#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "shared.hh" #include "pathlocks.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include "serialise.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "derivations.hh" using namespace nix; using std::cerr; using std::cin; static void handle_alarm(int sig) { } class machine { const std::set supportedFeatures; const std::set mandatoryFeatures; public: const string hostName; const std::vector systemTypes; const string sshKey; const unsigned long long maxJobs; const unsigned long long speedFactor; bool enabled; bool allSupported(const std::set & features) const { return std::all_of(features.begin(), features.end(), [&](const string & feature) { return supportedFeatures.count(feature) || mandatoryFeatures.count(feature); }); } bool mandatoryMet(const std::set & features) const { return std::all_of(mandatoryFeatures.begin(), mandatoryFeatures.end(), [&](const string & feature) { return features.count(feature); }); } machine(decltype(hostName) hostName, decltype(systemTypes) systemTypes, decltype(sshKey) sshKey, decltype(maxJobs) maxJobs, decltype(speedFactor) speedFactor, decltype(supportedFeatures) supportedFeatures, decltype(mandatoryFeatures) mandatoryFeatures) : supportedFeatures{std::move(supportedFeatures)}, mandatoryFeatures{std::move(mandatoryFeatures)}, hostName{std::move(hostName)}, systemTypes{std::move(systemTypes)}, sshKey{std::move(sshKey)}, maxJobs{std::move(maxJobs)}, speedFactor{speedFactor == 0 ? 1 : std::move(speedFactor)}, enabled{true} {}; };; static std::vector read_conf() { auto conf = getEnv("NIX_REMOTE_SYSTEMS", SYSCONFDIR "/nix/machines"); auto machines = std::vector{}; auto lines = std::vector{}; try { lines = tokenizeString>(readFile(conf), "\n"); } catch (const SysError & e) { if (e.errNo != ENOENT) throw; } for (auto line : lines) { chomp(line); line.erase(std::find(line.begin(), line.end(), '#'), line.end()); if (line.empty()) { continue; } auto tokens = tokenizeString>(line); auto sz = tokens.size(); if (sz < 4) { throw new FormatError(format("Bad machines.conf file %1%") % conf); } machines.emplace_back(tokens[0], tokenizeString>(tokens[1], ","), tokens[2], stoull(tokens[3]), sz >= 5 ? stoull(tokens[4]) : 1LL, sz >= 6 ? tokenizeString>(tokens[5], ",") : std::set{}, sz >= 7 ? tokenizeString>(tokens[6], ",") : std::set{}); } return machines; } static string currentLoad; static int openSlotLock(const machine & m, unsigned long long slot) { auto fn_stream = std::stringstream(currentLoad, std::ios_base::ate | std::ios_base::out); fn_stream << "/"; for (auto t : m.systemTypes) { fn_stream << t << "-"; } fn_stream << m.hostName << "-" << slot; return openLockFile(fn_stream.str(), true); } static char display_env[] = "DISPLAY="; static char ssh_env[] = "SSH_ASKPASS="; int main (int argc, char * * argv) { return handleExceptions(argv[0], [&]() { initNix(); /* Ensure we don't get any SSH passphrase or host key popups. */ if (putenv(display_env) == -1 || putenv(ssh_env) == -1) { throw SysError("Setting SSH env vars"); } if (argc != 4) { throw UsageError("called without required arguments"); } auto store = openStore(); auto localSystem = argv[1]; settings.maxSilentTime = stoull(string(argv[2])); settings.buildTimeout = stoull(string(argv[3])); currentLoad = getEnv("NIX_CURRENT_LOAD", "/run/nix/current-load"); std::shared_ptr sshStore; AutoCloseFD bestSlotLock; auto machines = read_conf(); string drvPath; string hostName; for (string line; getline(cin, line);) { auto tokens = tokenizeString>(line); auto sz = tokens.size(); if (sz != 3 && sz != 4) { throw Error(format("invalid build hook line %1%") % line); } auto amWilling = tokens[0] == "1"; auto neededSystem = tokens[1]; drvPath = tokens[2]; auto requiredFeatures = sz == 3 ? std::set{} : tokenizeString>(tokens[3], ","); auto canBuildLocally = amWilling && (neededSystem == localSystem); /* Error ignored here, will be caught later */ mkdir(currentLoad.c_str(), 0777); while (true) { bestSlotLock = -1; AutoCloseFD lock = openLockFile(currentLoad + "/main-lock", true); lockFile(lock.get(), ltWrite, true); bool rightType = false; machine * bestMachine = nullptr; unsigned long long bestLoad = 0; for (auto & m : machines) { if (m.enabled && std::find(m.systemTypes.begin(), m.systemTypes.end(), neededSystem) != m.systemTypes.end() && m.allSupported(requiredFeatures) && m.mandatoryMet(requiredFeatures)) { rightType = true; AutoCloseFD free; unsigned long long load = 0; for (unsigned long long slot = 0; slot < m.maxJobs; ++slot) { AutoCloseFD slotLock = openSlotLock(m, slot); if (lockFile(slotLock.get(), ltWrite, false)) { if (!free) { free = std::move(slotLock); } } else { ++load; } } if (!free) { continue; } bool best = false; if (!bestSlotLock) { best = true; } else if (load / m.speedFactor < bestLoad / bestMachine->speedFactor) { best = true; } else if (load / m.speedFactor == bestLoad / bestMachine->speedFactor) { if (m.speedFactor > bestMachine->speedFactor) { best = true; } else if (m.speedFactor == bestMachine->speedFactor) { if (load < bestLoad) { best = true; } } } if (best) { bestLoad = load; bestSlotLock = std::move(free); bestMachine = &m; } } } if (!bestSlotLock) { if (rightType && !canBuildLocally) { cerr << "# postpone\n"; } else { cerr << "# decline\n"; } break; } futimens(bestSlotLock.get(), NULL); lock = -1; try { sshStore = openStore("ssh://" + bestMachine->hostName + "?key=" + bestMachine->sshKey); hostName = bestMachine->hostName; } catch (std::exception & e) { cerr << e.what() << '\n'; cerr << "unable to open SSH connection to ‘" << bestMachine->hostName << "’, trying other available machines...\n"; bestMachine->enabled = false; continue; } goto connected; } } connected: cerr << "# accept\n"; string line; if (!getline(cin, line)) { throw Error("hook caller didn't send inputs"); } auto inputs = tokenizeString>(line); if (!getline(cin, line)) { throw Error("hook caller didn't send outputs"); } auto outputs = tokenizeString(line); AutoCloseFD uploadLock = openLockFile(currentLoad + "/" + hostName + ".upload-lock", true); auto old = signal(SIGALRM, handle_alarm); alarm(15 * 60); if (!lockFile(uploadLock.get(), ltWrite, true)) { cerr << "somebody is hogging the upload lock for " << hostName << ", continuing...\n"; } alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, old); copyPaths(store, ref(sshStore), inputs); uploadLock = -1; cerr << "building ‘" << drvPath << "’ on ‘" << hostName << "’\n"; sshStore->buildDerivation(drvPath, readDerivation(drvPath)); std::remove_if(outputs.begin(), outputs.end(), [=](const Path & path) { return store->isValidPath(path); }); if (!outputs.empty()) { setenv("NIX_HELD_LOCKS", concatStringsSep(" ", outputs).c_str(), 1); /* FIXME: ugly */ copyPaths(ref(sshStore), store, outputs); } return; }); }