#include "command.hh" #include "common-args.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include "eval.hh" #include "eval-inline.hh" #include "flake/flake.hh" #include "get-drvs.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "derivations.hh" #include "attr-path.hh" #include "fetchers.hh" #include "registry.hh" #include "json.hh" #include "eval-cache.hh" #include #include #include using namespace nix; using namespace nix::flake; class FlakeCommand : virtual Args, public MixFlakeOptions { std::string flakeUrl = "."; public: FlakeCommand() { expectArgs({ .label = "flake-url", .optional = true, .handler = {&flakeUrl}, .completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) { completeFlakeRef(getStore(), prefix); }} }); } FlakeRef getFlakeRef() { return parseFlakeRef(flakeUrl, absPath(".")); //FIXME } Flake getFlake() { auto evalState = getEvalState(); return flake::getFlake(*evalState, getFlakeRef(), lockFlags.useRegistries); } LockedFlake lockFlake() { return flake::lockFlake(*getEvalState(), getFlakeRef(), lockFlags); } std::optional getFlakeRefForCompletion() override { return getFlakeRef(); } }; static void printFlakeInfo(const Store & store, const Flake & flake) { logger->stdout("Resolved URL: %s", flake.resolvedRef.to_string()); logger->stdout("Locked URL: %s", flake.lockedRef.to_string()); if (flake.description) logger->stdout("Description: %s", *flake.description); logger->stdout("Path: %s", store.printStorePath(flake.sourceInfo->storePath)); if (auto rev = flake.lockedRef.input.getRev()) logger->stdout("Revision: %s", rev->to_string(Base16, false)); if (auto revCount = flake.lockedRef.input.getRevCount()) logger->stdout("Revisions: %s", *revCount); if (auto lastModified = flake.lockedRef.input.getLastModified()) logger->stdout("Last modified: %s", std::put_time(std::localtime(&*lastModified), "%F %T")); } static nlohmann::json flakeToJson(const Store & store, const Flake & flake) { nlohmann::json j; if (flake.description) j["description"] = *flake.description; j["originalUrl"] = flake.originalRef.to_string(); j["original"] = attrsToJson(flake.originalRef.toAttrs()); j["resolvedUrl"] = flake.resolvedRef.to_string(); j["resolved"] = attrsToJson(flake.resolvedRef.toAttrs()); j["url"] = flake.lockedRef.to_string(); // FIXME: rename to lockedUrl j["locked"] = attrsToJson(flake.lockedRef.toAttrs()); if (auto rev = flake.lockedRef.input.getRev()) j["revision"] = rev->to_string(Base16, false); if (auto revCount = flake.lockedRef.input.getRevCount()) j["revCount"] = *revCount; if (auto lastModified = flake.lockedRef.input.getLastModified()) j["lastModified"] = *lastModified; j["path"] = store.printStorePath(flake.sourceInfo->storePath); return j; } struct CmdFlakeUpdate : FlakeCommand { std::string description() override { return "update flake lock file"; } void run(nix::ref store) override { /* Use --refresh by default for 'nix flake update'. */ settings.tarballTtl = 0; lockFlake(); } }; static void enumerateOutputs(EvalState & state, Value & vFlake, std::function callback) { state.forceAttrs(vFlake); auto aOutputs = vFlake.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("outputs")); assert(aOutputs); state.forceAttrs(*aOutputs->value); for (auto & attr : *aOutputs->value->attrs) callback(attr.name, *attr.value, *attr.pos); } struct CmdFlakeInfo : FlakeCommand, MixJSON { std::string description() override { return "list info about a given flake"; } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto flake = getFlake(); if (json) { auto json = flakeToJson(*store, flake); logger->stdout("%s", json.dump()); } else printFlakeInfo(*store, flake); } }; struct CmdFlakeListInputs : FlakeCommand, MixJSON { std::string description() override { return "list flake inputs"; } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto flake = lockFlake(); if (json) logger->stdout("%s", flake.lockFile.toJson()); else { logger->stdout("%s", flake.flake.lockedRef); std::unordered_set> visited; std::function recurse; recurse = [&](const Node & node, const std::string & prefix) { for (const auto & [i, input] : enumerate(node.inputs)) { bool last = i + 1 == node.inputs.size(); if (auto lockedNode = std::get_if<0>(&input.second)) { logger->stdout("%s" ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL ": %s", prefix + (last ? treeLast : treeConn), input.first, *lockedNode ? (*lockedNode)->lockedRef : flake.flake.lockedRef); bool firstVisit = visited.insert(*lockedNode).second; if (firstVisit) recurse(**lockedNode, prefix + (last ? treeNull : treeLine)); } else if (auto follows = std::get_if<1>(&input.second)) { logger->stdout("%s" ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL " follows input '%s'", prefix + (last ? treeLast : treeConn), input.first, printInputPath(*follows)); } } }; visited.insert(flake.lockFile.root); recurse(*flake.lockFile.root, ""); } } }; struct CmdFlakeCheck : FlakeCommand { bool build = true; CmdFlakeCheck() { addFlag({ .longName = "no-build", .description = "do not build checks", .handler = {&build, false} }); } std::string description() override { return "check whether the flake evaluates and run its tests"; } void run(nix::ref store) override { settings.readOnlyMode = !build; auto state = getEvalState(); auto flake = lockFlake(); // FIXME: rewrite to use EvalCache. auto checkSystemName = [&](const std::string & system, const Pos & pos) { // FIXME: what's the format of "system"? if (system.find('-') == std::string::npos) throw Error("'%s' is not a valid system type, at %s", system, pos); }; auto checkDerivation = [&](const std::string & attrPath, Value & v, const Pos & pos) { try { auto drvInfo = getDerivation(*state, v, false); if (!drvInfo) throw Error("flake attribute '%s' is not a derivation", attrPath); // FIXME: check meta attributes return store->parseStorePath(drvInfo->queryDrvPath()); } catch (Error & e) { e.addTrace(pos, hintfmt("while checking the derivation '%s'", attrPath)); throw; } }; std::vector drvPaths; auto checkApp = [&](const std::string & attrPath, Value & v, const Pos & pos) { try { #if 0 // FIXME auto app = App(*state, v); for (auto & i : app.context) { auto [drvPathS, outputName] = decodeContext(i); store->parseStorePath(drvPathS); } #endif } catch (Error & e) { e.addTrace(pos, hintfmt("while checking the app definition '%s'", attrPath)); throw; } }; auto checkOverlay = [&](const std::string & attrPath, Value & v, const Pos & pos) { try { state->forceValue(v, pos); if (v.type != tLambda || v.lambda.fun->matchAttrs || std::string(v.lambda.fun->arg) != "final") throw Error("overlay does not take an argument named 'final'"); auto body = dynamic_cast(v.lambda.fun->body); if (!body || body->matchAttrs || std::string(body->arg) != "prev") throw Error("overlay does not take an argument named 'prev'"); // FIXME: if we have a 'nixpkgs' input, use it to // evaluate the overlay. } catch (Error & e) { e.addTrace(pos, hintfmt("while checking the overlay '%s'", attrPath)); throw; } }; auto checkModule = [&](const std::string & attrPath, Value & v, const Pos & pos) { try { state->forceValue(v, pos); if (v.type == tLambda) { if (!v.lambda.fun->matchAttrs || !v.lambda.fun->formals->ellipsis) throw Error("module must match an open attribute set ('{ config, ... }')"); } else if (v.type == tAttrs) { for (auto & attr : *v.attrs) try { state->forceValue(*attr.value, *attr.pos); } catch (Error & e) { e.addTrace(*attr.pos, hintfmt("while evaluating the option '%s'", attr.name)); throw; } } else throw Error("module must be a function or an attribute set"); // FIXME: if we have a 'nixpkgs' input, use it to // check the module. } catch (Error & e) { e.addTrace(pos, hintfmt("while checking the NixOS module '%s'", attrPath)); throw; } }; std::function checkHydraJobs; checkHydraJobs = [&](const std::string & attrPath, Value & v, const Pos & pos) { try { state->forceAttrs(v, pos); if (state->isDerivation(v)) throw Error("jobset should not be a derivation at top-level"); for (auto & attr : *v.attrs) { state->forceAttrs(*attr.value, *attr.pos); if (!state->isDerivation(*attr.value)) checkHydraJobs(attrPath + "." + (std::string) attr.name, *attr.value, *attr.pos); } } catch (Error & e) { e.addTrace(pos, hintfmt("while checking the Hydra jobset '%s'", attrPath)); throw; } }; auto checkNixOSConfiguration = [&](const std::string & attrPath, Value & v, const Pos & pos) { try { Activity act(*logger, lvlChatty, actUnknown, fmt("checking NixOS configuration '%s'", attrPath)); Bindings & bindings(*state->allocBindings(0)); auto vToplevel = findAlongAttrPath(*state, "config.system.build.toplevel", bindings, v).first; state->forceAttrs(*vToplevel, pos); if (!state->isDerivation(*vToplevel)) throw Error("attribute 'config.system.build.toplevel' is not a derivation"); } catch (Error & e) { e.addTrace(pos, hintfmt("while checking the NixOS configuration '%s'", attrPath)); throw; } }; auto checkTemplate = [&](const std::string & attrPath, Value & v, const Pos & pos) { try { Activity act(*logger, lvlChatty, actUnknown, fmt("checking template '%s'", attrPath)); state->forceAttrs(v, pos); if (auto attr = v.attrs->get(state->symbols.create("path"))) { if (attr->name == state->symbols.create("path")) { PathSet context; auto path = state->coerceToPath(*attr->pos, *attr->value, context); if (!store->isInStore(path)) throw Error("template '%s' has a bad 'path' attribute"); // TODO: recursively check the flake in 'path'. } } else throw Error("template '%s' lacks attribute 'path'", attrPath); if (auto attr = v.attrs->get(state->symbols.create("description"))) state->forceStringNoCtx(*attr->value, *attr->pos); else throw Error("template '%s' lacks attribute 'description'", attrPath); for (auto & attr : *v.attrs) { std::string name(attr.name); if (name != "path" && name != "description") throw Error("template '%s' has unsupported attribute '%s'", attrPath, name); } } catch (Error & e) { e.addTrace(pos, hintfmt("while checking the template '%s'", attrPath)); throw; } }; auto checkExporter = [&](const std::string & attrPath, Value & v, const Pos & pos) { try { state->forceValue(v, pos); if (v.type != tLambda) throw Error("exporter must be a function"); if (!v.lambda.fun->formals || v.lambda.fun->formals->argNames.find(state->symbols.create("program")) == v.lambda.fun->formals->argNames.end()) throw Error("exporter must take formal argument 'program'"); } catch (Error & e) { e.addTrace(pos, hintfmt("while checking the template '%s'", attrPath)); throw; } }; { Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actUnknown, "evaluating flake"); auto vFlake = state->allocValue(); flake::callFlake(*state, flake, *vFlake); enumerateOutputs(*state, *vFlake, [&](const std::string & name, Value & vOutput, const Pos & pos) { Activity act(*logger, lvlChatty, actUnknown, fmt("checking flake output '%s'", name)); try { state->forceValue(vOutput, pos); if (name == "checks") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) { checkSystemName(attr.name, *attr.pos); state->forceAttrs(*attr.value, *attr.pos); for (auto & attr2 : *attr.value->attrs) { auto drvPath = checkDerivation( fmt("%s.%s.%s", name, attr.name, attr2.name), *attr2.value, *attr2.pos); if ((std::string) attr.name == settings.thisSystem.get()) drvPaths.push_back({drvPath}); } } } else if (name == "packages") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) { checkSystemName(attr.name, *attr.pos); state->forceAttrs(*attr.value, *attr.pos); for (auto & attr2 : *attr.value->attrs) checkDerivation( fmt("%s.%s.%s", name, attr.name, attr2.name), *attr2.value, *attr2.pos); } } else if (name == "apps") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) { checkSystemName(attr.name, *attr.pos); state->forceAttrs(*attr.value, *attr.pos); for (auto & attr2 : *attr.value->attrs) checkApp( fmt("%s.%s.%s", name, attr.name, attr2.name), *attr2.value, *attr2.pos); } } else if (name == "defaultPackage" || name == "devShell") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) { checkSystemName(attr.name, *attr.pos); checkDerivation( fmt("%s.%s", name, attr.name), *attr.value, *attr.pos); } } else if (name == "defaultApp") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) { checkSystemName(attr.name, *attr.pos); checkApp( fmt("%s.%s", name, attr.name), *attr.value, *attr.pos); } } else if (name == "legacyPackages") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) { checkSystemName(attr.name, *attr.pos); // FIXME: do getDerivations? } } else if (name == "overlay") checkOverlay(name, vOutput, pos); else if (name == "overlays") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) checkOverlay(fmt("%s.%s", name, attr.name), *attr.value, *attr.pos); } else if (name == "nixosModule") checkModule(name, vOutput, pos); else if (name == "nixosModules") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) checkModule(fmt("%s.%s", name, attr.name), *attr.value, *attr.pos); } else if (name == "nixosConfigurations") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) checkNixOSConfiguration(fmt("%s.%s", name, attr.name), *attr.value, *attr.pos); } else if (name == "hydraJobs") checkHydraJobs(name, vOutput, pos); else if (name == "defaultTemplate") checkTemplate(name, vOutput, pos); else if (name == "templates") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) checkTemplate(fmt("%s.%s", name, attr.name), *attr.value, *attr.pos); } else if (name == "defaultExporter") for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) { checkSystemName(attr.name, *attr.pos); checkExporter(fmt("%s.%s", name, attr.name), *attr.value, *attr.pos); } else if (name == "exporters") { state->forceAttrs(vOutput, pos); for (auto & attr : *vOutput.attrs) { checkSystemName(attr.name, *attr.pos); state->forceAttrs(*attr.value, *attr.pos); for (auto & attr2 : *attr.value->attrs) checkExporter( fmt("%s.%s.%s", name, attr.name, attr2.name), *attr2.value, *attr2.pos); } } else warn("unknown flake output '%s'", name); } catch (Error & e) { e.addTrace(pos, hintfmt("while checking flake output '%s'", name)); throw; } }); } if (build && !drvPaths.empty()) { Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actUnknown, "running flake checks"); store->buildPaths(drvPaths); } } }; struct CmdFlakeInitCommon : virtual Args, EvalCommand { std::string templateUrl = "templates"; Path destDir; const Strings attrsPathPrefixes{"templates."}; const LockFlags lockFlags{ .writeLockFile = false }; CmdFlakeInitCommon() { addFlag({ .longName = "template", .shortName = 't', .description = "the template to use", .labels = {"template"}, .handler = {&templateUrl}, .completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) { completeFlakeRefWithFragment( getEvalState(), lockFlags, attrsPathPrefixes, {"defaultTemplate"}, prefix); }} }); } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto flakeDir = absPath(destDir); auto evalState = getEvalState(); auto [templateFlakeRef, templateName] = parseFlakeRefWithFragment(templateUrl, absPath(".")); auto installable = InstallableFlake( evalState, std::move(templateFlakeRef), Strings{templateName == "" ? "defaultTemplate" : templateName}, Strings(attrsPathPrefixes), lockFlags); auto [cursor, attrPath] = installable.getCursor(*evalState, true); auto templateDir = cursor->getAttr("path")->getString(); assert(store->isInStore(templateDir)); std::vector files; std::function copyDir; copyDir = [&](const Path & from, const Path & to) { createDirs(to); for (auto & entry : readDirectory(from)) { auto from2 = from + "/" + entry.name; auto to2 = to + "/" + entry.name; auto st = lstat(from2); if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) copyDir(from2, to2); else if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { auto contents = readFile(from2); if (pathExists(to2)) { auto contents2 = readFile(to2); if (contents != contents2) throw Error("refusing to overwrite existing file '%s'", to2); } else writeFile(to2, contents); } else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { auto target = readLink(from2); if (pathExists(to2)) { if (readLink(to2) != target) throw Error("refusing to overwrite existing symlink '%s'", to2); } else createSymlink(target, to2); } else throw Error("file '%s' has unsupported type", from2); files.push_back(to2); } }; copyDir(templateDir, flakeDir); if (pathExists(flakeDir + "/.git")) { Strings args = { "-C", flakeDir, "add", "--intent-to-add", "--force", "--" }; for (auto & s : files) args.push_back(s); runProgram("git", true, args); } } }; struct CmdFlakeInit : CmdFlakeInitCommon { std::string description() override { return "create a flake in the current directory from a template"; } Examples examples() override { return { Example{ "To create a flake using the default template:", "nix flake init" }, Example{ "To see available templates:", "nix flake show templates" }, Example{ "To create a flake from a specific template:", "nix flake init -t templates#nixos-container" }, }; } CmdFlakeInit() { destDir = "."; } }; struct CmdFlakeNew : CmdFlakeInitCommon { std::string description() override { return "create a flake in the specified directory from a template"; } CmdFlakeNew() { expectArgs({ .label = "dest-dir", .handler = {&destDir}, .completer = completePath }); } }; struct CmdFlakeClone : FlakeCommand { Path destDir; std::string description() override { return "clone flake repository"; } CmdFlakeClone() { addFlag({ .longName = "dest", .shortName = 'f', .description = "destination path", .labels = {"path"}, .handler = {&destDir} }); } void run(nix::ref store) override { if (destDir.empty()) throw Error("missing flag '--dest'"); getFlakeRef().resolve(store).input.clone(destDir); } }; struct CmdFlakeArchive : FlakeCommand, MixJSON, MixDryRun { std::string dstUri; CmdFlakeArchive() { addFlag({ .longName = "to", .description = "URI of the destination Nix store", .labels = {"store-uri"}, .handler = {&dstUri} }); } std::string description() override { return "copy a flake and all its inputs to a store"; } Examples examples() override { return { Example{ "To copy the dwarffs flake and its dependencies to a binary cache:", "nix flake archive --to file:///tmp/my-cache dwarffs" }, Example{ "To fetch the dwarffs flake and its dependencies to the local Nix store:", "nix flake archive dwarffs" }, Example{ "To print the store paths of the flake sources of NixOps without fetching them:", "nix flake archive --json --dry-run nixops" }, }; } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto flake = lockFlake(); auto jsonRoot = json ? std::optional(std::cout) : std::nullopt; StorePathSet sources; sources.insert(flake.flake.sourceInfo->storePath); if (jsonRoot) jsonRoot->attr("path", store->printStorePath(flake.flake.sourceInfo->storePath)); // FIXME: use graph output, handle cycles. std::function & jsonObj)> traverse; traverse = [&](const Node & node, std::optional & jsonObj) { auto jsonObj2 = jsonObj ? jsonObj->object("inputs") : std::optional(); for (auto & [inputName, input] : node.inputs) { if (auto inputNode = std::get_if<0>(&input)) { auto jsonObj3 = jsonObj2 ? jsonObj2->object(inputName) : std::optional(); auto storePath = dryRun ? (*inputNode)->lockedRef.input.computeStorePath(*store) : (*inputNode)->lockedRef.input.fetch(store).first.storePath; if (jsonObj3) jsonObj3->attr("path", store->printStorePath(storePath)); sources.insert(std::move(storePath)); traverse(**inputNode, jsonObj3); } } }; traverse(*flake.lockFile.root, jsonRoot); if (!dryRun && !dstUri.empty()) { ref dstStore = dstUri.empty() ? openStore() : openStore(dstUri); copyPaths(store, dstStore, sources); } } }; struct CmdFlakeShow : FlakeCommand { bool showLegacy = false; bool useEvalCache = true; CmdFlakeShow() { addFlag({ .longName = "legacy", .description = "show the contents of the 'legacyPackages' output", .handler = {&showLegacy, true} }); addFlag({ .longName = "no-eval-cache", .description = "do not use the flake evaluation cache", .handler = {[&]() { useEvalCache = false; }} }); } std::string description() override { return "show the outputs provided by a flake"; } void run(nix::ref store) override { auto state = getEvalState(); auto flake = std::make_shared(lockFlake()); std::function & attrPath, const std::string & headerPrefix, const std::string & nextPrefix)> visit; visit = [&](eval_cache::AttrCursor & visitor, const std::vector & attrPath, const std::string & headerPrefix, const std::string & nextPrefix) { Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actUnknown, fmt("evaluating '%s'", concatStringsSep(".", attrPath))); try { auto recurse = [&]() { logger->stdout("%s", headerPrefix); auto attrs = visitor.getAttrs(); for (const auto & [i, attr] : enumerate(attrs)) { bool last = i + 1 == attrs.size(); auto visitor2 = visitor.getAttr(attr); auto attrPath2(attrPath); attrPath2.push_back(attr); visit(*visitor2, attrPath2, fmt(ANSI_GREEN "%s%s" ANSI_NORMAL ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL, nextPrefix, last ? treeLast : treeConn, attr), nextPrefix + (last ? treeNull : treeLine)); } }; auto showDerivation = [&]() { auto name = visitor.getAttr(state->sName)->getString(); /* std::string description; if (auto aMeta = visitor.maybeGetAttr("meta")) { if (auto aDescription = aMeta->maybeGetAttr("description")) description = aDescription->getString(); } */ logger->stdout("%s: %s '%s'", headerPrefix, attrPath.size() == 2 && attrPath[0] == "devShell" ? "development environment" : attrPath.size() == 3 && attrPath[0] == "checks" ? "derivation" : attrPath.size() >= 1 && attrPath[0] == "hydraJobs" ? "derivation" : "package", name); }; if (attrPath.size() == 0 || (attrPath.size() == 1 && ( attrPath[0] == "defaultPackage" || attrPath[0] == "devShell" || attrPath[0] == "nixosConfigurations" || attrPath[0] == "nixosModules" || attrPath[0] == "defaultApp" || attrPath[0] == "templates")) || ((attrPath.size() == 1 || attrPath.size() == 2) && (attrPath[0] == "checks" || attrPath[0] == "packages" || attrPath[0] == "apps")) ) { recurse(); } else if ( (attrPath.size() == 2 && (attrPath[0] == "defaultPackage" || attrPath[0] == "devShell")) || (attrPath.size() == 3 && (attrPath[0] == "checks" || attrPath[0] == "packages")) ) { if (visitor.isDerivation()) showDerivation(); else throw Error("expected a derivation"); } else if (attrPath.size() > 0 && attrPath[0] == "hydraJobs") { if (visitor.isDerivation()) showDerivation(); else recurse(); } else if (attrPath.size() > 0 && attrPath[0] == "legacyPackages") { if (attrPath.size() == 1) recurse(); else if (!showLegacy) logger->stdout("%s: " ANSI_YELLOW "omitted" ANSI_NORMAL " (use '--legacy' to show)", headerPrefix); else { if (visitor.isDerivation()) showDerivation(); else if (attrPath.size() <= 2) // FIXME: handle recurseIntoAttrs recurse(); } } else if ( (attrPath.size() == 2 && attrPath[0] == "defaultApp") || (attrPath.size() == 3 && attrPath[0] == "apps")) { auto aType = visitor.maybeGetAttr("type"); if (!aType || aType->getString() != "app") throw EvalError("not an app definition"); logger->stdout("%s: app", headerPrefix); } else if ( (attrPath.size() == 1 && attrPath[0] == "defaultTemplate") || (attrPath.size() == 2 && attrPath[0] == "templates")) { auto description = visitor.getAttr("description")->getString(); logger->stdout("%s: template: " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL, headerPrefix, description); } else { logger->stdout("%s: %s", headerPrefix, attrPath.size() == 1 && attrPath[0] == "overlay" ? "Nixpkgs overlay" : attrPath.size() == 2 && attrPath[0] == "nixosConfigurations" ? "NixOS configuration" : attrPath.size() == 2 && attrPath[0] == "nixosModules" ? "NixOS module" : ANSI_YELLOW "unknown" ANSI_NORMAL); } } catch (EvalError & e) { if (!(attrPath.size() > 0 && attrPath[0] == "legacyPackages")) throw; } }; auto cache = openEvalCache(*state, flake, useEvalCache); visit(*cache->getRoot(), {}, fmt(ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL, flake->flake.lockedRef), ""); } }; struct CmdFlake : virtual MultiCommand, virtual Command { CmdFlake() : MultiCommand({ {"update", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"info", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"list-inputs", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"check", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"init", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"new", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"clone", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"archive", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"show", []() { return make_ref(); }}, }) { } std::string description() override { return "manage Nix flakes"; } void run() override { if (!command) throw UsageError("'nix flake' requires a sub-command."); settings.requireExperimentalFeature("flakes"); command->second->prepare(); command->second->run(); } void printHelp(const string & programName, std::ostream & out) override { MultiCommand::printHelp(programName, out); } }; static auto r1 = registerCommand("flake");