#include "command.hh" #include "common-args.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include "progress-bar.hh" #include "eval.hh" #include "primops/flake.hh" #include #include using namespace nix; class FlakeCommand : virtual Args, public EvalCommand, public MixFlakeOptions { std::string flakeUri = "."; public: FlakeCommand() { expectArg("flake-uri", &flakeUri, true); } FlakeRef getFlakeRef() { if (flakeUri.find('/') != std::string::npos || flakeUri == ".") return FlakeRef(flakeUri, true); else return FlakeRef(flakeUri); } Flake getFlake() { auto evalState = getEvalState(); return nix::getFlake(*evalState, getFlakeRef(), useRegistries); } ResolvedFlake resolveFlake() { return nix::resolveFlake(*getEvalState(), getFlakeRef(), getLockFileMode()); } }; struct CmdFlakeList : EvalCommand { std::string name() override { return "list"; } std::string description() override { return "list available Nix flakes"; } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto registries = getEvalState()->getFlakeRegistries(); stopProgressBar(); for (auto & entry : registries[FLAG_REGISTRY]->entries) std::cout << entry.first.to_string() << " flags " << entry.second.to_string() << "\n"; for (auto & entry : registries[USER_REGISTRY]->entries) std::cout << entry.first.to_string() << " user " << entry.second.to_string() << "\n"; for (auto & entry : registries[GLOBAL_REGISTRY]->entries) std::cout << entry.first.to_string() << " global " << entry.second.to_string() << "\n"; } }; static void printSourceInfo(const SourceInfo & sourceInfo) { std::cout << "URI: " << sourceInfo.resolvedRef.to_string() << "\n"; if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref) std::cout << "Branch: " << *sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref; if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev) std::cout << "Revision: " << sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev->to_string(Base16, false) << "\n"; if (sourceInfo.revCount) std::cout << "Revcount: " << *sourceInfo.revCount << "\n"; std::cout << "Path: " << sourceInfo.storePath << "\n"; } static void sourceInfoToJson(const SourceInfo & sourceInfo, nlohmann::json & j) { j["uri"] = sourceInfo.resolvedRef.to_string(); if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref) j["branch"] = *sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref; if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev) j["revision"] = sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev->to_string(Base16, false); if (sourceInfo.revCount) j["revCount"] = *sourceInfo.revCount; j["path"] = sourceInfo.storePath; } static void printFlakeInfo(const Flake & flake, bool json) { if (json) { nlohmann::json j; j["id"] = flake.id; j["description"] = flake.description; j["epoch"] = flake.epoch; sourceInfoToJson(flake.sourceInfo, j); std::cout << j.dump(4) << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "ID: " << flake.id << "\n"; std::cout << "Description: " << flake.description << "\n"; std::cout << "Epoch: " << flake.epoch << "\n"; printSourceInfo(flake.sourceInfo); } } static void printNonFlakeInfo(const NonFlake & nonFlake, bool json) { if (json) { nlohmann::json j; j["id"] = nonFlake.alias; printSourceInfo(nonFlake.sourceInfo); std::cout << j.dump(4) << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "ID: " << nonFlake.alias << "\n"; printSourceInfo(nonFlake.sourceInfo); } } // FIXME: merge info CmdFlakeInfo? struct CmdFlakeDeps : FlakeCommand, MixJSON { std::string name() override { return "deps"; } std::string description() override { return "list informaton about dependencies"; } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto evalState = getEvalState(); evalState->addRegistryOverrides(registryOverrides); std::queue todo; todo.push(resolveFlake()); stopProgressBar(); while (!todo.empty()) { auto resFlake = std::move(todo.front()); todo.pop(); for (auto & nonFlake : resFlake.nonFlakeDeps) printNonFlakeInfo(nonFlake, json); for (auto & info : resFlake.flakeDeps) { printFlakeInfo(info.second.flake, json); todo.push(info.second); } } } }; struct CmdFlakeUpdate : FlakeCommand { std::string name() override { return "update"; } std::string description() override { return "update flake lock file"; } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto evalState = getEvalState(); auto flakeRef = getFlakeRef(); if (std::get_if(&flakeRef.data)) updateLockFile(*evalState, flakeRef, true); else throw Error("cannot update lockfile of flake '%s'", flakeRef); } }; struct CmdFlakeInfo : FlakeCommand, MixJSON { std::string name() override { return "info"; } std::string description() override { return "list info about a given flake"; } CmdFlakeInfo () { } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto flake = getFlake(); stopProgressBar(); printFlakeInfo(flake, json); } }; struct CmdFlakeAdd : MixEvalArgs, Command { FlakeUri alias; FlakeUri uri; std::string name() override { return "add"; } std::string description() override { return "upsert flake in user flake registry"; } CmdFlakeAdd() { expectArg("alias", &alias); expectArg("flake-uri", &uri); } void run() override { FlakeRef aliasRef(alias); Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath(); auto userRegistry = readRegistry(userRegistryPath); userRegistry->entries.erase(aliasRef); userRegistry->entries.insert_or_assign(aliasRef, FlakeRef(uri)); writeRegistry(*userRegistry, userRegistryPath); } }; struct CmdFlakeRemove : virtual Args, MixEvalArgs, Command { FlakeUri alias; std::string name() override { return "remove"; } std::string description() override { return "remove flake from user flake registry"; } CmdFlakeRemove() { expectArg("alias", &alias); } void run() override { Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath(); auto userRegistry = readRegistry(userRegistryPath); userRegistry->entries.erase(FlakeRef(alias)); writeRegistry(*userRegistry, userRegistryPath); } }; struct CmdFlakePin : virtual Args, EvalCommand { FlakeUri alias; std::string name() override { return "pin"; } std::string description() override { return "pin flake require in user flake registry"; } CmdFlakePin() { expectArg("alias", &alias); } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto evalState = getEvalState(); Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath(); FlakeRegistry userRegistry = *readRegistry(userRegistryPath); auto it = userRegistry.entries.find(FlakeRef(alias)); if (it != userRegistry.entries.end()) { it->second = getFlake(*evalState, it->second, true).sourceInfo.resolvedRef; writeRegistry(userRegistry, userRegistryPath); } else { std::shared_ptr globalReg = evalState->getGlobalFlakeRegistry(); it = globalReg->entries.find(FlakeRef(alias)); if (it != globalReg->entries.end()) { auto newRef = getFlake(*evalState, it->second, true).sourceInfo.resolvedRef; userRegistry.entries.insert_or_assign(alias, newRef); writeRegistry(userRegistry, userRegistryPath); } else throw Error("the flake alias '%s' does not exist in the user or global registry", alias); } } }; struct CmdFlakeInit : virtual Args, Command { std::string name() override { return "init"; } std::string description() override { return "create a skeleton 'flake.nix' file in the current directory"; } void run() override { Path flakeDir = absPath("."); if (!pathExists(flakeDir + "/.git")) throw Error("the directory '%s' is not a Git repository", flakeDir); Path flakePath = flakeDir + "/flake.nix"; if (pathExists(flakePath)) throw Error("file '%s' already exists", flakePath); writeFile(flakePath, #include "flake-template.nix.gen.hh" ); } }; struct CmdFlakeClone : FlakeCommand { Path destDir; std::string name() override { return "clone"; } std::string description() override { return "clone flake repository"; } CmdFlakeClone() { expectArg("dest-dir", &destDir, true); } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto evalState = getEvalState(); Registries registries = evalState->getFlakeRegistries(); gitCloneFlake(getFlakeRef().to_string(), *evalState, registries, destDir); } }; struct CmdFlake : virtual MultiCommand, virtual Command { CmdFlake() : MultiCommand({make_ref() , make_ref() , make_ref() , make_ref() , make_ref() , make_ref() , make_ref() , make_ref() , make_ref() }) { } std::string name() override { return "flake"; } std::string description() override { return "manage Nix flakes"; } void run() override { if (!command) throw UsageError("'nix flake' requires a sub-command."); command->run(); } void printHelp(const string & programName, std::ostream & out) override { MultiCommand::printHelp(programName, out); } }; static RegisterCommand r1(make_ref());