#include "flake.hh" #include "primops.hh" #include "eval-inline.hh" #include "fetchGit.hh" #include "download.hh" #include "args.hh" #include #include #include #include namespace nix { /* Read a registry. */ std::shared_ptr readRegistry(const Path & path) { auto registry = std::make_shared(); if (!pathExists(path)) return std::make_shared(); auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(path)); auto version = json.value("version", 0); if (version != 1) throw Error("flake registry '%s' has unsupported version %d", path, version); auto flakes = json["flakes"]; for (auto i = flakes.begin(); i != flakes.end(); ++i) registry->entries.emplace(i.key(), FlakeRef(i->value("uri", ""))); return registry; } /* Write a registry to a file. */ void writeRegistry(const FlakeRegistry & registry, const Path & path) { nlohmann::json json; json["version"] = 1; for (auto elem : registry.entries) json["flakes"][elem.first.to_string()] = { {"uri", elem.second.to_string()} }; createDirs(dirOf(path)); writeFile(path, json.dump(4)); // The '4' is the number of spaces used in the indentation in the json file. } LockFile::FlakeEntry readFlakeEntry(nlohmann::json json) { FlakeRef flakeRef(json["uri"]); if (!flakeRef.isImmutable()) throw Error("requested to fetch FlakeRef '%s' purely, which is mutable", flakeRef); LockFile::FlakeEntry entry(flakeRef); auto nonFlakeRequires = json["nonFlakeRequires"]; for (auto i = nonFlakeRequires.begin(); i != nonFlakeRequires.end(); ++i) { FlakeRef flakeRef(i->value("uri", "")); if (!flakeRef.isImmutable()) throw Error("requested to fetch FlakeRef '%s' purely, which is mutable", flakeRef); entry.nonFlakeEntries.insert_or_assign(i.key(), flakeRef); } auto requires = json["requires"]; for (auto i = requires.begin(); i != requires.end(); ++i) entry.flakeEntries.insert_or_assign(i.key(), readFlakeEntry(*i)); return entry; } LockFile readLockFile(const Path & path) { LockFile lockFile; if (!pathExists(path)) return lockFile; auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(path)); auto version = json.value("version", 0); if (version != 1) throw Error("lock file '%s' has unsupported version %d", path, version); auto nonFlakeRequires = json["nonFlakeRequires"]; for (auto i = nonFlakeRequires.begin(); i != nonFlakeRequires.end(); ++i) { FlakeRef flakeRef(i->value("uri", "")); if (!flakeRef.isImmutable()) throw Error("requested to fetch FlakeRef '%s' purely, which is mutable", flakeRef); lockFile.nonFlakeEntries.insert_or_assign(i.key(), flakeRef); } auto requires = json["requires"]; for (auto i = requires.begin(); i != requires.end(); ++i) lockFile.flakeEntries.insert_or_assign(i.key(), readFlakeEntry(*i)); return lockFile; } nlohmann::json flakeEntryToJson(const LockFile::FlakeEntry & entry) { nlohmann::json json; json["uri"] = entry.ref.to_string(); for (auto & x : entry.nonFlakeEntries) json["nonFlakeRequires"][x.first]["uri"] = x.second.to_string(); for (auto & x : entry.flakeEntries) json["requires"][x.first.to_string()] = flakeEntryToJson(x.second); return json; } void writeLockFile(const LockFile & lockFile, const Path & path) { nlohmann::json json; json["version"] = 1; json["nonFlakeRequires"] = nlohmann::json::object(); for (auto & x : lockFile.nonFlakeEntries) json["nonFlakeRequires"][x.first]["uri"] = x.second.to_string(); json["requires"] = nlohmann::json::object(); for (auto & x : lockFile.flakeEntries) json["requires"][x.first.to_string()] = flakeEntryToJson(x.second); createDirs(dirOf(path)); writeFile(path, json.dump(4)); // '4' = indentation in json file } std::shared_ptr getGlobalRegistry() { return readRegistry(evalSettings.flakeRegistry); } Path getUserRegistryPath() { return getHome() + "/.config/nix/registry.json"; } std::shared_ptr getUserRegistry() { return readRegistry(getUserRegistryPath()); } std::shared_ptr getFlagRegistry(RegistryOverrides registryOverrides) { auto flagRegistry = std::make_shared(); for (auto const & x : registryOverrides) { flagRegistry->entries.insert_or_assign(FlakeRef(x.first), FlakeRef(x.second)); } return flagRegistry; } // This always returns a vector with flakeReg, userReg, globalReg. // If one of them doesn't exist, the registry is left empty but does exist. const Registries EvalState::getFlakeRegistries() { Registries registries; registries.push_back(getFlagRegistry(registryOverrides)); registries.push_back(getUserRegistry()); registries.push_back(getGlobalRegistry()); return registries; } static FlakeRef lookupFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, const Registries & registries, std::vector pastSearches = {}); FlakeRef updateFlakeRef(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & newRef, const Registries & registries, std::vector pastSearches) { std::string errorMsg = "found cycle in flake registries: "; for (FlakeRef oldRef : pastSearches) { errorMsg += oldRef.to_string(); if (oldRef == newRef) throw Error(errorMsg); errorMsg += " - "; } pastSearches.push_back(newRef); return lookupFlake(state, newRef, registries, pastSearches); } static FlakeRef lookupFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, const Registries & registries, std::vector pastSearches) { if (registries.empty() && !flakeRef.isDirect()) throw Error("indirect flake reference '%s' is not allowed", flakeRef); for (std::shared_ptr registry : registries) { auto i = registry->entries.find(flakeRef); if (i != registry->entries.end()) { auto newRef = i->second; return updateFlakeRef(state, newRef, registries, pastSearches); } auto j = registry->entries.find(flakeRef.baseRef()); if (j != registry->entries.end()) { auto newRef = j->second; newRef.ref = flakeRef.ref; newRef.rev = flakeRef.rev; return updateFlakeRef(state, newRef, registries, pastSearches); } } if (!flakeRef.isDirect()) throw Error("could not resolve flake reference '%s'", flakeRef); return flakeRef; } // Lookups happen here too static SourceInfo fetchFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, bool impureIsAllowed = false) { FlakeRef resolvedRef = lookupFlake(state, flakeRef, impureIsAllowed ? state.getFlakeRegistries() : std::vector>()); if (evalSettings.pureEval && !impureIsAllowed && !resolvedRef.isImmutable()) throw Error("requested to fetch mutable flake '%s' in pure mode", resolvedRef); // This only downloads only one revision of the repo, not the entire history. if (auto refData = std::get_if(&resolvedRef.data)) { // FIXME: use regular /archive URLs instead? api.github.com // might have stricter rate limits. auto url = fmt("https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s/tarball/%s", refData->owner, refData->repo, resolvedRef.rev ? resolvedRef.rev->to_string(Base16, false) : resolvedRef.ref ? *resolvedRef.ref : "master"); std::string accessToken = settings.githubAccessToken.get(); if (accessToken != "") url += "?access_token=" + accessToken; auto result = getDownloader()->downloadCached(state.store, url, true, "source", Hash(), nullptr, resolvedRef.rev ? 1000000000 : settings.tarballTtl); if (!result.etag) throw Error("did not receive an ETag header from '%s'", url); if (result.etag->size() != 42 || (*result.etag)[0] != '"' || (*result.etag)[41] != '"') throw Error("ETag header '%s' from '%s' is not a Git revision", *result.etag, url); std::string rev = std::string(*result.etag, 1, result.etag->size() - 2); const FlakeRef ref(resolvedRef.baseRef().to_string() + "/" + rev); SourceInfo info(ref); info.storePath = result.path; return info; } // This downloads the entire git history else if (auto refData = std::get_if(&resolvedRef.data)) { auto gitInfo = exportGit(state.store, refData->uri, resolvedRef.ref, resolvedRef.rev, "source"); const FlakeRef ref(resolvedRef.baseRef().to_string() + "/" + gitInfo.ref + "/" + gitInfo.rev.to_string(Base16, false)); SourceInfo info(ref); info.storePath = gitInfo.storePath; info.revCount = gitInfo.revCount; return info; } else if (auto refData = std::get_if(&resolvedRef.data)) { if (!pathExists(refData->path + "/.git")) throw Error("flake '%s' does not reference a Git repository", refData->path); auto gitInfo = exportGit(state.store, refData->path, {}, {}, "source"); const FlakeRef ref(resolvedRef.baseRef().to_string() + "/" + gitInfo.ref + "/" + gitInfo.rev.to_string(Base16, false)); SourceInfo info(ref); info.storePath = gitInfo.storePath; info.revCount = gitInfo.revCount; return info; } else abort(); } // This will return the flake which corresponds to a given FlakeRef. The lookupFlake is done within `fetchFlake`, which is used here. Flake getFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, bool impureIsAllowed = false) { SourceInfo sourceInfo = fetchFlake(state, flakeRef, impureIsAllowed); debug("got flake source '%s' with flakeref %s", sourceInfo.storePath, sourceInfo.resolvedRef.to_string()); FlakeRef resolvedRef = sourceInfo.resolvedRef; resolvedRef = sourceInfo.resolvedRef; // `resolvedRef` is now immutable state.store->assertStorePath(sourceInfo.storePath); if (state.allowedPaths) state.allowedPaths->insert(sourceInfo.storePath); // Guard against symlink attacks. Path flakeFile = canonPath(sourceInfo.storePath + "/" + resolvedRef.subdir + "/flake.nix"); if (!isInDir(flakeFile, sourceInfo.storePath)) throw Error("flake file '%s' escapes from '%s'", resolvedRef, sourceInfo.storePath); Flake flake(flakeRef, sourceInfo); if (!pathExists(flakeFile)) throw Error("source tree referenced by '%s' does not contain a '%s/flake.nix' file", resolvedRef, resolvedRef.subdir); Value vInfo; state.evalFile(flakeFile, vInfo); // FIXME: symlink attack state.forceAttrs(vInfo); // FIXME: change to "id"? if (auto name = vInfo.attrs->get(state.sName)) flake.id = state.forceStringNoCtx(*(**name).value, *(**name).pos); else throw Error("flake lacks attribute 'name'"); if (auto description = vInfo.attrs->get(state.sDescription)) flake.description = state.forceStringNoCtx(*(**description).value, *(**description).pos); if (auto requires = vInfo.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("requires"))) { state.forceList(*(**requires).value, *(**requires).pos); for (unsigned int n = 0; n < (**requires).value->listSize(); ++n) flake.requires.push_back(FlakeRef(state.forceStringNoCtx( *(**requires).value->listElems()[n], *(**requires).pos))); } if (std::optional nonFlakeRequires = vInfo.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("nonFlakeRequires"))) { state.forceAttrs(*(**nonFlakeRequires).value, *(**nonFlakeRequires).pos); for (Attr attr : *(*(**nonFlakeRequires).value).attrs) { std::string myNonFlakeUri = state.forceStringNoCtx(*attr.value, *attr.pos); FlakeRef nonFlakeRef = FlakeRef(myNonFlakeUri); flake.nonFlakeRequires.insert_or_assign(attr.name, nonFlakeRef); } } if (auto provides = vInfo.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("provides"))) { state.forceFunction(*(**provides).value, *(**provides).pos); flake.vProvides = (**provides).value; } else throw Error("flake lacks attribute 'provides'"); return flake; } // Get the `NonFlake` corresponding to a `FlakeRef`. NonFlake getNonFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, FlakeAlias alias) { SourceInfo sourceInfo = fetchFlake(state, flakeRef); debug("got non-flake source '%s' with flakeref %s", sourceInfo.storePath, sourceInfo.resolvedRef.to_string()); FlakeRef resolvedRef = sourceInfo.resolvedRef; NonFlake nonFlake(flakeRef, sourceInfo); nonFlake.storePath = sourceInfo.storePath; state.store->assertStorePath(nonFlake.storePath); if (state.allowedPaths) state.allowedPaths->insert(nonFlake.storePath); nonFlake.alias = alias; return nonFlake; } /* Given a flake reference, recursively fetch it and its dependencies. FIXME: this should return a graph of flakes. */ ResolvedFlake resolveFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & topRef, RegistryAccess registryAccess, bool isTopFlake) { bool allowRegistries = registryAccess == AllowRegistry || (registryAccess == AllowRegistryAtTop && isTopFlake); Flake flake = getFlake(state, topRef, allowRegistries); LockFile lockFile; if (isTopFlake) lockFile = readLockFile(flake.storePath + flake.resolvedRef.subdir + "/flake.lock"); // FIXME: symlink attack ResolvedFlake deps(flake); for (auto & nonFlakeInfo : flake.nonFlakeRequires) deps.nonFlakeDeps.push_back(getNonFlake(state, nonFlakeInfo.second, nonFlakeInfo.first)); for (auto newFlakeRef : flake.requires) { auto i = lockFile.flakeEntries.find(newFlakeRef); if (i != lockFile.flakeEntries.end()) newFlakeRef = i->second.ref; // FIXME: propagate lockFile downwards deps.flakeDeps.push_back(resolveFlake(state, newFlakeRef, registryAccess, false)); } return deps; } LockFile::FlakeEntry dependenciesToFlakeEntry(const ResolvedFlake & resolvedFlake) { LockFile::FlakeEntry entry(resolvedFlake.flake.resolvedRef); for (auto & newResFlake : resolvedFlake.flakeDeps) entry.flakeEntries.insert_or_assign(newResFlake.flake.originalRef, dependenciesToFlakeEntry(newResFlake)); for (auto & nonFlake : resolvedFlake.nonFlakeDeps) entry.nonFlakeEntries.insert_or_assign(nonFlake.alias, nonFlake.resolvedRef); return entry; } static LockFile makeLockFile(EvalState & evalState, FlakeRef & flakeRef) { ResolvedFlake resFlake = resolveFlake(evalState, flakeRef, AllowRegistry); LockFile::FlakeEntry entry = dependenciesToFlakeEntry(resFlake); LockFile lockFile; lockFile.flakeEntries = entry.flakeEntries; lockFile.nonFlakeEntries = entry.nonFlakeEntries; return lockFile; } void updateLockFile(EvalState & state, const FlakeUri & flakeUri) { // FIXME: We are writing the lockfile to the store here! Very bad practice! FlakeRef flakeRef = FlakeRef(flakeUri); if (auto refData = std::get_if(&flakeRef.data)) { auto lockFile = makeLockFile(state, flakeRef); writeLockFile(lockFile, refData->path + "/" + flakeRef.subdir + "/flake.lock"); // Hack: Make sure that flake.lock is visible to Git. Otherwise, // exportGit will fail to copy it to the Nix store. runProgram("git", true, { "-C", refData->path, "add", (flakeRef.subdir == "" ? "" : flakeRef.subdir + "/") + "flake.lock" }); } else throw Error("flakeUri %s can't be updated because it is not a path", flakeUri); } void callFlake(EvalState & state, const ResolvedFlake & resFlake, Value & v) { // Construct the resulting attrset '{description, provides, // ...}'. This attrset is passed lazily as an argument to 'provides'. state.mkAttrs(v, resFlake.flakeDeps.size() + resFlake.nonFlakeDeps.size() + 8); for (const ResolvedFlake newResFlake : resFlake.flakeDeps) { auto vFlake = state.allocAttr(v, newResFlake.flake.id); callFlake(state, newResFlake, *vFlake); } for (const NonFlake nonFlake : resFlake.nonFlakeDeps) { auto vNonFlake = state.allocAttr(v, nonFlake.alias); state.mkAttrs(*vNonFlake, 4); state.store->isValidPath(nonFlake.storePath); mkString(*state.allocAttr(*vNonFlake, state.sOutPath), nonFlake.storePath, {nonFlake.storePath}); } mkString(*state.allocAttr(v, state.sDescription), resFlake.flake.description); auto & path = resFlake.flake.storePath; state.store->isValidPath(path); mkString(*state.allocAttr(v, state.sOutPath), path, {path}); if (resFlake.flake.revCount) mkInt(*state.allocAttr(v, state.symbols.create("revCount")), *resFlake.flake.revCount); auto vProvides = state.allocAttr(v, state.symbols.create("provides")); mkApp(*vProvides, *resFlake.flake.vProvides, v); v.attrs->push_back(Attr(state.symbols.create("self"), &v)); v.attrs->sort(); } // Return the `provides` of the top flake, while assigning to `v` the provides // of the dependencies as well. void makeFlakeValue(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, RegistryAccess registryAccess, Value & v) { callFlake(state, resolveFlake(state, flakeRef, registryAccess), v); } // This function is exposed to be used in nix files. static void prim_getFlake(EvalState & state, const Pos & pos, Value * * args, Value & v) { makeFlakeValue(state, state.forceStringNoCtx(*args[0], pos), evalSettings.pureEval ? DisallowRegistry : AllowRegistryAtTop, v); } static RegisterPrimOp r2("getFlake", 1, prim_getFlake); void gitCloneFlake (std::string flakeUri, EvalState & state, Registries registries, Path endDirectory) { FlakeRef flakeRef(flakeUri); flakeRef = lookupFlake(state, flakeRef, registries); std::string uri; Strings args = {"clone"}; if (auto refData = std::get_if(&flakeRef.data)) { uri = "git@github.com:" + refData->owner + "/" + refData->repo + ".git"; args.push_back(uri); if (flakeRef.ref) { args.push_back("--branch"); args.push_back(*flakeRef.ref); } } else if (auto refData = std::get_if(&flakeRef.data)) { args.push_back(refData->uri); if (flakeRef.ref) { args.push_back("--branch"); args.push_back(*flakeRef.ref); } } if (endDirectory != "") args.push_back(endDirectory); runProgram("git", true, args); } }