{ description = "The purely functional package manager"; inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11-small"; inputs.nixpkgs-regression.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/215d4d0fd80ca5163643b03a33fde804a29cc1e2"; inputs.flake-compat = { url = "github:edolstra/flake-compat"; flake = false; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixpkgs-regression, flake-compat }: let inherit (nixpkgs) lib; inherit (lib) fileset; officialRelease = true; # Set to true to build the release notes for the next release. buildUnreleasedNotes = false; version = lib.fileContents ./.version + versionSuffix; versionSuffix = if officialRelease then "" else "pre${builtins.substring 0 8 (self.lastModifiedDate or self.lastModified or "19700101")}_${self.shortRev or "dirty"}"; linux32BitSystems = [ "i686-linux" ]; linux64BitSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ]; linuxSystems = linux32BitSystems ++ linux64BitSystems; darwinSystems = [ "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" ]; systems = linuxSystems ++ darwinSystems; crossSystems = [ "armv6l-linux" "armv7l-linux" "x86_64-freebsd13" "x86_64-netbsd" ]; stdenvs = [ "gccStdenv" "clangStdenv" "stdenv" "libcxxStdenv" "ccacheStdenv" ]; forAllSystems = lib.genAttrs systems; forAllCrossSystems = lib.genAttrs crossSystems; forAllStdenvs = f: lib.listToAttrs (map (stdenvName: { name = "${stdenvName}Packages"; value = f stdenvName; }) stdenvs); baseFiles = # .gitignore has already been processed, so any changes in it are irrelevant # at this point. It is not represented verbatim for test purposes because # that would interfere with repo semantics. fileset.fileFilter (f: f.name != ".gitignore") ./.; configureFiles = fileset.unions [ ./.version ./configure.ac ./m4 # TODO: do we really need README.md? It doesn't seem used in the build. ./README.md ]; topLevelBuildFiles = fileset.unions [ ./local.mk ./Makefile ./Makefile.config.in ./mk ]; functionalTestFiles = fileset.unions [ ./tests/functional ./tests/unit (fileset.fileFilter (f: lib.strings.hasPrefix "nix-profile" f.name) ./scripts) ]; nixSrc = fileset.toSource { root = ./.; fileset = fileset.intersection baseFiles (fileset.unions [ configureFiles topLevelBuildFiles ./boehmgc-coroutine-sp-fallback.diff ./doc ./misc ./precompiled-headers.h ./src ./unit-test-data ./COPYING ./scripts/local.mk functionalTestFiles ]); }; # Memoize nixpkgs for different platforms for efficiency. nixpkgsFor = forAllSystems (system: let make-pkgs = crossSystem: stdenv: import nixpkgs { localSystem = { inherit system; }; crossSystem = if crossSystem == null then null else { system = crossSystem; } // lib.optionalAttrs (crossSystem == "x86_64-freebsd13") { useLLVM = true; }; overlays = [ (overlayFor (p: p.${stdenv})) ]; config.permittedInsecurePackages = [ "nix-2.13.6" ]; }; stdenvs = forAllStdenvs (make-pkgs null); native = stdenvs.stdenvPackages; in { inherit stdenvs native; static = native.pkgsStatic; cross = forAllCrossSystems (crossSystem: make-pkgs crossSystem "stdenv"); }); commonDeps = { pkgs, isStatic ? pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic }: let inherit (pkgs) stdenv buildPackages busybox curl bzip2 xz brotli editline openssl sqlite libarchive boost libseccomp libsodium libcpuid gtest rapidcheck aws-sdk-cpp boehmgc nlohmann_json lowdown; changelog-d = pkgs.buildPackages.callPackage ./misc/changelog-d.nix { }; boehmgc-nix = (boehmgc.override { enableLargeConfig = true; }).overrideAttrs (o: { patches = (o.patches or [ ]) ++ [ ./boehmgc-coroutine-sp-fallback.diff # https://github.com/ivmai/bdwgc/pull/586 ./boehmgc-traceable_allocator-public.diff ]; }); in rec { calledPackage = pkgs.callPackage ./package.nix { inherit stdenv versionSuffix fileset changelog-d officialRelease buildUnreleasedNotes lowdown; boehmgc = boehmgc-nix; busybox-sandbox-shell = sh; }; inherit boehmgc-nix; # Use "busybox-sandbox-shell" if present, # if not (legacy) fallback and hope it's sufficient. sh = pkgs.busybox-sandbox-shell or (busybox.override { useMusl = true; enableStatic = true; enableMinimal = true; extraConfig = '' CONFIG_FEATURE_FANCY_ECHO y CONFIG_FEATURE_SH_MATH y CONFIG_FEATURE_SH_MATH_64 y CONFIG_ASH y CONFIG_ASH_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE y CONFIG_ASH_ALIAS y CONFIG_ASH_BASH_COMPAT y CONFIG_ASH_CMDCMD y CONFIG_ASH_ECHO y CONFIG_ASH_GETOPTS y CONFIG_ASH_INTERNAL_GLOB y CONFIG_ASH_JOB_CONTROL y CONFIG_ASH_PRINTF y CONFIG_ASH_TEST y ''; }); configureFlags = lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ "--with-boost=${boost}/lib" "--with-sandbox-shell=${sh}/bin/busybox" ] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.isLinux && !(isStatic && stdenv.system == "aarch64-linux")) [ "LDFLAGS=-fuse-ld=gold" ]; testConfigureFlags = [ "RAPIDCHECK_HEADERS=${lib.getDev rapidcheck}/extras/gtest/include" ]; internalApiDocsConfigureFlags = [ "--enable-internal-api-docs" ]; inherit changelog-d; nativeBuildDeps = calledPackage.nativeBuildInputs; buildDeps = calledPackage.buildInputs; checkDeps = calledPackage.finalAttrs.passthru._checkInputs; internalApiDocsDeps = [ buildPackages.doxygen ]; awsDeps = lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux || stdenv.isDarwin) (aws-sdk-cpp.override { apis = ["s3" "transfer"]; customMemoryManagement = false; }); propagatedDeps = calledPackage.propagatedBuildInputs; }; installScriptFor = systems: with nixpkgsFor.x86_64-linux.native; runCommand "installer-script" { buildInputs = [ nix ]; } '' mkdir -p $out/nix-support # Converts /nix/store/50p3qk8k...-nix-2.4pre20201102_550e11f/bin/nix to 50p3qk8k.../bin/nix. tarballPath() { # Remove the store prefix local path=''${1#${builtins.storeDir}/} # Get the path relative to the derivation root local rest=''${path#*/} # Get the derivation hash local drvHash=''${path%%-*} echo "$drvHash/$rest" } substitute ${./scripts/install.in} $out/install \ ${pkgs.lib.concatMapStrings (system: let tarball = if builtins.elem system crossSystems then self.hydraJobs.binaryTarballCross.x86_64-linux.${system} else self.hydraJobs.binaryTarball.${system}; in '' \ --replace '@tarballHash_${system}@' $(nix --experimental-features nix-command hash-file --base16 --type sha256 ${tarball}/*.tar.xz) \ --replace '@tarballPath_${system}@' $(tarballPath ${tarball}/*.tar.xz) \ '' ) systems } --replace '@nixVersion@' ${version} echo "file installer $out/install" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products ''; testNixVersions = pkgs: client: daemon: let nix = pkgs.callPackage ./package.nix { pname = "nix-tests" + lib.optionalString (lib.versionAtLeast daemon.version "2.4pre20211005" && lib.versionAtLeast client.version "2.4pre20211005") "-${client.version}-against-${daemon.version}"; inherit fileset; }; in nix.overrideAttrs (prevAttrs: { NIX_DAEMON_PACKAGE = daemon; NIX_CLIENT_PACKAGE = client; dontBuild = true; doInstallCheck = true; configureFlags = [ "RAPIDCHECK_HEADERS=${lib.getDev pkgs.rapidcheck}/extras/gtest/include" "--disable-build" ]; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out ''; installCheckPhase = (lib.optionalString pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin '' export OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES '') + '' mkdir -p src/nix-channel make installcheck -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES -l$NIX_BUILD_CORES ''; }); binaryTarball = nix: pkgs: let inherit (pkgs) buildPackages; inherit (pkgs) cacert; installerClosureInfo = buildPackages.closureInfo { rootPaths = [ nix cacert ]; }; in buildPackages.runCommand "nix-binary-tarball-${version}" { #nativeBuildInputs = lib.optional (system != "aarch64-linux") shellcheck; meta.description = "Distribution-independent Nix bootstrap binaries for ${pkgs.system}"; } '' cp ${installerClosureInfo}/registration $TMPDIR/reginfo cp ${./scripts/create-darwin-volume.sh} $TMPDIR/create-darwin-volume.sh substitute ${./scripts/install-nix-from-closure.sh} $TMPDIR/install \ --subst-var-by nix ${nix} \ --subst-var-by cacert ${cacert} substitute ${./scripts/install-darwin-multi-user.sh} $TMPDIR/install-darwin-multi-user.sh \ --subst-var-by nix ${nix} \ --subst-var-by cacert ${cacert} substitute ${./scripts/install-systemd-multi-user.sh} $TMPDIR/install-systemd-multi-user.sh \ --subst-var-by nix ${nix} \ --subst-var-by cacert ${cacert} substitute ${./scripts/install-multi-user.sh} $TMPDIR/install-multi-user \ --subst-var-by nix ${nix} \ --subst-var-by cacert ${cacert} if type -p shellcheck; then # SC1090: Don't worry about not being able to find # $nix/etc/profile.d/nix.sh shellcheck --exclude SC1090 $TMPDIR/install shellcheck $TMPDIR/create-darwin-volume.sh shellcheck $TMPDIR/install-darwin-multi-user.sh shellcheck $TMPDIR/install-systemd-multi-user.sh # SC1091: Don't panic about not being able to source # /etc/profile # SC2002: Ignore "useless cat" "error", when loading # .reginfo, as the cat is a much cleaner # implementation, even though it is "useless" # SC2116: Allow ROOT_HOME=$(echo ~root) for resolving # root's home directory shellcheck --external-sources \ --exclude SC1091,SC2002,SC2116 $TMPDIR/install-multi-user fi chmod +x $TMPDIR/install chmod +x $TMPDIR/create-darwin-volume.sh chmod +x $TMPDIR/install-darwin-multi-user.sh chmod +x $TMPDIR/install-systemd-multi-user.sh chmod +x $TMPDIR/install-multi-user dir=nix-${version}-${pkgs.system} fn=$out/$dir.tar.xz mkdir -p $out/nix-support echo "file binary-dist $fn" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products tar cvfJ $fn \ --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=u+rw,uga+r \ --mtime='1970-01-01' \ --absolute-names \ --hard-dereference \ --transform "s,$TMPDIR/install,$dir/install," \ --transform "s,$TMPDIR/create-darwin-volume.sh,$dir/create-darwin-volume.sh," \ --transform "s,$TMPDIR/reginfo,$dir/.reginfo," \ --transform "s,$NIX_STORE,$dir/store,S" \ $TMPDIR/install \ $TMPDIR/create-darwin-volume.sh \ $TMPDIR/install-darwin-multi-user.sh \ $TMPDIR/install-systemd-multi-user.sh \ $TMPDIR/install-multi-user \ $TMPDIR/reginfo \ $(cat ${installerClosureInfo}/store-paths) ''; overlayFor = getStdenv: final: prev: let currentStdenv = getStdenv final; comDeps = with final; commonDeps { inherit pkgs; inherit (currentStdenv.hostPlatform) isStatic; }; inherit (final) stdenv boost; in { nixStable = prev.nix; # Forward from the previous stage as we don’t want it to pick the lowdown override nixUnstable = prev.nixUnstable; inherit (comDeps) boehmgc-nix; default-busybox-sandbox-shell = final.busybox.override { useMusl = true; enableStatic = true; enableMinimal = true; extraConfig = '' CONFIG_FEATURE_FANCY_ECHO y CONFIG_FEATURE_SH_MATH y CONFIG_FEATURE_SH_MATH_64 y CONFIG_ASH y CONFIG_ASH_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE y CONFIG_ASH_ALIAS y CONFIG_ASH_BASH_COMPAT y CONFIG_ASH_CMDCMD y CONFIG_ASH_ECHO y CONFIG_ASH_GETOPTS y CONFIG_ASH_INTERNAL_GLOB y CONFIG_ASH_JOB_CONTROL y CONFIG_ASH_PRINTF y CONFIG_ASH_TEST y ''; }; nix = final.callPackage ./package.nix { inherit (final) stdenv; inherit versionSuffix fileset; boehmgc = final.boehmgc-nix; busybox-sandbox-shell = final.busybox-sandbox-shell or final.default-busybox-sandbox-shell; }; }; in { # A Nixpkgs overlay that overrides the 'nix' and # 'nix.perl-bindings' packages. overlays.default = overlayFor (p: p.stdenv); hydraJobs = { # Binary package for various platforms. build = forAllSystems (system: self.packages.${system}.nix); # Perl bindings for various platforms. perlBindings = forAllSystems (system: nixpkgsFor.${system}.native.nix.perl-bindings); # Binary tarball for various platforms, containing a Nix store # with the closure of 'nix' package, and the second half of # the installation script. binaryTarball = forAllSystems (system: binaryTarball nixpkgsFor.${system}.native.nix nixpkgsFor.${system}.native); # docker image with Nix inside dockerImage = lib.genAttrs linux64BitSystems (system: self.packages.${system}.dockerImage); # API docs for Nix's unstable internal C++ interfaces. internal-api-docs = let nixpkgs = nixpkgsFor.x86_64-linux.native; inherit (nixpkgs) pkgs; comDeps = commonDeps { inherit pkgs; }; nix = nixpkgs.pkgs.callPackage ./package.nix { inherit versionSuffix fileset officialRelease buildUnreleasedNotes; inherit (comDeps) changelog-d; boehmgc = comDeps.boehmgc-nix; busybox-sandbox-shell = comDeps.sh; }; in nix.overrideAttrs (prev: { pname = "nix-internal-api-docs"; outputs = [ "out" ]; separateDebugInfo = false; nativeBuildInputs = prev.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ pkgs.doxygen ]; # Depropagate the build inputs for the docs build. propagatedBuildInputs = [ ]; buildInputs = prev.buildInputs ++ comDeps.internalApiDocsDeps ++ [ pkgs.gtest pkgs.rapidcheck ] ++ prev.propagatedBuildInputs; configureFlags = prev.configureFlags ++ [ "--enable-internal-api-docs" "RAPIDCHECK_HEADERS=${lib.getDev pkgs.rapidcheck}/extras/gtest/include" ]; installTargets = [ "internal-api-html" ]; # Convince the package.nix logic that we're building, # but don't actually run the build phase. env.dontBuild = true; doCheck = false; doInstallCheck = false; postInstall = '' mkdir -p $out/nix-support echo "doc internal-api-docs $out/share/doc/nix/internal-api/html" > $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products rm $out/lib -rf ''; }); # System tests. tests = import ./tests/nixos { inherit lib nixpkgs nixpkgsFor; } // { # Make sure that nix-env still produces the exact same result # on a particular version of Nixpkgs. evalNixpkgs = with nixpkgsFor.x86_64-linux.native; runCommand "eval-nixos" { buildInputs = [ nix ]; } '' type -p nix-env # Note: we're filtering out nixos-install-tools because https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/153594#issuecomment-1020530593. time nix-env --store dummy:// -f ${nixpkgs-regression} -qaP --drv-path | sort | grep -v nixos-install-tools > packages [[ $(sha1sum < packages | cut -c1-40) = ff451c521e61e4fe72bdbe2d0ca5d1809affa733 ]] mkdir $out ''; nixpkgsLibTests = forAllSystems (system: import (nixpkgs + "/lib/tests/release.nix") { pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system}.native; nixVersions = [ self.packages.${system}.nix ]; } ); }; installTests = forAllSystems (system: let pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system}.native; in pkgs.runCommand "install-tests" { againstSelf = testNixVersions pkgs pkgs.nix pkgs.pkgs.nix; againstCurrentUnstable = # FIXME: temporarily disable this on macOS because of #3605. if system == "x86_64-linux" then testNixVersions pkgs pkgs.nix pkgs.nixUnstable else null; # Disabled because the latest stable version doesn't handle # `NIX_DAEMON_SOCKET_PATH` which is required for the tests to work # againstLatestStable = testNixVersions pkgs pkgs.nix pkgs.nixStable; } "touch $out"); }; checks = forAllSystems (system: { binaryTarball = self.hydraJobs.binaryTarball.${system}; perlBindings = self.hydraJobs.perlBindings.${system}; installTests = self.hydraJobs.installTests.${system}; nixpkgsLibTests = self.hydraJobs.tests.nixpkgsLibTests.${system}; rl-next = let pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system}.native; in pkgs.buildPackages.runCommand "test-rl-next-release-notes" { } '' LANG=C.UTF-8 ${(commonDeps { inherit pkgs; }).changelog-d}/bin/changelog-d ${./doc/manual/rl-next} >$out ''; } // (lib.optionalAttrs (builtins.elem system linux64BitSystems)) { dockerImage = self.hydraJobs.dockerImage.${system}; }); packages = forAllSystems (system: rec { inherit (nixpkgsFor.${system}.native) nix; default = nix; } // (lib.optionalAttrs (builtins.elem system linux64BitSystems) { nix-static = nixpkgsFor.${system}.static.nix; dockerImage = let pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system}.native; image = import ./docker.nix { inherit pkgs; tag = version; }; in pkgs.runCommand "docker-image-tarball-${version}" { meta.description = "Docker image with Nix for ${system}"; } '' mkdir -p $out/nix-support image=$out/image.tar.gz ln -s ${image} $image echo "file binary-dist $image" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products ''; } // builtins.listToAttrs (map (crossSystem: { name = "nix-${crossSystem}"; value = nixpkgsFor.${system}.cross.${crossSystem}.nix; }) crossSystems) // builtins.listToAttrs (map (stdenvName: { name = "nix-${stdenvName}"; value = nixpkgsFor.${system}.stdenvs."${stdenvName}Packages".nix; }) stdenvs))); devShells = let makeShell = pkgs: stdenv: let canRunInstalled = stdenv.buildPlatform.canExecute stdenv.hostPlatform; in with commonDeps { inherit pkgs; }; stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "nix"; outputs = [ "out" "dev" "doc" ]; nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildDeps ++ lib.optional (stdenv.cc.isClang && !stdenv.buildPlatform.isDarwin) pkgs.buildPackages.bear ++ lib.optional (stdenv.cc.isClang && stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform) pkgs.buildPackages.clang-tools # We want changelog-d in the shell even if the current build doesn't need it ++ lib.optional (officialRelease || ! buildUnreleasedNotes) changelog-d ; buildInputs = buildDeps ++ propagatedDeps ++ awsDeps ++ checkDeps ++ internalApiDocsDeps; configureFlags = configureFlags ++ testConfigureFlags ++ internalApiDocsConfigureFlags ++ lib.optional (!canRunInstalled) "--disable-doc-gen"; enableParallelBuilding = true; installFlags = "sysconfdir=$(out)/etc"; shellHook = '' PATH=$prefix/bin:$PATH unset PYTHONPATH export MANPATH=$out/share/man:$MANPATH # Make bash completion work. XDG_DATA_DIRS+=:$out/share ''; }; in forAllSystems (system: let makeShells = prefix: pkgs: lib.mapAttrs' (k: v: lib.nameValuePair "${prefix}-${k}" v) (forAllStdenvs (stdenvName: makeShell pkgs pkgs.${stdenvName})); in (makeShells "native" nixpkgsFor.${system}.native) // (makeShells "static" nixpkgsFor.${system}.static) // (forAllCrossSystems (crossSystem: let pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system}.cross.${crossSystem}; in makeShell pkgs pkgs.stdenv)) // { default = self.devShells.${system}.native-stdenvPackages; } ); }; }