptr _store; }; struct EvalCommand : virtual StoreCommand, MixEvalArgs { ref getEvalState(); std::shared_ptr evalState; }; struct MixFlakeOptions : virtual Args, EvalCommand { flake::LockFlags lockFlags; MixFlakeOptions(); virtual std::optional getFlakeRefForCompletion() { return {}; } }; struct SourceExprCommand : virtual Args, MixFlakeOptions { std::optional file; std::optional expr; SourceExprCommand(); std::vector> parseInstallables( ref store, std::vector ss); std::shared_ptr parseInstallable( ref store, const std::string & installable); virtual Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths(); virtual Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPathPrefixes(); void completeInstallable(std::string_view prefix); }; enum RealiseMode { Build, NoBuild, DryRun }; /* A command that operates on a list of "installables", which can be store paths, attribute paths, Nix expressions, etc. */ struct InstallablesCommand : virtual Args, SourceExprCommand { std::vector> installables; InstallablesCommand(); void prepare() override; virtual bool useDefaultInstallables() { return true; } std::optional getFlakeRefForCompletion() override; private: std::vector _installables; }; /* A command that operates on exactly one "installable" */ struct InstallableCommand : virtual Args, SourceExprCommand { std::shared_ptr installable; InstallableCommand(); void prepare() override; std::optional getFlakeRefForCompletion() override { return parseFlakeRef(_installable, absPath(".")); } private: std::string _installable{"."}; }; /* A command that operates on zero or more store paths. */ struct StorePathsCommand : public InstallablesCommand { private: bool recursive = false; bool all = false; protected: RealiseMode realiseMode = NoBuild; public: StorePathsCommand(bool recursive = false); using StoreCommand::run; virtual void run(ref store, std::vector storePaths) = 0; void run(ref store) override; bool useDefaultInstallables() override { return !all; } }; /* A command that operates on exactly one store path. */ struct StorePathCommand : public InstallablesCommand { using StoreCommand::run; virtual void run(ref store, const StorePath & storePath) = 0; void run(ref store) override; }; /* A helper class for registering commands globally. */ struct RegisterCommand { static Commands * commands; RegisterCommand(const std::string & name, std::function()> command) { if (!commands) commands = new Commands; commands->emplace(name, command); } }; template static RegisterCommand registerCommand(const std::string & name) { return RegisterCommand(name, [](){ return make_ref(); }); } Buildables build(ref store, RealiseMode mode, std::vector> installables); std::set toStorePaths(ref store, RealiseMode mode, std::vector> installables); StorePath toStorePath(ref store, RealiseMode mode, std::shared_ptr installable); std::set toDerivations(ref store, std::vector> installables, bool useDeriver = false); /* Helper function to generate args that invoke $EDITOR on filename:lineno. */ Strings editorFor(const Pos & pos); struct MixProfile : virtual StoreCommand { std::optional profile; MixProfile(); /* If 'profile' is set, make it point at 'storePath'. */ void updateProfile(const StorePath & storePath); /* If 'profile' is set, make it point at the store path produced by 'buildables'. */ void updateProfile(const Buildables & buildables); }; struct MixDefaultProfile : MixProfile { MixDefaultProfile(); }; struct MixEnvironment : virtual Args { StringSet keep, unset; Strings stringsEnv; std::vector vectorEnv; bool ignoreEnvironment; MixEnvironment(); /* Modify global environ based on ignoreEnvironment, keep, and unset. It's expected that exec will be called before this class goes out of scope, otherwise environ will become invalid. */ void setEnviron(); }; void completeFlakeRef(ref store, std::string_view prefix); void completeFlakeRefWithFragment( ref evalState, flake::LockFlags lockFlags, Strings attrPathPrefixes, const Strings & defaultFlakeAttrPaths, std::string_view prefix); }