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package Nix::CopyClosure;
use strict;
use Nix::Config;
use Nix::Store;
use List::Util qw(sum);
use IPC::Open2;
sub readInt {
my ($from) = @_;
my $resp;
sysread($from, $resp, 8) == 8 or die "did not receive valid reply from remote host\n";
return unpack("L<x4", $resp);
sub copyTo {
my ($sshHost, $sshOpts, $storePaths, $compressor, $decompressor,
$includeOutputs, $dryRun, $sign, $progressViewer, $useSubstitutes) = @_;
# Get the closure of this path.
my @closure = reverse(topoSortPaths(computeFSClosure(0, $includeOutputs,
map { followLinksToStorePath $_ } @{$storePaths})));
# Optionally use substitutes on the remote host.
if (!$dryRun && $useSubstitutes) {
system "ssh $sshHost @{$sshOpts} nix-store -r --ignore-unknown @closure";
# Ignore exit status because this is just an optimisation.
# Start nix-store --serve on the remote host.
my ($from, $to);
my $pid = open2($from, $to, "ssh $sshHost @{$sshOpts} nix-store --serve --write");
# Do the handshake.
eval {
my $SERVE_MAGIC_1 = 0x390c9deb; # FIXME
my $clientVersion = 0x200;
syswrite($to, pack("L<x4L<x4", $SERVE_MAGIC_1, $clientVersion)) or die;
die "did not get valid handshake from remote host\n" if readInt($from) != 0x5452eecb;
my $serverVersion = readInt($from);
die "unsupported server version\n" if $serverVersion < 0x200 || $serverVersion >= 0x300;
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
warn "$@; falling back to old closure copying method\n";
return oldCopyTo(\@closure, @_);
# Send the "query valid paths" command with the "lock" option
# enabled. This prevens a race where the remote host
# garbage-collect paths that are already there.
my $req = pack("L<x4L<x4L<x4", 1, 1, scalar @closure);
for my $s (@closure) {
my $len = length $s;
$req .= pack("L<x4", $len);
$req .= $s;
$req .= "\000" x (8 - $len % 8) if $len % 8;
syswrite($to, $req) or die;
# Get back the set of paths that are already valid on the remote host.
my %present;
my $n = readInt($from);
while ($n--) {
my $len = readInt($from);
my $s;
sysread($from, $s, $len) == $len or die;
$present{$s} = 1;
sysread($from, $s, 8 - $len % 8) if $len % 8; # skip padding
my @missing = grep { !$present{$_} } @closure;
return if !@missing;
# Send the "import paths" command.
syswrite($to, pack("L<x4", 4)) or die;
exportPaths(fileno($to), $sign, @missing);
readInt($from) == 1 or die;
# Shut down the server process.
close $to;
waitpid $pid, 0;
# For backwards compatibility with Nix <= 1.7. Will be removed
# eventually.
sub oldCopyTo {
my ($closure, $sshHost, $sshOpts, $storePaths, $compressor, $decompressor,
$includeOutputs, $dryRun, $sign, $progressViewer, $useSubstitutes) = @_;
# Ask the remote host which paths are invalid. Because of limits
# to the command line length, do this in chunks. Eventually,
# we'll want to use --from-stdin, but we can't rely on the
# target having this option yet.
my @missing;
my $missingSize = 0;
while (scalar(@$closure) > 0) {
my @ps = splice(@$closure, 0, 1500);
open(READ, "set -f; ssh $sshHost @{$sshOpts} nix-store --check-validity --print-invalid @ps|");
while (<READ>) {
push @missing, $_;
my ($deriver, $narHash, $time, $narSize, $refs) = queryPathInfo($_, 1);
$missingSize += $narSize;
close READ or die;
$compressor = "$compressor |" if $compressor ne "";
$decompressor = "$decompressor |" if $decompressor ne "";
$progressViewer = "$progressViewer -s $missingSize |" if $progressViewer ne "";
# Export the store paths and import them on the remote machine.
if (scalar @missing > 0) {
print STDERR "copying ", scalar @missing, " missing paths to $sshHost...\n";
unless ($dryRun) {
open SSH, "| $progressViewer $compressor ssh $sshHost @{$sshOpts} '$decompressor nix-store --import' > /dev/null" or die;
exportPaths(fileno(SSH), $sign, @missing);
close SSH or die "copying store paths to remote machine `$sshHost' failed: $?";