2023-12-19 00:04:32 -07:00

162 lines
4.7 KiB

# For distribution from this repository as well as CI, we use Crane to build
# Attic.
# For a nixpkgs-acceptable form of the package expression, see `package.nixpkgs.nix`
# which will be submitted when the Attic API is considered stable. However, that
# expression is not tested by CI so to not slow down the hot path.
{ stdenv
, lib
, craneLib
, rustPlatform
, runCommand
, writeReferencesToFile
, pkg-config
, installShellFiles
, jq
, nix
, boost
, darwin
, libiconv
version = "0.1.0";
ignoredPaths = [ ".github" "target" "book" "nixos" "integration-tests" ];
src = lib.cleanSourceWith {
filter = name: type: !(type == "directory" && builtins.elem (baseNameOf name) ignoredPaths);
src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
nativeBuildInputs = [
buildInputs = [
nix boost
] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
cargoArtifacts = craneLib.buildDepsOnly {
pname = "attic";
inherit src version nativeBuildInputs buildInputs;
# By default it's "use-symlink", which causes Crane's `inheritCargoArtifactsHook`
# to copy the artifacts using `cp --no-preserve=mode` which breaks the executable
# bit of bindgen's build-script binary.
# With `use-zstd`, the cargo artifacts are archived in a `tar.zstd`. This is
# actually set if you use `buildPackage` without passing `cargoArtifacts`.
installCargoArtifactsMode = "use-zstd";
mkAttic = args: craneLib.buildPackage ({
pname = "attic";
inherit src version nativeBuildInputs buildInputs cargoArtifacts;
# Workaround for
env = lib.optionalAttrs {
NIX_LDFLAGS = "-l${}";
# See comment in `attic-tests`
doCheck = false;
cargoExtraArgs = "-p attic-client -p attic-server";
postInstall = lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform) ''
if [[ -f $out/bin/attic ]]; then
installShellCompletion --cmd attic \
--bash <($out/bin/attic gen-completions bash) \
--zsh <($out/bin/attic gen-completions zsh) \
--fish <($out/bin/attic gen-completions fish)
meta = with lib; {
description = "Multi-tenant Nix binary cache system";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ zhaofengli ];
platforms = platforms.linux ++ platforms.darwin;
} // args);
attic = mkAttic {
cargoExtraArgs = "-p attic-client -p attic-server";
# Client-only package.
attic-client = mkAttic {
cargoExtraArgs = " -p attic-client";
# Server-only package with fat LTO enabled.
# Because of Cargo's feature unification, the common `attic` crate always
# has the `nix_store` feature enabled if the client and server are built
# together, leading to `atticd` linking against `libnixstore` as well. This
# package is slimmer with more optimization.
# We don't enable fat LTO in the default `attic` package since it
# dramatically increases build time.
attic-server = craneLib.buildPackage {
pname = "attic-server";
# We don't pull in the common cargoArtifacts because the feature flags
# and LTO configs are different
inherit src version nativeBuildInputs buildInputs;
# See comment in `attic-tests`
doCheck = false;
cargoExtraArgs = "-p attic-server";
# Attic interacts with Nix directly and its tests require trusted-user access
# to nix-daemon to import NARs, which is not possible in the build sandbox.
# In the CI pipeline, we build the test executable inside the sandbox, then
# run it outside.
attic-tests = craneLib.mkCargoDerivation {
pname = "attic-tests";
inherit src version buildInputs cargoArtifacts;
nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs ++ [ jq ];
# Workaround for
env = lib.optionalAttrs {
NIX_LDFLAGS = "-l${}";
doCheck = true;
buildPhaseCargoCommand = "";
checkPhaseCargoCommand = "cargoWithProfile test --no-run --message-format=json >cargo-test.json";
doInstallCargoArtifacts = false;
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/bin
jq -r 'select(.reason == "compiler-artifact" and .target.test and .executable) | .executable' <cargo-test.json | \
xargs -I _ cp _ $out/bin
runHook postInstall
in {
inherit cargoArtifacts attic attic-client attic-server attic-tests;