from collections import defaultdict import frontmatter import sys import pathlib import textwrap from typing import Any, Tuple GH_BASE = "" FORGEJO_BASE = "" GERRIT_BASE = "" KNOWN_KEYS = ('synopsis', 'cls', 'issues', 'prs', 'significance', 'category', 'credits') SIGNIFICANCECES = { None: 0, 'significant': 10, } # This is just hardcoded for better validation. If you think there should be # more of them, feel free to add more. CATEGORIES = [ 'Breaking Changes', 'Features', 'Improvements', 'Fixes', 'Packaging', 'Miscellany', ] def format_link(ident: str, gh_part: str, fj_part: str) -> str: # FIXME: deprecate github as default if ident.isdigit(): num, link, base = int(ident), f"#{ident}", f"{GH_BASE}/{gh_part}" elif ident.startswith("gh#"): num, link, base = int(ident[3:]), ident, f"{GH_BASE}/{gh_part}" elif ident.startswith("fj#"): num, link, base = int(ident[3:]), ident, f"{FORGEJO_BASE}/{fj_part}" else: raise Exception("unrecognized reference format", ident) return f"[{link}]({base}/{num})" def format_issue(issue: str) -> str: return format_link(issue, "issues", "issues") def format_pr(pr: str) -> str: return format_link(pr, "pull", "pulls") def format_cl(clid: int) -> str: return f"[cl/{clid}]({GERRIT_BASE}/{clid})" def plural_list(strs: list[str]) -> str: if len(strs) <= 1: return ''.join(strs) else: comma = ',' if len(strs) >= 3 else '' return '{}{} and {}'.format(', '.join(strs[:-1]), comma, strs[-1]) def listify(l: list | int) -> list: if not isinstance(l, list): return [l] else: return l def do_category(entries: list[Tuple[pathlib.Path, Any]]): for p, entry in sorted(entries, key=lambda e: (-SIGNIFICANCECES[e[1].metadata.get('significance')], e[0])): try: header = entry.metadata['synopsis'] links = [] links += [format_issue(str(s)) for s in listify(entry.metadata.get('issues', []))] links += [format_pr(str(s)) for s in listify(entry.metadata.get('prs', []))] links += [format_cl(cl) for cl in listify(entry.metadata.get('cls', []))] if links != []: header += " " + " ".join(links) if header: print(f"- {header}") print() print(textwrap.indent(entry.content, ' ')) if credits := listify(entry.metadata.get('credits', [])): print() print(textwrap.indent('Many thanks to {} for this.'.format(plural_list(credits)), ' ')) except Exception as e: e.add_note(f"in {p}") raise def run_on_dir(d): d = pathlib.Path(d) if not d.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f'provided path {d} is not a directory') paths = pathlib.Path(d).glob('*.md') entries = defaultdict(list) for p in paths: try: e = frontmatter.load(p) if 'synopsis' not in e.metadata: raise Exception('missing synopsis') unknownKeys = set(e.metadata.keys()) - set(KNOWN_KEYS) if unknownKeys: raise Exception('unknown keys', unknownKeys) category = e.metadata.get('category', 'Miscellany') if category not in CATEGORIES: raise Exception('unknown category', category) entries[category].append((p, e)) except Exception as e: e.add_note(f"in {p}") raise for category in CATEGORIES: if entries[category]: print('\n#', category) do_category(entries[category]) if __name__ == '__main__': for d in sys.argv[1:]: run_on_dir(d)