#! @perl@ -w -I@libexecdir@/nix use strict; use IPC::Open2; use POSIX qw(tmpnam); use readmanifest; my $tmpdir; do { $tmpdir = tmpnam(); } until mkdir $tmpdir, 0777; my $manifest = "$tmpdir/manifest"; END { unlink $manifest; rmdir $tmpdir; } my $binDir = $ENV{"NIX_BIN_DIR"}; $binDir = "@bindir@" unless defined $binDir; my $libexecDir = $ENV{"NIX_LIBEXEC_DIR"}; $libexecDir = "@libexecdir@" unless defined $libexecDir; my $stateDir = $ENV{"NIX_STATE_DIR"}; $stateDir = "@localstatedir@/nix" unless defined $stateDir; # Obtain URLs either from the command line or from a configuration file. my %narFiles; my %patches; my %successors; sub processURL { my $url = shift; $url =~ s/\/$//; print "obtaining list of Nix archives at $url...\n"; system("@curl@ --fail --silent --show-error --location --max-redirs 20 " . "'$url' > '$manifest'") == 0 or die "curl failed: $?"; readManifest $manifest, \%narFiles, \%patches, \%successors; my $baseName = "unnamed"; if ($url =~ /\/([^\/]+)\/[^\/]+$/) { # get the forelast component $baseName = $1; } my $hash = `$binDir/nix-hash --flat '$manifest'` or die "cannot hash `$manifest'"; chomp $hash; my $finalPath = "$stateDir/manifests/$baseName-$hash.nixmanifest"; system("mv '$manifest' '$finalPath'") == 0 or die "cannot move `$manifest' to `$finalPath"; } while (@ARGV) { my $url = shift @ARGV; processURL $url; } my $size = scalar (keys %narFiles); print "$size store paths in manifest\n"; # Register all substitutes. print STDERR "registering substitutes...\n"; my $pid = open2(\*READ, \*WRITE, "$binDir/nix-store --substitute") or die "cannot run nix-store"; close READ; foreach my $storePath (keys %narFiles) { my $narFileList = $narFiles{$storePath}; foreach my $narFile (@{$narFileList}) { print WRITE "$storePath\n"; print WRITE "$libexecDir/nix/download-using-manifests.pl\n"; print WRITE "0\n"; my @references = split " ", $narFile->{references}; my $count = scalar @references; print WRITE "$count\n"; foreach my $reference (@references) { print WRITE "$reference\n"; } } } close WRITE; waitpid $pid, 0; $? == 0 or die "nix-store failed";