forked from lix-project/lix
Documentation on "classic" commands with many sub-commands are notoriously hard to discover due to lack of overview and anchor links. Additionally the information on common options and environment variables is not accessible offline in man pages, and therefore often overlooked by readers. With this change, each sub-command of nix-store and nix-env gets its own page in the manual (listed in the table of contents), and each own man page. Also, man pages for each subcommand now (again) list common options and environment variables. While this makes each page quite long and some common parameters don't apply, this should still make it easier to navigate as that additional information was not accessible on the command line at all. It is now possible to run 'nix-store --<subcommand> --help` to display help pages for the given subcommand. Co-authored-by: Valentin Gagarin <>
165 lines
6.6 KiB
165 lines
6.6 KiB
ifeq ($(doc_generate),yes)
$(call rwildcard, $(d)/src, *.md) \
$(call rwildcard, $(d)/src, */*.md)
man-pages := $(foreach n, \
nix-env.1 nix-store.1 \
nix-build.1 nix-shell.1 nix-instantiate.1 \
nix-collect-garbage.1 \
nix-prefetch-url.1 nix-channel.1 \
nix-hash.1 nix-copy-closure.1 \
nix.conf.5 nix-daemon.8 \
, $(d)/$(n))
# man pages for subcommands
# convert from `$(d)/src/command-ref/nix-{1}/{2}.md` to `$(d)/nix-{1}-{2}.1`
# FIXME: unify with how nix3-cli man pages are generated
man-pages += $(foreach subcommand, \
$(filter-out, $(wildcard $(d)/src/command-ref/nix-*/*.md)), \
$(d)/$(subst /,-,$(subst $(d)/src/command-ref/,,$(subst .md,.1,$(subcommand)))))
clean-files += $(d)/*.1 $(d)/*.5 $(d)/*.8
# Provide a dummy environment for nix, so that it will not access files outside the macOS sandbox.
# Set cores to 0 because otherwise nix show-config resolves the cores based on the current machine
dummy-env = env -i \
HOME=/dummy \
NIX_CONF_DIR=/dummy \
NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE=/dummy/no-ca-bundle.crt \
NIX_STATE_DIR=/dummy \
NIX_CONFIG='cores = 0'
nix-eval = $(dummy-env) $(bindir)/nix eval --experimental-features nix-command -I nix/corepkgs=corepkgs --store dummy:// --impure --raw
# re-implement mdBook's include directive to make it usable for terminal output and for proper @docroot@ substitution
define process-includes
while read -r line; do \
set -euo pipefail; \
filename="$$(dirname $(2))/$$(sed 's/{{#include \(.*\)}}/\1/'<<< $$line)"; \
matchline="$$(sed 's|/|\\/|g' <<< $$line)"; \
test -f "$$filename" || ( echo "#include-d file '$$filename' does not exist." >&2; exit 1; ); \
sed -i "/$$matchline/r $$filename" $(2); \
sed -i "s/$$matchline//" $(2); \
done < <(grep '{{#include' $(1))
$(d)/nix-env-%.1: $(d)/src/command-ref/nix-env/
@printf "Title: %s\n\n" "$(subst nix-env-,nix-env --,$$(basename "$@" .1))" > $^.tmp
$(d)/nix-store-%.1: $(d)/src/command-ref/nix-store/
@printf -- 'Title: %s\n\n' "$(subst nix-store-,nix-store --,$$(basename "$@" .1))" > $^.tmp
# FIXME: there surely is some more deduplication to be achieved here with even darker Make magic
define render-subcommand
@cat $^ >> $^.tmp
@$(call process-includes,$^,$^.tmp)
$(trace-gen) lowdown -sT man --nroff-nolinks -M section=1 $^.tmp -o $@
@# fix up `lowdown`'s automatic escaping of `--`
@sed -i 's/\e\[u2013\]/--/' $@
@rm $^.tmp
$(d)/%.1: $(d)/src/command-ref/
@printf "Title: %s\n\n" "$$(basename $@ .1)" > $^.tmp
@cat $^ >> $^.tmp
@$(call process-includes,$^,$^.tmp)
$(trace-gen) lowdown -sT man --nroff-nolinks -M section=1 $^.tmp -o $@
@rm $^.tmp
$(d)/%.8: $(d)/src/command-ref/
@printf "Title: %s\n\n" "$$(basename $@ .8)" > $^.tmp
@cat $^ >> $^.tmp
$(trace-gen) lowdown -sT man --nroff-nolinks -M section=8 $^.tmp -o $@
@rm $^.tmp
$(d)/nix.conf.5: $(d)/src/command-ref/
@printf "Title: %s\n\n" "$$(basename $@ .5)" > $^.tmp
@cat $^ >> $^.tmp
$(trace-gen) lowdown -sT man --nroff-nolinks -M section=5 $^.tmp -o $@
@rm $^.tmp
$(d)/src/ $(d)/src/ $(d)/src/command-ref/new-cli
@cp $< $@
@$(call process-includes,$@,$@)
$(d)/src/command-ref/new-cli: $(d)/nix.json $(d)/generate-manpage.nix $(bindir)/nix
@rm -rf $@ $@.tmp
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --write-to $@.tmp --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-manpage.nix (builtins.readFile $<)'
@mv $@.tmp $@
$(d)/src/command-ref/ $(d)/conf-file.json $(d)/utils.nix $(d)/src/command-ref/ $(bindir)/nix
@cat doc/manual/src/command-ref/ > $@.tmp
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr '(import doc/manual/utils.nix).showSettings { useAnchors = true; } (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))' >> $@.tmp;
@mv $@.tmp $@
$(d)/nix.json: $(bindir)/nix
$(trace-gen) $(dummy-env) $(bindir)/nix __dump-cli > $@.tmp
@mv $@.tmp $@
$(d)/conf-file.json: $(bindir)/nix
$(trace-gen) $(dummy-env) $(bindir)/nix show-config --json --experimental-features nix-command > $@.tmp
@mv $@.tmp $@
$(d)/src/language/ $(d)/builtins.json $(d)/generate-builtins.nix $(d)/src/language/ $(bindir)/nix
@cat doc/manual/src/language/ > $@.tmp
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-builtins.nix (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))' >> $@.tmp;
@cat doc/manual/src/language/ >> $@.tmp
@mv $@.tmp $@
$(d)/builtins.json: $(bindir)/nix
$(trace-gen) $(dummy-env) NIX_PATH=nix/corepkgs=corepkgs $(bindir)/nix __dump-builtins > $@.tmp
@mv $@.tmp $@
# Generate the HTML manual.
.PHONY: manual-html
manual-html: $(docdir)/manual/index.html
install: $(docdir)/manual/index.html
# Generate 'nix' manpages.
install: $(mandir)/man1/nix3-manpages
man: doc/manual/generated/man1/nix3-manpages
all: doc/manual/generated/man1/nix3-manpages
# FIXME: unify with how the other man pages are generated.
# this one works differently and does not use any of the amenities provided by `/mk/`.
$(mandir)/man1/nix3-manpages: doc/manual/generated/man1/nix3-manpages
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$$(dirname $@)
$(trace-install) install -m 0644 $$(dirname $<)/* $(DESTDIR)$$(dirname $@)
doc/manual/generated/man1/nix3-manpages: $(d)/src/command-ref/new-cli
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$$(dirname $@)
$(trace-gen) for i in doc/manual/src/command-ref/new-cli/*.md; do \
name=$$(basename $$i .md); \
tmpFile=$$(mktemp); \
if [[ $$name = SUMMARY ]]; then continue; fi; \
printf "Title: %s\n\n" "$$name" > $$tmpFile; \
cat $$i >> $$tmpFile; \
lowdown -sT man --nroff-nolinks -M section=1 $$tmpFile -o $(DESTDIR)$$(dirname $@)/$$name.1; \
rm $$tmpFile; \
@touch $@
$(docdir)/manual/index.html: $(MANUAL_SRCS) $(d)/book.toml $(d)/anchors.jq $(d)/custom.css $(d)/src/ $(d)/src/command-ref/new-cli $(d)/src/command-ref/ $(d)/src/language/
$(trace-gen) \
tmp="$$(mktemp -d)"; \
cp -r doc/manual "$$tmp"; \
find "$$tmp" -name '*.md' | while read -r file; do \
$(call process-includes,$$file,$$file); \
docroot="$$(realpath --relative-to="$$(dirname "$$file")" $$tmp/manual/src)"; \
sed -i "s,@docroot@,$$docroot,g" "$$file"; \
done; \
set -euo pipefail; \
RUST_LOG=warn mdbook build "$$tmp/manual" -d $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/manual.tmp 2>&1 \
| { grep -Fv "because fragment resolution isn't implemented" || :; }; \
rm -rf "$$tmp/manual"
@rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/manual
@mv $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/manual.tmp/html $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/manual
@rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/manual.tmp